SA-CERN summer school 2018: Physics of the LHC
The school is aimed at students in South Africa with an in interest in particle physics, both theoretical and experimental. We are aiming at students that have completed at least a 3 year degree in physics, including MSc and PhD students.
Dates: Mon 19 - Friday 30 November 2018
Place: Department of Physics, University of Cape Town
First week: Monday 19 - Friday 23 November
Please refer to the timetable for the detailed programme of lectures and seminars.
- An introduction to Quantum Field Theory [Cesareo Dominguez (University of Cape Town)]
- An introduction to the Standard Model of Particle Physics [John Ellis (King's College London, CERN)]
- Relativistic hydrodynamics and the study of the the Quark Gluon Plasma [Ulrich Heinz (The Ohio State University)]
Second week: Monday 26 - Friday 30 November
- Relativistic hydrodynamics and the study of the the Quark Gluon Plasma [Ulrich Heinz (The Ohio State University]
- Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics and factorization [Einan Gardi (Higgs Institute, University of Edinburgh) and Alexey Vladimirov (University of Regensburg)] This is the backbone of all perturbative calculations in QCD: What observables are useful to test QCD experimentally since we can match them with a calculation (jets, inclusive and exclusive cross sections)?
- An introduction to the Color Glass Condensate and JIMWLK evolution [Giovanni Chirilli (University of Regensburg)]
The first day (Monday November 19) will consist of taking part in the official program of SA-CERN's 10 year anniversary, a showcase of CERN related physics in South Africa at iThemba Labs. The morning of the Tuesday 20 Nov will offer a tour the facilities at iThemba Labs. Lectures will start in the afternoon at the Physics Department of the University of Cape Town.
The general format of the the following days will consist of two double lectures in the mornings, one double lecture in the afternoon followed by two hours of tutorials and discussion time.
Research seminars
The 10 year anniversary and the following Kruger conference brings a number of distinguished visitors to UCT. There will be several opportunities to attend research seminars during the course of the school, both experimental and theoretical. We will adjust the schedule to accommodate this.
Costs and support
Applications are closed. The application deadline was 30 October 2018.
Students will be accepted on merit. We will not charge a registration fee. A limited amount of support for travel and accommodation is available for external applicants.
- The application email must indicate if support for travel and accommodation is required.
- Students contributing their own funds must also arrange for travel and accommodation on their own. Precise times an locations for the first day will be be provided in a circular nearer the time of the school. Students will be able to use UCT's Jammie shuttle service for free, so accommodation options are not limited do Rondebosch, but include locations near UCT's Hiddingh campus, i.e. virtually all of the city bowl.
- Coffee and finger lunches will be provided by the school.
The school is supported by SA-CERN and run by the Centre of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics and the Department of Physics at the University of Cape Town.