event 5 February 2019 (This event has ended)

Modelling with Fractional-Order Derivatives

Dr Christopher Angstmann, from the School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia, will present

event 30 January 2019 (This event has ended)

2nd MOU/PPA Science Faculty Workshop

All postgraduate students (and their supervisors) are invited to attend a workshop on how to complete their MOU/PPA as part of the 2019 Postgraduate Student

event 22 January 2019 (This event has ended)

MOU/PPA Science Faculty Workshop

All postgraduate students (and their supervisors) are invited to attend a workshop on how to complete their MOU/PPA as part of the 2019 Postgraduate Student

event 16 November 2018 (This event has ended)

Celebration of the Launch of the Revised SI

The Metrological and Applied Sciences University Research Unit (MeASURe) invites you to join them for a celebration of the launch of the Revised SI. &nb