Regression models for random density functions
Andreas Emil Kryger Jensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, will present the Department of Statistical Science seminar with a talk entitled, "Regression m
Andreas Emil Kryger Jensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, will present the Department of Statistical Science seminar with a talk entitled, "Regression m
Jaco Boschoff, a Maritime Archaeologist at the Iziko Social History Museum in Cape Town will present the Department of Archaeology semi
Fleur Howells (Department of Psychiatry, UCT) will present the Department of Molecular & Cell Biology seminar with a talk entitled, "Tonic and pha
Carlos Rey-Moreno from the Association for Progressive Communications will present the School of IT seminar with a talk entitled, "Ze
Paul Olsen, from the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, New York, will present the Department of Geological Science seminar with a talk entit
Stephan Ferreira, manager of Diagnostics and Research at Westcape Biotech will present the Department of Molecular & Cell Biology seminar wit
John Van Thuyne will present the Department of Biological Science seminar with a talk about the research opportunities at the new Vanthuyne-
John Van Thuyne, a visiting researcher from the Faculty of Geosciences at the University of Lausanne will present the Departm
Professor Ojelanki Ngwenyama will present a School of IT colloquium entilted, "The Internet of Things and Other Webs of Entrapment"