A physics photography competition
When Feb 17, 2014 12:00 AM to
May 24, 2014 12:00 AM
Contact Name Mark Blumenthal
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The Physics Department invites all members of the university (staff and students) to take part in a photographic competition during the first semester of 2014. Any photograph depicting...
Physics Phenomena
...will be considered, irrespective of the date on which it was taken. Entries must be emailed to: photophysics2014@gmail.com
- A maximum of 3 photos may be submitted by each entrant.
- Each photo should be between 1MB and 5MB.
- A brief caption of no more than 50 characters should accompany each photo, together with your full name.
- An optional description (containing no more than 300 words) may also be included with each photo.
All forms of editing and manipulation of photographs are permissible provided that the image is the sole work of the entrant
and no copyright laws have been infringed.
Submitted photos will be assessed by a panel of judges who will judge on the aesthetics and relevance of each photo.
The judges’ decisions will be final.
The closing date for entries is the last teaching day of the first semester:
Friday the 23rd May 2014
No late entries will be considered.
Selected photographs will be printed, framed, and displayed within the RW James Building.
Awards will be given of R1000, R500 and R250 to the best three photos respectively.