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Dr Arjun Amar | Homepage

Amar, A. & van Velden, J. 2013. Scaly-face mite infections in Black Sparrowhawks. African Birdlife 1(4):18 - See more at: http://www.fitzpatrick.uct.ac.za/fitz/publications/semipopular/archive/2013#sthash.46y2zX4u.dpuf

Murgatroyd, M. and Amar, A. 2019. The FitzPatrick Report: Tag Team: Using satellite tags to understand wildlife crimeAfrican Birdlife 7(6): 18.

Atkins, A., Little, R. and Amar, A. 2017. The FitzPatrick Report: Landscapes of fear. African Birdlife 5(4):22-23.

Amar, A. & van Velden, J. 2013. Scaly-face mite infections in Black Sparrowhawks. African Birdlife 1(4):18.

Brink, C., Amar, A. and Thomson, R. 2018. The FitzPatrick Report: On a plate: can fine dining offer hope to Africa’s vultures. African Birdlife 6(2): 18.

Dr Susan Cunningham | Homepage

Catto, S. and Cunningham, S.J. 2022. The FitzPatrick Report: Fast food failure.  African Birdlife 10(2): 18.

Cunningham, S. The FitzPatrick Report: Heat and Miss. African Birdlife 9(5): 16.

Du Toit, C., Chinsamy-Turan, A. and Cunningham, S. 2021. The magic beaks of stone birds: discovering an ancient avian super powerAfrican Birdlife 9(3): 10-11.

McKechnie, A. and Cunningham, S. 2021. The FitzPatrick Report: Dead heat. African Birdlife 9(3): 18.

McKechnie, A. and Cunningham, S. 2019. 10 years of the Hot Birds Project. African Birdlife 8(1) 16-17.

Cunningham, S. The FitzPatrick Report: Hands off, the proof is in the pooAfrican Birdlife 7(4): 18.

McKechnie, A. and Cunningham, S. 2019. Facing the furnace: how heat affects behaviour in birdsAfrican Birdlife 7(2): 23-27.

Cunningham, S. The FitzPatrick Report: Lunch-boxing clever. African Birdlife 6(6): 18.

Cunningham, S. 2016. Adapting to a hostile environment. African Birdlife 4(5):67.

Cunningham, S. 2016. Killer moves southern Fiscal. African Birdlife 4(2):14.

Dr Rob Little (retired)

Little, R. 2023.  Duck or dive: Predator avoidance tacticsAfrican Birdlife 11(2): 17.

Little, R. New endemic: Red-winged Francolin. African Birdlife 11(1): 16

Little, R. 2020. Space invaders: Accipiter tussle on the Cape Peninsula. African Birdlife 8(5): 36-37.

Little, R. 2020. Breeding Record. African Birdlife 8(3): 6

Little, R. 2020. Studying the thunderbird. African Birdlife 8(3): 18-19.

Little, R. 2020. Elevating gamebirds: New francolin and spurfowl taxonomy. African Birdlife 8(3):50-53.

Little, R. 2017. The FitzPatrick Report: Up where we belong – UCT rated third for ornithology in World University Rankings. African Birdlife 5(5): 18.

Little, R. 2017. Short-sighted twitchers. African Birdlife 5(3):8.

Little, R. 2016. Hybrid spurfowl unravelled. African Birdlife 5(1):6-8.

Little, R. 2016. Photographing African gamebirds. African Birdlife 4(6):14.

Little, R. 2016. Mix and match: hybrid spurfowl. African Birdlife 4(5):16.

Little, R., Wanless, R. and Ryan, P.G. 2016. Gill Memorial Medal Award 2016. African Birdlife 4(4):61.

Little R.M. 2015. Special issues of Ostrich in memory of Phil Hockey. African Birdlife 3(4):13.

Little, R.M. 2014. Bright white: leucism and albinism in birds. African Birdlife 2(5):14-15.

Little, R.M. 2014. The bogey bird: managing Egyptian Geese on golf courses. African Birdlife 2(5):42-46.

Little, R.M. 2014. Yellow-morph Southern Red Bishop. African Birdlife 2(2):16.

Little, R.M. 2013. Tributes to Phil Hockey. African Birdlife 1(3):20-21.

Little, R.M. & Ryan, P.G. 2013. In Memoriam: Phil Hockey (8 March 1956 - 24 January 2013) African Birdlife 1(3):19.

Little, R.M. 2013. Lighting strike: African Harrier-Hawks in Cape Town. African Birdlife 1(3):46.

Prof. Andrew McKechnie | Homepage

Mckechnie, A. 2022. Thermal buffer: Forest birds reveal their physiological secrets. African Birdlife 11(1): 10-11

McKechnie, A. 2022. Vulture culture: Social systems and conservationAfrican Birdlife 10(5): 10

McKechnie, A. 2022. Rest and recover: the diverse functions of stopovers for migrantsAfrican Birdlife 10(4): 11.

McKechnie, A. 2021. Ice and memory: Peregrine Falcon migrationAfrican Birdlife 9(5): 12

McKechnie, A. 2021.  Sunbird service providers. African Birdlife 9(4): 14.

McKechnie, A. and Cunningham, S. 2021. The FitzPatrick Report: Dead heat. African Birdlife 9(3): 18.

McKechnie, A. 2021. Something in the water. African Birdlife 9(2): 11.

McKechnie, A. 2021. Bigger and bigger: The largest extinct giant of all? African Birdlife 9(2): 12.

McKechnie, A. 2020. How low can you go: Cooling off period for hummingbirdsAfrican Birdlife 9(1): 11.

McKechnie, A. 2020. Hot stuff: Red-billed queleas rewrite the record booksAfrican Birdlife 9(1): 12.

McKechnie, A. and Kemp, L. 2020. Hot flushes: How Southern Ground-Hornbills keep their coolAfrican Birdlife 8(5): 52-53.

McKechnie, A., 2020. Chilling in the desertAfrican Birdlife 8(4): 16

McKechnie, A. 2020. Puffed Daddy  African Birdlife 8(2): 48-49.

McKechnie, A. 2019. Above and beyond: Overachievers in the bird world. African Birdlife 8(1): 34-38.

McKechnie, A. and Cunningham, S. 2019. 10 years of the Hot Birds Project. African Birdlife 8(1) 16-17.

McKechnie, A. 2019. Separation anxiety: untangling the pipit family tree. African Birdlife 7(3): 12.

McKechnie, A. and Cunningham, S. 2019. Facing the furnace: how heat affects behaviour in birdsAfrican Birdlife 7(2): 23-27.

McKechnie, A. 2018. Boom, cackle and whine: birds make themselves heard above wind farm noise. African Birdlife 6(4): 11.

McKechnie, A. 2018. Track and trace: new technologies for studying bird movements. African Birdlife 6(4): 26-30.

McKechnie, A. 2017. The value of the unprotected Bale’s forest birds. African Birdlife 6(1):10.

McKechnie, A. 2017. The FitzPatrick Report: Red alert for the Red Lark. African Birdlife 5(6):16.

McKechnie, A. 2017. Dying for a drink: dehydration risk for desert birds. African Birdlife 5(4):11.

McKechnie, A. 2017. Introduced predators leave a trail of extinction. African Birdlife 5(3):11.

McKechnie, A. 2017. Supercool: nightjars rewrite the record books. African Birdlife 5(2):10.

McKechnie, A. 2016. Hot hatch: zebra finches prepare their chicks for warm conditions. African Birdlife 5(1):11.

McKechnie, A. 2016. It’s a no-brainer: migrants mobilise mercury during flight. African Birdlife 4(6):10.

McKechnie, A. 2016. Knot the right size. African Birdlife 4(6):11.

McKechnie, A. 2016. Not so chilled? Burchell’s Sandgrouse. African Birdlife 4(4):15.

McKechnie, A. 2016. Mercury rising: South Africa’s national parks are getting warmer. African Birdlife 4(3):14.

McKechnie, A. 2016. Heavy metal: vultures and lead poisoning. African Birdlife 4(3):15.

McKechnie, A. 2016. Enormous, enigmatic and extinct: the elephant birds of Madagascar. African Birdlife 4(2):10-11.

Noakes, M. & McKechnie, A. 2015. Hot or not?: physiological variation in White-browed Sparrow-weavers. African Birdlife 3(6):12-13.

McKechnie, A.E. 2015. Melting point: polar bears become nest predators. African Birdlife 3(5):10.

McKechnie, A.E. 2015. Smear campaign: Hoopoe eggs and their bacteria barrier. African Birdlife 3(4):12.

McKechnie, A.E. 2015. Stomach this: vultures and their putrid diet. African Birdlife 3(3):13.

McKechnie, A.E. 2015. Focus on migration: Going the distance. African Birdlife 3(2):10-11.

McKechnie, A.E. 2014. Something in the air: electrosmog may impact migrants. African Birdlife 2(6):10.

McKechnie, A.E. 2014. Cracking the secrets of eggs. African Birdlife 2(6):30-35.

McKechnie, A.E. 2014. Food on the fly. African Birdlife 2(4):13.

McKechnie, A.E. 2014. And along came Polly: Australia's feathered phantom returns. African Birdlife 2(3):18.

McKechnie, A.E. 2014. Swift ascent:  why do Common Swifts fly at high altitude twice daily? African Birdlife 2(2):12.

McKechnie, A.E. 2013. Tipping-point temperatures: the science of predicting the future. African Birdlife 2(1):34-39.

McKechnie, A.E. 2013.  Reviews you can use: HBW Alive www.hbw.com. African Birdlife 1(6):17.

McKechnie, A.E. 2013. Butting in: do city-nesting birds use cigarette butts for pest control? African Birdlife 1(4):16.

McKechnie, A.E. 2013. A tale of two halves: Professor Andrew McKechnie comments. African Birdlife 1(3):6.

McKechnie, A.E. 2013. Bird diversity past and present. African Birdlife 1(3):11.

McKechnie, A.E. 2013. Sahara odyssey: satellite transmitters reveal the secrets of Lesser Kestrels’ migration. African Birdlife 1(2):12.

McKechnie, A.E. 2013. Drifting apart: the Hoatzin’s Namibian connection. African Birdlife 1(2):34-35.

McKechnie, A.E. 2012. Blue Swallows in the Masai Mara. African Birdlife 1(1):12.

Whitfield, M. & McKechnie, A.E. 2012. Chilling in the Kalahari: Namaqua Doves keep their cool. African Birdlife 1(1):10.

McKechnie, A.E. 2013. Butting in: do city-nesting birds use cigarette butts for pest control? African Birdlife 1(4):16.

McKechnie, A.E. 2013. A tale of two halves: Professor Andrew McKechnie comments. African Birdlife 1(3):6.

McKechnie, A.E. 2013. Bird diversity past and present. African Birdlife 1(3):11.

McKechnie, A.E. 2013. Sahara odyssey: satellite transmitters reveal the secrets of Lesser Kestrels’ migration. African Birdlife 1(2):12.

McKechnie, A.E. 2013. Drifting apart: the Hoatzin’s Namibian connection. African Birdlife 1(2):34-35.

McKechnie, A.E. 2012. Blue Swallows in the Masai Mara. African Birdlife 1(1):12.

Whitfield, M. and McKechnie, A.E. 2012. Chilling in the Kalahari: Namaqua Doves keep their cool. African Birdlife 1(1):10.

FIAO | Homepage

FIAO. 2019.  The FitzPatrick Report: Stressed birds. African Birdlife 7(2): 18.

FIAO. 2016. The FitzPatrick Report: Conserving Angola’s scarp forests. African Birdlife 5(1):18.

FIAO. 2016. The FitzPatrick Report: Death trap. African Birdlife 4(6):18.

FIAO. 2016. The FitzPatrick Report: The year in review. African Birdlife 4(5):18.

FIAO. 2016. The FitzPatrick Report: Connecting with intra-African migrants. African Birdlife 4(4):18.

FIAO. 2016. The FitzPatrick Report: Lost in Action. African Birdlife 4(3):20.

FIAO. 2016. The FitzPatrick Report: The impacts of solar energy. African Birdlife 4(2):16.

FIAO. 2015. The FitzPatrick Report: Detecting parasite-parasite interactions. African Birdlife 4(1):18

FIAO. 2015. The FitzPatrick Report: Personnel changes. African Birdlife 3(6):18-19.

FIAO. 2015. The FitzPatrick Report: Mouse attacks increase. African Birdlife 3(5):18.

FIAO. 2015. The FitzPatrick Report: Lilian's lovebirds. African Birdlife 3(4):18.

FIAO. 2015. The FitzPatrick Report: Marshalling forces. African Birdlife 3(3):18-19.

FIAO. 2015. The FitzPatrick Report: Puppet masters of the Kalahari. African Birdlife 3(2):18.

FIAO. 2014. The FitzPatrick Report: Helping hands. African Birdlife 3(1):18.

FIAO. 2014. The FitzPatrick Report: Swift Terns bucking the trend. African Birdlife 2(6):18.

FIAO. 2014. The FitzPatrick Report: Hot birds go global. African Birdlife 2(5):20.

FIAO. 2014. The FitzPatrick Report: Cape Gannets push the boundaries. African Birdlife 2(4):20

FIAO. 2014. The FitzPatrick Report: Colour polymorphism in Black Sparrowhawks. African Birdlife 2(3):25.

FIAO. 2014. The FitzPatrick Report: The end of an era. African Birdlife 2(2):22-23.

FIAO. 2013. The FitzPatrick Report: Bearded vulture population dynamics. African Birdlife 2(1):22.

FIAO. 2013. The FitzPatrick Report: Hot & Happening: White-browed Sparrow-weavers. African Birdlife 1(6):24.

FIAO. 2013. The FitzPatrick Report: How the mighty are fallen. African Birdlife 1(5):18.

FIAO. 2013. The FitzPatrick Report: In the dead of night. African Birdlife 1(4):20-21.

FIAO. 2013. The FitzPatrick Report: Conserving high-elevation grasslands. African Birdlife 1(3):18.

FIAO. 2013. The FitzPatrick Report: me first? The hot hornbill dilemma. African Birdlife 1(2):20.

FIAO. 2012. The FitzPatrick Report: Waders on the wane? African Birdlife 1(1):35.

Prof. Peter G. Ryan | Homepage

Ryan, P. 2023. Contact tracing: Feather lice transmission between birds. African Birdlife 11(2): 12.

Ryan, P. 2023. Change your tune: coping with noisy neighbours. African Birdlife 11(2): 13.

Ryan, P. 2023. Cause and effect: Drop in Lesser Kestrel numbersAfrican Birdlife 11(2): 14.

Ryan, P. 2023.  Princípe Scops Owl: It's officialAfrican Birdlife 11(2): 15.

Ryan, P. 2023.  Synthetic fibre bluesAfrican Birdlife 11(2): 16.

Ryan, P. and Zufelt, K. 2023. Adapt-a-bill: yet more cryptic prions. African Birdlife 11(2); 10-11.

Ryan, P. 2022. Mating moves: Meek male albatrosses don't get itAfrican Birdlife 11(1): 14.

Ryan, P. 2022. Owl origins: into the black (and back)African Birdlife 11(1): 15.

Ryan, P. 2022. Obituary: William Richard John DeanAfrican Birdlife 11(1): 18-19.

Ryan, P. 2022. Bird of the year 2022: Cape Gannet. Close quartersAfrican Birdlife 11(1): 37.

Ryan, P. 2022. All I want: Zeiss binocularsAfrican Birdlife 11(1): 60

Ryan, P. 2022. Adapt and dive: Penguin evolution and conservationAfrican Birdlife 10(6): 10-11.

Ryan, P. 2022. Desert enigma: Gray's larkAfrican Birdlife 10(6): 12-13.

Ryan, P. 2022. Bird of the year 2022: Cape Gannet. On the moveAfrican Birdlife 10(6): 50.

Ryan, P. 2022. Rapid eye movement: field testing Canon's R3 cameraAfrican Birdlife 10(6): 60-63.

Ryan, P. and Marais, E. 2022. Mozambique: waiting to be exploredAfrican Birdlife 10(6): 36-45.

Ryan, P. and Miller, S. 2022.The FitzPatrick Report: Final reviewAfrican Birdlife 10(6): 16-17.

Ryan, P. 2022. Food on the fly: Red-footed boobies in hot pursuit of flying fish. African Birdlife 10(5): 14-16.

Ryan, P. 2022. Bird of the year 2022: Cape Gannet. Investing in the future. African Birdlife 10(5): 60.

Ryan, P. 2022. Conserving forest birds: the benefits of protected area status.  African Birdlife 10(4): 14.

Ryan, P. 2022. Too soon to panic: are false-alarm flights beneficial?  African Birdlife 10(4): 15.

Ryan, P. 2022. The FitzPatrick Report: Gough Island blues.  African Birdlife 10(4): 18.

Ryan, P. 2022. Ripple effect.  African Birdlife 10(4): 26-27.

Ryan, P. 2022. Bird of the year 2022: Cape Gannet. Team workAfrican Birdlife 10(4): 42.

Ryan, P. 2022. On track: Hidden diversity in Bar-tailed GodwitsAfrican Birdlife 10(3): 10.

Ryan, P. The FitzPatrick Report: Ticking boxes. African Birdlife 10(3): 18.

Ryan, P. 2022. Spectacular! The recovery of the Spectacled Petrel populationAfrican Birdlife 10(3): 30-32.

Ryan, P. 2022. Bird of the year 2022: Cape Gannet. Strike forceAfrican Birdlife 10(3): 30-32.

Ryan, P. and Peacock, F.  2022. Pale reflection: Juvenile plumage of the Protea CanaryAfrican Birdlife 10(3): 13.

Ryan, P. 2022. Birds in a changing world. Urban perils, House Sparrows on the decline African Birdlife 10(2); 10-11.

Ryan, P. 2022. Birds in a changing world. Toxic overload: You are what you eat African Birdlife 10(2); 12-13.

Ryan, P. 2022. Birds in a changing world: Shape shifting: Birds responding to heat stress. African Birdlife 10(2): 14.

Ryan, P. 2022. Tern aroundAfrican Birdlife 10(2): 16.

Ryan, P. 2022. Sharp shooting: Canon's RF100-500mm zoom lens.  African Birdlife 10(2): 62-64.

Ryan, P. and Dyer, B. 2022. Bird of the year 2022: Cape Gannet.  Clear and present dangersAfrican Birdlife 10(2): 50-51.

Ryan, P. 2021. The dark side: Do dark upperwings improve flight performance? African Birdlife 10(1); 12.

Ryan, P. 2021. Book review: Seabirds - Harrrison, P., Perrow, M and Larsson, H. African Birdlife 10(1); 14-15.

Ryan, P. 2021. The FitzPatrick Report: Resetting the systemAfrican Birdlife 10(1); 18-19.

Ryan, P. and Vrettos, M. 2021. Stay or go? Migration as an evolutionary driver. African Birdlife 10(1) 22-27.

Ryan, P. 2021. Feather light: Leucistic White fronted Plover - or is it? African Birdlife 9(5): 10-11

Ryan, P. 2021. Birds to watch: American Cliff Swallow. African Birdlife 9(5): 13.

Ryan, P. 2021. Altogether now! Living in groups makes you clever. African Birdlife 9(5): 14

Ryan, P. 2021. 2021. Shore leave: beach closure allows Cape Cormorants to rest on Muizenberg beach. African Birdlife 9(4): 13.

Ryan, P. 2021. The FitzPatrick Report: Cleaning house. African Birdlife 9(4): 18.

Ryan, P. 2021. True reflection: Canon R6 and R5 camera bodiesAfrican Birdlife 9(3):56-61.

Ryan, P. 2021. Feeling chirpy. African Birdlife 9(2): 13.

Ryan P. 2021. Old baldy: Mite infestation in birdsAfrican Birdlife 9(2): 15.

Ryan P. 2021. Book review: Birds of East Africa. African Birdlife 9(2): 16-17.

Ryan, P. 2021. The FitzPatrick Report: Sixty not outAfrican Birdlife 9(2): 18.

Ryan, P. 2021. Sex and the single ploverAfrican Birdlife 9(2): 24-27.

Ryan, P. 2020. WindsweptAfrican Birdlife 9(1): 12-13

Ryan, P. 2020. A closer look at LBJs: Rufous-eared warblerAfrican Birdlife 9(1): 45.

Ryan, P. 2020. Better and better: Zeiss SF 10x32 binocularsAfrican Birdlife 9(1): 60-61.

Ryan, P. 2020. On the flip sideAfrican Birdlife 8(6): 10.

Ryan, P. 2020. A closer look at LBJs: Karoo Scrub RobinAfrican Birdlife 8(6): 45.

Ryan, P. 2020. Rate of returnAfrican Birdlife 8(5): 12-14.

Ryan, P. 2020. Lessons in lockdown: Covid-19 - a boon for birds? African Birdlife 8(5): 20-23.

Ryan, P. 2020. Puzzling prionsAfrican Birdlife 8(4): 12-13.

Ryan, P. 2020. Supernormal: Clutches in Hartlaub's gullsAfrican Birdlife 8(4): 14.

Ryan, P. 2020. Shrinking returns: Long-term changes in Northern Cape birdsAfrican Birdlife 8(4): 15.

Ryan, P. 2020. Comment - Sunnyside upAfrican Birdlife 8(3): 8.

Ryan, P. 2020. Vampire ravensAfrican Birdlife 8(3): 12.

Ryan, P. 2020. The more things changeAfrican Birdlife 8(2): 12.

Ryan, P. 2020. Yet more greenbuls? African Birdlife 8(2): 13.

Ryan, P. 2020. The FitzPatrick Report: Message in a bottleAfrican Birdlife 8(2): 18-19.

Ryan P, 2019. The FitzPatrick Report: Annual reporting. African Birdlife 7(5): 16-17.

Ryan, P. 2019. Testing, testing: Too much knowledge can be a dangerous thing. African Birdlife 7(5): 20-21.

Ryan, P. 2019. Cotton on: The risk of entanglement to birds. African Birdlife 7(5): 38.

Ryan, P. 2019. Island survivor. African Birdlife 7(5). 50-55.

Ryan, P. 2019. Bottleneck: by the skin of their non-existent teethAfrican Birdlife 7(6): 10.

Ryan P, 2019. The FitzPatrick Report: Annual reporting. African Birdlife 7(5): 16-17.

Ryan, P. 2019. Testing, testing: Too much knowledge can be a dangerous thing. African Birdlife 7(5): 20-21.

Ryan, P. 2019. Cotton on: The risk of entanglement to birds. African Birdlife 7(5): 38.

Ryan, P. 2019. Island survivor. African Birdlife 7(5). 50-55.

Ryan, P. 2019. Hands across the seas: Another Africa - New Zealand linkAfrican Birdlife 7(4): 11.

Ryan, P. 2019. Travelling trogonsAfrican Birdlife 7(3): 10.

Ryan, P. 2019. Dicing with death. African Birdlife 7(3): 11.

Ryan, P. 2019.  The FitzPatrick Report: Measuring research impact.African Birdlife 7(3): 18.

Ryan, P. 2019. Review: Leica APO Televid 82 with 25-50x WW zoom eyepiece. African Birdlife 7(3): 56-57.

Ryan, P. 2019. Seabird saviours: tropical sabirds affect coral reefsAfrican Birdlife 7(2):10-11.

Ryan, P. 2018. Cape cormorants extend their range. African Birdlife 7(1): 10.

Ryan, P. 2018. Collapse of the world’s largest King Penguin colony. African Birdlife 7(1): 11.

Ryan, P. 2018. The FitzPatrick Report: Fact finding: the IOC and big data. African Birdlife 7(1): 18-20.

Ryan, P. 2018. Review: Kowa Genesis 33 Prominar 10X33 binoculars. African Birdlife 7(1): 73.

Ryan, P. 2018. What limits long-range migrants? African Birdlife 6(6):10-11.

Ryan, P. 2018. Home on loan.  African Birdlife 6(6): 24-27.

Ryan, P. 2018. What a waste: Plastic pollution update.  African Birdlife 6(6): 32-41.

Ryan, P. 2018. Professor Peter Ryan Comments. African Birdlife 6(4): 6.

Ryan, P. 2018. Duck, down: white-backed duck diving behaviour. African Birdlife 6(4): 12.

Ryan, P. 2018. Check your mate. African Birdlife 6(4): 10.

Ryan, P. 2018. Binocular review: Kowa BD42x10 Prominar. African Birdlife 6(4): 71.

Ryan, P. 2018. Review: Swarowski CL Companion binoculars. African Birdlife 6(3): 72-73.

Ryan, P. 2018. Jouanin’s petrel – or is it? African Birdlife 6(3): 10-11.

Ryan, P. 2018. On the shelf. African Birdlife 6(2): 14-15.

Ryan, P. 2018. Shorebirds in Action. African Birdlife 6(2): 15.

Ryan, P. 2018. Review: Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 T spotting scope. African Birdlife 6(2): 69.

Ryan, P.G. 2017. The FitzPatrick Report: Science & Serendipity. African Birdlife 6(1):18.

Ryan, P.G. 2017. Review: Warrior, Dilettantes & Businessmen. African Birdlife 6(1):15.

Ryan, P.G. 2017. Short-tailed shearwaters in the Atlantic Ocean. African Birdlife 5(6):10-11.

Ryan, P.G. 2017. Penguins through the ages. African Birdlife 5(5):10.

Ryan, P.G. 2017. The FitzPatrick Report: The rise of the fallists. African Birdlife 5(2):18.

Ryan, P.G. 2017. To the edge and back: celebrating seabirds. African Birdlife 5(3):52-58.

Ryan, P.G. 2017. Obituary: Barry Rose 1947-2016. African Birdlife 5(3):60.

Ryan, P.G. 2016. Crops and pixels. African Birdlife 5(1):70-71.

Ryan, P.G. 2016. Old school, new school. African Birdlife 5(1):55.

Ryan, P.G. 2016. Sleeping with one eye open. African Birdlife 5(1):22-25.

Ryan, P.G. 2016. New: scops owl on Príncipe. African Birdlife 5(1):10.

Ryan, P.G. 2016. Crash-test dummies: foraging ecology of Cape Gannets. African Birdlife 4(6):22-30.

Ryan, P.G. 2016. See-saw: contrasting population trends in Phoebetria Albatrosses. African Birdlife 4(5):10-11.

Ryan, P.G. 2016. On the shelf. African Birdlife 4(4):16

Ryan, P.G. 2016. Another year, another tree. African Birdlife 4(4):14

Ryan, P.G. 2016. World Seabird Conference making waves. African Birdlife 4(2):13.

Ryan, P.G. and Graham, J. 2016. Review: Nikon goes big. African Birdlife 4(3):66-67.

Ryan, P.G. 2016. Pocket rockets: point-and-shoot cameras. African Birdlife 4(2):44-47.

Flood, B. and Ryan, P.G. 2016. Ageing shy albatrosses. African Birdlife 4(2):49-53.

Ryan, P.G. 2015. Review: Canon’s new 36X12 IS III image-stabilised binoculars. African Birdlife 4(1):68.

Ryan, P.G. 2015. Choosing your lens. African Birdlife 3(6):44-52.

Ryan, P.G. 2015. Gender bender: Sentinel Rock Thrush. African Birdlife 3(5):14.

Ryan, P.G. 2015. City slicker: urban gulls favour fast food. African Birdlife 3(4):11.

Barnard, P. and Ryan, P.G. 2015. Fire in the city. African Birdlife 3(4):14-15.

Ryan, P.G. 2015. The last word on the evolution of birds . African Birdlife 3(3):12.

Ryan, P.G. 2015. Birds on the edge: the cost of conserving species. African Birdlife 3(3):10-11.

Ryan, P.G. 2015. Marshalling forces. African Birdlife 3(3):18-19.

Ryan, P.G. 2015. Focus on migration: Practice makes perfect. African Birdlife 3(2):12-13.

Ryan, P.G. 2015. Get our groove on. African Birdlife 3(2):14.

Ryan, P.G. 2015. Reviews you can use: How and where to photograph birds in southern Africa. African Birdlife 3(2):15.

Ryan, P.G. 2015. Man at work. African Birdlife 3(2):44-51.

Ryan, P.G. 2014. Baby on board: Mascarene Petrel unveiled. African Birdlife 3(1):10-11.

Ryan, P.G. 2014. Calling 'time'. African Birdlife 2(6):11.

Ryan, P.G. 2014. Riders on the storm. African Birdlife 2(5):10-11.

Ryan, P.G. 2014. Colour coding: Black power. African Birdlife 2(5):14.

Ryan, P.G. 2014. Flying ostriches. African Birdlife 2(5):18.

Ryan, P.G. 2014. Striking a balance: moulting flight feathers. African Birdlife 2(5):56-60.

Ryan, P.G. 2014. A narrow margin: new Prion discovered on Gough Island. African Birdlife 2(4):10-11.

Ryan P.G. 2014. Orientation course: check the compass, chaps. African Birdlife 2(4):12.

Ryan, P.G. 2014. Shed load: feather growth and replacement strategies. African Birdlife 2(4):36-40.

Ryan, P.G. 2014. Getting to know Peter Ryan. African Birdlife 2(4):52-53.

Ryan, P.G. 2014. Do intelligent birds stress less? African Birdlife 2(3):16.

Ryan, P.G. 2014. ... and cunning crocodiles. African Birdlife 2(3):16.

Ryan, P.G. 2014. Moult: The cost of annual renewal African Birdlife 2(3):36-42.

Ryan, P.G. 2014. Nightjars in flux. African Birdlife 2(2):13.

Ryan, P.G. 2014. All together now:  why do birds form groups? African Birdlife 2(2):32-38

Ryan, P.G. 2013. Tracking mice on Gough. African Birdlife 2(1):10-11.

Ryan, P.G. 2013. In the blink of an eye. African Birdlife 2(1):11.

Ryan, P.G. 2013.  Darters: the intrigue continues. Peter Ryan comments. African Birdlife 1(6):6-7.

Ryan, P.G. 2013.  Fear makes for faster babies. African Birdlife 1(6):10.

Ryan, P.G. 2013.  The eyes have it. African Birdlife 1(6):28-34.

Ryan, P.G. 2013.  Shy Albatross. African Birdlife 1(6):36-37.

Ryan, P.G. 2013. In and out: Peter Ryan comments. African Birdlife 1(5):6.

Ryan, P.G. 2013. Tundra breeding seabirds: the southern African connection. African Birdlife 1(5):12.

Ryan, P.G. 2013. Underwater heron: African Darter. African Birdlife 1(5):54-60.

Ryan, P.G. 2013. Cinnamon-breasted Warbler’s: Eastern Arc link. African Birdlife 1(4):8.

Ryan, P.G. 2013. There’s life in the old bird: geriatric sex and aging. African Birdlife 1(4):12-13.

Ryan, P.G. 2013. Reviews you can use: Chamberlain’s LBJs. African Birdlife  1(4):14.

Ryan, P.G. 2013. Tools of the trade: the new Canon 500-mm telephoto lens. African Birdlife  1(4):22-23.

Ryan, P.G and Wanless, R. 2013. Gill memorial award: Robert James Minchin Crawford. African Birdlife 1(4):48.

Little, R.M. and Ryan, P.G. 2013. In Memoriam: Phil Hockey (8 March 1956 – 24 January 2013) African Birdlife 1(3):19.

Ryan, P.G. 2013. Tributes to Phil Hockey. African Birdlife 1(3):20-21.

Ryan, P.G. 2013. Tool time: bait fishing by a Little Bittern. African Birdlife 1(3):47.

Ryan, P.G. 2013. Convergent evolution: binocular review 2013. African Birdlife 1(3):48-52.

Ryan, P.G. 2013. Parrots & falcons are sister to passerines. African Birdlife 1(3):10.

Ryan, P.G. 2013. Splitting image: Cape, Kelp or Khoisan? African Birdlife 1(2):10-11.

Ryan, P.G. 2013. Swift moves. African Birdlife 1(2):13.

Ryan, P. 2013. Toxic waste: oceans of plastic threaten seabirds. African Birdlife 1(2):52-56.

Ryan, P.G, 2012. When push comes to shove. African Birdlife 1(1):6,8.

Ryan, P.G. 2012. Book Review: Enigmatic variations – Roberts geographic variation of southern African birds by Hugh Chittenden, David Allan and Ingrid Weiersbye. African Birdlife 1(1):14.

Ryan, P.G. 2012. African Penguins. African Birdlife 1(1):30-31.

Prof. Claire Spottiswoode | Homepage

Spottiswoode, C. 2022. Prolific polymath: Professor Peter Ryan awarded the Gill Memorial Medal. African Birdlife 10(5): 66-67.

van der Wal, J and Spottiswoode, C. 2020. Wanted: Greater Honeyguide sightingsAfrican BirdLife 8(5): 16.

Spottiswoode, C. 2017. The FitzPatrick Report: One good turn: exploring honeyguide – human mutualism. African Birdlife 5(3):22-28.

Dr Robert Thomson | Homepage

Thomson, R. 2018. The FitzPatrick Report: Using social media: scared skinks eavesdrop on wary weavers. African Birdlife 6(4): 18.