event 25 September 2018 (This event has ended)

Towards Culture-aware Artificial Agents

Stefano Borgo will present the School of IT seminar with a talk entitled, "Towards Culture-aware Artificial Agents".  

event 19 September 2018 (This event has ended)

The Intelligence Trap

Eugene Cloete, Vice-rector for research and innovation at Stellenbosch University, will present the MCB seminar with a talk entitled, "The Intelligenc

event 7 September 2018 (This event has ended)

Earth’s earliest sulphate minerals

Paul Mason, Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, will present the Department of Geological Science seminar with

event 3 September 2018 (This event has ended)

Adventures in Ecology and Likelihood

Emeritus Professor Linda Haines will present the Department of Statistical Science seminar with a talk entitled, "Adventures in Ecology and