event 18 April 2015 (This event has ended)

Open Day 2015

The University will host the next annual open day on Saturday 18th April, 2015. 

event 16 November 2015 (This event has ended)

Linear Regression and Heavy Tails

Professor Guus Balkema from the University of Amsterdam, and a UCT alumnus, will present the Department of Statistical Science seminar, with a talk entitled,

event 5 November 2015 (This event has ended)

Buying and Selling Data

Professor Gottfried Vossen, of ERCIS, Universisty of Munster, Germany and University of Waikato Management School, New Zealand, will present the Departm

event 12 October 2015 (This event has ended)

Approximate Bayesian occupancy models.

Allan Clark will present the Department of Statistical Science's seminar with a talk entitled, "Approximate Bayesian occupancy models".