Download our manual for the teaching of measurement in the introductory physics laboratory based on the ISO-recommended probabilistic framework (GUM) for the interpretation and analysis of data.

You are welcome to make use of these materials for your own use.
However, please let us know before you mass produce them for teaching purposes.
Also look at:
"Teaching measurement in the introductory physics laboratory"
S. Allie, A. Buffler, B. Campbell, D. Evangelinos, F. Lubben, D. Psillos and O. Valassiades
The Physics Teacher 11 7 (2003) 394-401.
"Effectiveness of a GUM-compliant course for teaching measurement in the introductory physics laboratory"
S. Pillay, A. Buffler, F. Lubben & S. Allie
European Journal of Physics 29 (2008) 647-659
“Teaching measurement and uncertainty the GUM way”
A. Buffler , S. Allie & F. Lubben
The Physics Teacher 46 (2008) 539-543.
Other useful ISO/GUM links:
Accurate measurement for beginners (PTB, Germany)