article  // 12 Sep 2022

Generous donations boost Biological Sciences’ rebuilding efforts

After suffering devastating losses in the fire that swept across UCT's upper campus last year, the Department of Biological Sciences has received a donation of €1 million from the Hasso Plattner Foundation to assist with recovery efforts.
article  // 31 Aug 2022

Chemistry Women’s Day Brunch 2022

The Department of Chemistry hosted a Women's Day brunch where dynamic speakers inspired the students and staff who attended.
article  // 20 Oct 2022

New research: Cancer drug potential to prevent malaria

A cancer drug has shown the potential to protect from, cure and prevent transmission of malaria. The breakthrough finding by the UCT researchers, offers new hope against a disease that kills over half a million people annually.
contact  // 03 Oct 2022

Anne Kayem

PhD Queens University
Senior Lecturer