The excellent book collection in the Niven Library (over 6,000 titles) is the result of 50 years of donations, bequests, exchanges, review books and purchases. Known as the premier ornithological library in the southern hemisphere, the library supplies African ornithological information to all corners of the world as well as supporting academic African ornithology and the birding public.
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Books for sale at the Niven Library: (List organised alphabetically by Author.)
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Author, Year, Title, Publisher Price (ZAR) Acworth, B. 1955. Bird and butterfly mysteries: realities of migration. London. Eyre & Spottiswoode 64 African Seabird Group. 1981. Proceedings of the Symposium on Birds of the Sea and Shore held at the University of Cape Town, 19-21 November 1979. Cape Town : African Seabird Group. 95 Albany Museum. 1931. Guide to the vertebrate fauna of the eastern Cape Province part 1 : mammals and birds. Albany Museum 90 Alexander, W.B. 1959. Die vögel der mere: ein taschenbuch für ornithologen und naturfreunde über alle seevögel der welt. Hamburg: Paul Parey. 50 Allan, D. [1998]. Birding in Southern KwaZulu-Natal. [s.l.]. Hibiscus Coast and Country Publicity Association. 20 Ambrose, D., Maphisa, D.H. 1999. Guide to the birds of the Roma campus, National University of Lesotho. Roma. National University of Lesotho. 80 American Ornithologists' Union. 1983. Check-list of North American birds. the species of birds of North America from the Arctic through Panama, including the West Indies and Hawaiian Islands. 6th ed. American Ornithologists' Union. 296 Anderson, M.D., Kruger, R. Northern Cape Department of Tourism, Environment and Conservation. 2004. Raptor conservation in the Northern Cape Province. 3rd ed. Northern Cape Department of Tourism, Environment and Conservation. 40 Armstrong, E.A. 1947. Bird display and behaviour. London: Lindsay Drummond. 26. 36 Atkinson-Willes, G.L. 1963. Wildfowl in Great Britain. a survey of the winter distribution of the Anatidae and their conservation in England, Scotland and Wales. London. Her Majesty's Stationery Office. 35 Austin, O.L., and Singer, A. ill. 1961. Birds of the world, a survey of the twenty-seven orders and one hundred and fifty-five families. New York. Golden Press. 48 Avella, F.J., ed. 1997. Atles dels aucells nidificants de Mallorca i Cabrera : (1983-1994) = The atlas of breeding birds in Mallorca and Cabrera (1983-1994). 139 -
Author, Year, Title, Publisher Price (ZAR) Baker, N.E., comp. 1996. Tanzania waterbird count : the first coordinated count on the major wetlands of Tanzania. Tanzania : Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania 50 Banko, W.E. 1960. The Trumpeter Swan, its history, habits, and population in the United States. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office. 22 Bannerman, D.A., and Gronvold H, ill. 1958. Larger birds of west Africa. London. Penguin Books. 195p. 52 Barruel, P. 1953-1954. Iconographie des oiseaux de France. [Paris]. Société Ornithologique de France. - 2 loose leaf folders ; colour plates. 100 Barruel, P. 1954. Birds of the world, their life and habits. London. Harrap. 29 Bartonek, J.C., and Nettleship, D.N. 1979. Conservation of marine birds of northern North America. papers from the International symposium held at Hyatt House, Seattle, Washington, 13-15 May 1975. Washington. United States. Department of the Interior. 44 Bauer, K. [1967]. Vogelparadiese der Welt. Innsbruck. Pinguin Verlag. 80 Beilfuss, R.D., Tarboton, W.R., and Gichuk,i N.N. 1996. Proceedings of the 1993 African Crane and Wetland Training Workshop, 8-15 August 1993, Wildlife Training Institute, Maun, Botswana. Baraboo, Wisconsin. International Crane Foundation. 100 Bennun, L., and Njoroge, P. 1999. Important bird areas in Kenya. Nairobi. Nature Kenya. 97 Benson, C.W., White, C.M.N. 1957. Checklist of the birds of Northern Rhodesia. Lusaka. Department of Game and Tsetse Control 80 Bent, A.C. 1962. Life histories of North American wildfowl. parts 1 & 2. New York. Dover Publications 142 Bent, A.C. 1963. Life histories of North American gulls and terns. New York. Dover Company. 30 Bent, A.C. United States National Museum. 1962. Life histories of North American shorebirds, Willets, Oyster catchers, Tattlers, Plovers, Curlews and others (vol 1). Life histories of North American shorebirds, Phalaropes, Snipes, Woopdcocks, Sandpipers, Godwits and others (vol 2). New York. Dover Publications. 27 Bent, A.C. United States National Museum. 1963. Life histories of North American marsh birds. New York. Dover Publications. 26 Berlioz, J. 1962. Les Oiseaux. Paris. Presses Universitaire de France. 20 Berruti, A. 1980. Birds of Lake St. Lucia. Benmore. Southern Birds. 109 Berruti, A. 1986. Discovering birds. Cape Town: Struik.
72 NEW! Berruti, A., and Sinclair, J.C. Where to watch birds in southern Africa. Cape Town: C. Struik Publishers 30 Biber, O., Enggist, P., Marti, C., Salathe, T. 1995. Conservation of the white stork western population proceedings of the International Symposium on the White Stork (Western Population). Sempach,Switzerland. Schweizerische Vogelwarte. 365 Blair, J. [1949]. Birds of coast and sea: a popular handbook and illustrated guide. London. W. R. Chambers. 47 Bolster, R.C. 1931. Land and sea birds of the south-west Cape. Cape Town: Speciality Press of S. Africa. 142 Boshoff, A.F, Anderson, M.D., Borello, W.D. Workshop on Vulture Research and Conservation in Southern Africa (1997 : Kimberley). 1998. Vultures in the 21st century. proceedings of a workshop on vulture research and conservation in southern Africa, McGregor Museum, Kimberley, South Arica, 23-26 October 1997. Johannesburg. Vulture Study Group. 100 Brand, D.J. 1961. A comparative study of the Cape teal (Anas capensis gmelin) and the Cape shoveller (spatula capensis eyton) , with special reference to breeding biology, development and food requirements South Africa University of South Africa. 30 Brandt, J.F. von, Loppenthin, B. 1984. Johann Friedrich von Brandt: Icones avium rossico-americanarum tabulae, Seven unpublished plates depicting Russian-American birds. Copenhagen. Scandinavian Fine Editions. 70p ; 7 col. plates. 675 Briggs, K.T. et al. 1987. Bird communities at sea off California: 1975 tp 1983. Cooper Ornithological Society. Studies in Avian Biology No 11. 138 Broekhuysen, G.J. 1970. Birds around us : the commoner birds of southern Africa. Cape Town : Howard Timmins 50 Broekhuysen, G.J., Perry, J., ill. 1969. Field-guide to the birds of the South African sea-shore. Cape Town. Howard Timmins. 65 Brooke, R.K. (Richard Kendall), 1930-1996. 1984. South African red data book - birds. Pretoria. CSIR. 66 Brothers, Nigel. 199? Longline fishing: dollars and sense. Parks & Wildlife Service, Tasmania. 198 Brown, L. 1959. Mystery of the flamingos. London. Country Life. 49 Brown, L. 1976. Eagles of the world. Cape Town. Purnell. 25 Brown, L. 1980. The African Fish Eagle. Cape Town. Purnell Sons. 5 copies 92 Brown, L.R., Renner, M., and Flavin, C. 1998. Vital signs: the environmental trends that are shaping our future. United Kingdom: Earthscan 29 Brown, R.G.B., Nettleship, D.N., Germain, P., Tull, C.E., and Davis, T. 1975. Atlas of eastern Canadian seabirds. Ottawa. Canadian Wildlife Service. 57 Bruch, A., Elvers, H., Pohl, Ch., Westphal, D., Witt, K. 1978. Die vogel in Berlin (west) Eine Ubersicht. Berlin. Ornithologischer Bericht fur Berlin (west). 70 Bull, P.C. 1968. Common birds of garden and farmland. Bull, P.C. Wellington, N.Z. Department of Education. 88 Bunning, L.J. 1977. Birds of the Melville Koppies Nature Reserve. 72 Burton, R. 1985. Bird behaviour. London : Granada 34 -
Author, Year, Title, Publisher Price (ZAR) Calburn, S. 1969. Calburn’s birds of Southern Africa: paintings, field sketches and field notes. Cape Town: Purnell 70 NEW! Caltex. 1980. Know your birds of prey : a pocket guide to the habits and distribution of our birds of prey. Cape Town : Caltex. 72 Caltex. 1980. Know your water birds : river and estuary birds, coastal birds. 72 Camarillo, CA : Cooper Ornithological Society. Studies in Avian Biology no.16 109 Camarillo, CA : Cooper Ornithological Society. Studies in Avian Biology no.17 32 Camarillo, CA : Cooper Ornithological Society. Studies in Avian Biology no.19 220 Cape Department of Nature Conservation. [195?]. Protected birds of the Cape Province. Cape Town. Cape Department of Nature Conservation. 91p ; colour plates. 29 Carlson A; Aulen G. International Woodpecker Symposium (1st : 1989 : Uppsala). 1990. Conservation and management of woodpecker populations. proceedings of the First International Woodpecker Symposium held in. Uppsala. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. 167 Cayley, N.W. 1948. What bird is that? a guide to the birds of Australia. 13th ed. Sydney. Angus & Robertson. 319p. 14 Chambers, L.E. Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Australia. 2004. The impact of climate on Little Penguin breeding success. Melbourne. Bureau of Meteorology. 20 Chancellor, R.D. World Conference on Birds of Prey (1975 : Vienna). 1975. Report of Proceedings of the World Conference on Birds of Prey, Vienna, 1-3 October 1975. London. ICBP. 129 Chapman, G. 1969. Common city birds of Australia. Melbourne. Lansdown Press. 36 Chinery, M. Ed. 1993. Complete guide to the wildlife of Britain and Europe. Surrey: Kingfisher Books 26 Clarke, P., and Clarke, M. 1995. 3rd ed. Where to watch birds in East Anglia. London: Christopher Helm 10 Cohen, E. 1963. Nestboxes. Revised ed. Oxford. British Trust for Ornithology. 47 Cooke, F., and Buckley, P.A. 1987. Avian genetics. a population and ecological approach. London. Academic Press. 97 Cooper, J. Ed. 1981. Proceedings of the symposium on birds of the sea and shore. Cape Town: African Seabird Group 95 Costanza, R., Norton, B.G., and Haskell, B.D. 1992. Ecosystem health: new goals for environmental management. Washington: Island Press 29 Cottrell, J.A. 1970. Black Eagle fly free. Cape Town. Purnell. 47 Coues, E. 1890. Handbook of field and general ornithology, a manual of the structure and classification of birds. London. Macmillan. 343p. 104 Coward, T.A. 1912. The migration of birds. 1st ed. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 23 Cramp, S., Bourne, W.R.P., Saunders, D. 1976. The seabirds of Britain and Ireland. 3rd ed. London. Collins. 25 Crawford, R., and Dyer, B. 2000.Wildlife of Robben Island. Bright Continent Guide 1. Cape Town: Avian Demography Unit 30 Cruickshank, A.D. 1960. A pocket guide to brds: hot to identify and enjoy them. New York: Washington Square Press 16 Curry-Lindahl, K. 1961. Exploration du Parc National Albert et du Parc National de la Kagera II. Mission K. Curry-Lindahl (1951-1952, 1958-1959), Fascicule 1. Contribution a l'etude des vertebrates terrestres en Afrique tropicale. Bruxelles. Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo et du Ruanda-Urundi. 151 Curry-Lindahl, K. 1975. Fåglar över land och hav, en global översikt av fåglarnas flyttning. Birds over land and sea, A global overview of bird migration. Stockholm. Albert Bonniers Forlag. 95 -
Author, Year, Title, Publisher Price (ZAR) Dalton, Stephen. 1989. At the water’s edge: the secret life of a lake and stream. London: Century 32 De Swardt, D.H. 1990. Birds of the Gustav Klingbiel Nature Reserve and Sterkspruit area, Benmore. Southern Birds. 111 De Villiers, M.S. 2009. Birds and environmental change: building an early warning system in South Africa. Pretoria: SANBI 15 Dennis, N, and Tarboton, W. 1993. Waterbirds: birds of southern Africa’s wetlands. Cape Town: Struik 114 DeSante, D.F. 1980. The avifauna of the South Farallon Islands, California. 20 Devilliers, P. 1988. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de Belgique = Atlas of breeding birds in Belgium. Bruxelles : Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 138 Dodman, T., comp., De Vaan, C., comp., Hubert, E., comp., Nivet, C., comp. Wetlands International. 1997. African waterfowl census 1997. Les Denombrements Internationaux d'oiseau. Wageningen, The Netherlands. Wetlands International. 72 Dodman, T., comp., Taylor, V., comp. Wetlands International. 1996. African waterfowl census 1996. Les Denombrements Internationaux. Wageningen, The Netherlands. Wetlands International. 72 Dolgushin, I.A. 1960. The birds of Kazakhstan Vol. 1. Alma-Ata. Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. This book is in Russian with Cyrillic text. 50 Dr Jack. 1999. The completely complete Dr Jack's South African byrd book. Gardenview : Spearhead Press 75 Dunn, E. 1978. Colour encyclopedia of birds. London: Cathay Books.
30 NEW! Edinburgh, Duke of. 1962. Birds from Britannia. London. Longmans, Green. 2 copies 27 Ehrlich, P R. 1988.The birder's handbook : a field guide to the natural history of North American birds. New York : Simon and Schuster. 28 Eising, C. 2004. Mother knows best? costs and benefits of differential maternal hormone allocation in birds. Haren. University of Groningen. 190 Erritzoe, J. 1993. Birds of CITES and how to identify them. Cambridge : Lutterworth Press. 49 Etchécopar, R.D., Hüe, F. 1964. Oiseaux du nord de l'Afrique. de la Mer Rouge aux canaries. Paris. N. Boubee. 148 Everett, B.I., van der Elst, R.P., Schleyer, M.H. Oceanographic Research Institute; WWF-SA; South African Association for Marine Biological Research. 2008. A natural history of the Bazaruto Archipelago, Mozambique. Marine Parade, Durban. SAAMBR. 243 -
Author, Year, Title, Publication Details Price (ZAR) Fairbairn W A. 1933. Some common birds of west Africa. Lagos. Church Missionary Society Bookshop. 30 Fairbairn W A. 1952. Some game birds of west Africa. Edinburgh. Oliver and Boyd. 92p. 10 Farkas, T. 1967. Ornithogeographie ungarns = Ornithogeography of Hungary. 84 Findlay, D., Bird, A. 1959. South African birds, 12 colour plates. 1st series, 1st printing, 1st folio. Johannesburg. South African Natural History Publication. 743 Finlayson, M. (ed.) 1992. Managing Mediterranean wetlands and their birds : proceedings of a symposium on managing Mediterranean wetlands and their 155 Fisher, J. 1939. Birds as animals. London. William Heinemann. 50 Fisher, J. 1947/1951. Bird recognition. vol 1: seabirds and waders & 2 : birds of prey and water-fowl. Melbourne. Penguin Books. 40 Fisher, J. 1966. Shell bird book. London. Ebury Press and Michael Joseph. 15 Fisher, J. & Lockley, R.M. 1954. Sea-birds. an introduction to the natural history of the sea-birds of the North. New Naturalist Series London. Collins. 27 Fisher, J. 1954. Bird recognition, vol 1 : seabirds and waders. rev. ed. Melbourne. Penguin Books. 190p. 20 Fisher, J., Thorburn, A. 1967. Thorburn's birds. London. Ebury Press, Michael Joseph. 3 copies 20 Fisher, J., Peterson, R.T. 1964. The world of birds. a comprehensive guide to general ornithology. London. Macdonald. 67 Flint, P., and Stewart, P. 1992. The birds of Cyprus. BOU Checklist No. 6. United Kingdom: British Ornithologists’ Union 37 Forsman, E.D., ed. 1996. Demography of the Northern Spotted Owl. 32 Franklin, A.B., Gutiérrez, R.J., Nichols, J.D., Seamans, M.E., White, G.C., Zimmerman, G.S., Hines, E., Munton, T.E., LaHaye, W.S., Blakesley, J.A., Steger, G.N., Noon, B.R., Shaw, D.W.H., Keane, J.J., McDonald, T.L., Britting, S. American Ornithologists' Union. 2004. Population dynamics of the California Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis), a meta-analysis. Washington D.C. American Ornithologists' Union. 38 Fremont, I., Culwick, R., ill. 1950. Some birds of east Africa. Nairobi. Highway Press. 29 Friend, M., Locke, L.N., Kennelly, J.J. 1985. Avian botulism. United States. Government Printing Office. 14 Frith, H.J. 1967. Waterfowl in Australia. Sydney. Angus & Robertson. 22 -
Author, Year, Title, Publisher Price (ZAR) Gerrard, E.C. 1981. Instinctive navigation of birds. incorporating bird navigation - the sterile controversy. Skye. Scottish Research Group. 407 Gill, E.L. 1936. First guide to South African birds. Cape Town. Maskew Miller. 48 Gill, E.L. 1945. First guide to South African birds. Cape Town. Maskew Miller. 37 Gill, F.B. 1990. Ornithology. New York: W.H. Freeman & Co.
40 NEW! Gill, Leonard & Marion. [1949] Our Wagtails. Cape Town : CNA 22 Gillham, M.E. 1963. Instructions to young ornithologists. part 4 : sea-birds. London. Museum Press. 77 Gilliard, E.T. 1958. Living birds of the world. London : Hamish Hamilton. 25 Ginn, P. 1972. Birds of the highveld. Salisbury (Rhodesia). Longman Rhodesia. 10 Ginn, P. 1973. Birds afield. a beginner's guide to bird watching in southern Africa. Salisbury (Rhodesia). Longman Rhodesia. 48 Ginn, P. 1974. Birds of the lowveld. Salisbury (Rhodesia). Longman Rhodesia 22 Ginn, P., and McIlleron, G. 1982. Watervoels van Suider-Afrika. Johannesburg: Chris van Rensburg Publikasies 40 Glenister, A.G. 1959. Birds of Malay Peninsula, Singapore and Penang. London. Oxford University Press. 28 Godfrey, R. 1941. Bird-lore of the eastern Cape Province. Johannesburg. Witwatersrand University Press. 121 Goodwin, D. 1961. Instructions to young ornithologists. part 2 : bird behavior. London. Museum Press. 26 Gorman, G. 1991. A guide to birdwatching in Hungary. Hungary: Corvina Books. 97 Gould, J., ill., Rutgers, A. 1969. Birds of Asia. London. Methuen. 82 Gould, J., ill., Rutgers, A. 1970. Birds of New Guinea. London. Methuen. 91 Green, G.H, Greenwood, J.J.D. 1978. Report on joint biological expedition to north east Greenland 1974. Dundee. Dundee University 40 Grimmett, R.F.A., and Jones, T.A. 1989. Important bird areas in Europe. ICBP Technical Publication 9. Cambridge, ICBP. 63 Gvozdev, E.V. 1964. Helminth and Helminthoid parasites of Kazakh birds. Alma-Ata. Nauka (Academy of Science of the Kazakh S.S.R.). 50 -
Author, Year, Title, Publisher Price (ZAR) Hall, D.G. 1983. Birds of Mataffin, Eastern Transvaal. Johannesburg : Witwatersrand Bird Club. 46 Hancock, J. 1984. The birds of the wetlands. Kent: Croom Helm 30 NEW! Hand, J.L. 1987. Ecology and behavior of gulls : proceedings of an International Symposium of the Colonial Waterbird Group. Colonial Waterbird Group. 72 Harper, P.C., Kinsky, F.C. 1978. Southern albatrosses and petrels. Wellington: Victoria University Press. 36 Harrison, J. 1967. A wealth of wildfowl. London: Andre Deutsch. 25 Haverschmidt, F.R. 1949. Life of the White Stork. Leiden. E.J. Brill. 167 Heinzel, H., Fitter, R., Parslow, J. 1972. The birds of Britain and Europe: with North Africa and the Middle East. London: Collins 25 Hicklin, P., Erskine, A.J., Jehl, J. 1996. Shorebird ecology and conservation in the Western Hemisphere. based on papers presented at a symposium held on 4-5 November 1991 in conjunction with the IV Neotropical Ornithology Congress in Quito, Ecuador. Ottawa. Canadian Wildlife Service. 115 Higham, W.E. 1945. Birds in colour. London. Collins. 42 Hill, R. 1967. Australian birds. Melbourne. Nelson. 15 Hindwood, K. 1966. Australian birds in colour. Sydney: A.H. & A.W. Reed 31 Hiraldo, F., Delibes, M., Calderon, J. 1979. Quebrantahuesos Gypaetus barbatus (L.), sistematica, taxonomia, Biologia, Distribucion y Proteccion. Madrid. Ministerio de Agricultura. Instituto Nacional para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza. 50 Hockey, P.A.R. 1994. SASOL birds of southern Africa, checklist and alternative names. Cape Town. Struik. 2 copies 43 Horstadius, S. International Ornithological Congress (10th : June 1950 : Uppsala). 1951. Proceedings of the Xth international Ornithological Congress, Uppsala June 1950. Uppsala. Almqvist Wiksells 52 Hosking E. 1970. An eye for a bird, the autobiography of a bird photographer. London: Hutchinson. 302p 15 Hosking, E. 1982. Eric Hosking's owls 35 Hudec, K., Kokes, O. 1982. Ceska ornitologicka bibliographie 2. Bibliography of Czech ornithology 2. Vydalo Okresni Vlastivedne Huseum J.A. Komenskho. 100 Humphrey, P.S., Bridge, D., Reynolds, P.W., Peterson, R.T. 1970. Birds of the Isla Grande (Tierra del Fuego). Washington. Smithsonian Institution Press. 72 Huntley, B., Siegfried, W.R., and Sunter, C. 1989. South African environments into the 21st century. Cape Town: Human and Rousseau 21 Hutchinson, C. 1994. Where to watch birds in Ireland. London: Christooher Helm 25 Hutson, H.P.W. 1956. Ornithologists' guide. London. British Ornithologists' Union. 15 Huxley, J. 1930. Bird-watching and bird behaviour. London. Chatto Windus. 37 Huxley, J. 1968. Courtship habits of the Great Crested Grebe. London. Jonathan Cape. 127 Huxley, J. 1953. Evolution in action. London: Chatto & Windus 60 -
Author, Year, Title, Publisher Price (ZAR) International Ornithological Congress (15th : 1970 : The Hague). 1970. XV Congressus 139 International Ornithological Congress (17th : 1978 : Berlin). 1978. XVII Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, Berlin (West) Germany, 4-11 June 1978. abstracts. Berlin. Duetschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft. 100 International Ornithological Congress (19th : 1986 : Ottawa, Canada). 1986. XIX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologicus, Ottawa, Canada, 22-29 June 1986. resumes. Ottawa. Scientific Program Committee. 120 International Ornithological Congress (20th : 1990 : Christchurch, New Zealand). 1990. Acta XX Congressus International Ornithologici, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-9 December 1990. programme and abstracts. Wellington, NZ. Ornithological Congress Trust Board. . 130 Jack Dr. 1991. Dr Jack's the second illustrated South African byrd book (as well). Sandton. Media House. 200 Jack, Dr. 1990. Dr Jack's illustrated South African byrd book : or the mutant guide to South African byrds. South Africa : Media House. 42 Janda, J., Repa, P. 1986. Quantitative methods for ornithological research. Prague. Ve Statnim Zemedelskem Nakladatelstvi. [Russian text] 20 Jarvis, M.J.F. 1977. Gamebird management and utilisation. Rhodesia: Natural Resources Board of Rhodesia 20 Jehl, Joseph R. 1988. Biology of the Eared Grebe and Wilson's Phalarope in the non-breeding season : a study of adaptations to saline lakes. Los Angeles : Cooper Ornithological Society. Studies in Avian Biology no.12 20 Jenkins, D. 1995. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Grouse, 20-24 September 1993, Udine, Italy. Reading, Berkshire. World Pheasant Association. 30 Jensen, R.A.C. and Clinning, C.F. 1976. Birds of the Etosha National Park. Windhoek: South West Africa Administration
30 NEW! Johannesburg : Witwatersrand Bird Club. 72 Johnsgard, P.A. 1993. Cormorants, darters, and pelicans of the world. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press. 320 Johnsgard, P.A. 1988. North American owls: biology and natural history. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press
75 NEW! Johnson, D.H. Pan-African Ornithological Congress (4th : 1976 : Mahe, Seychelles). 1980. Proceedings of the fourth Pan-African Ornithological Congress, held at Mahe, Seychelles, 6-13 November 1976. Johannesburg. Southern African Ornithological Society. 290 Karmali, J. 1980. Birds of Africa. London: Collins 80 NEW! Keast, A. et al (eds). 1985. Birds of eucalypt forests and woodlands: ecology, conservation, management. Chipping Norton: Surrey Beatty & Sons. 150 NEW! Kirkman, F.B., Jourdain Festri, C.R. 1938. British birds. Repr. ed. 1943. London. Thomas Nelson Sons. 31 Knight, C.W.R. 1944. All British eagle. London. Hodder Stoughton. 66 Koen, J.H. 1985. Animal-habitat relationships in the Knysna forest. MSc thesis, UCT. 30 Kozena, I. 1983. Ceskoslovenska ornitologicka bibliografie 1961-1980. Bibliography of Czechoslovakian ornithology 1961-1980. Prague. Statni Zemedelske Nakladateslstvi. 20 Kurochkin, E.N. 1992. Modern ornithology 1991. collected papers of the all-Union Ornithological Society. Moscow. Nauka. [Russian text] 20 -
Author, Year, Title, Publisher Price (ZAR) Lansdowne, J.F. ill., Livingston, J.A. 1966. Birds of the northern forest. Boston. Houghton Mifflin. 35 Letouzey, Y., Léo, E. 1967. Birds: a guide to the birds of Great Britain and Europe- A little guide in colour. London: Paul Hamlyn 36 Lister, M. 1956. Bird watcher's reference book. London. Phoenix House. 39 Liversidge, R. 1978. Rapid bird guide. Braamfontein. Babich and Liversidge. 104 Longridge, M.W. ESCOM. Bird Research Committee. [198-]. The environmental impact of transmission lines on bird flight behaviour. with reference to collision mortality systems reliability. Johannesburg. ESCOM. (3 copies) 20 Loon, R., and Loon, H. 2005. Sasol Birds: the inside story. Cape Town: Struik Nature 500 Los Angeles : Cooper Ornithological Society. Studies in Avian Biology no.13 380 Los Angeles : Cooper Ornithological Society. Studies in Avian Biology no.14 139 Lucas, A.M. 1972. Avian anatomy : integument. Washington : United States. Department of Agriculture. 2 vols. 122 -
Author, Year, Title, Publisher Price (ZAR) MacDonald, M. 1960. Birds in my Indian Garden. London. Jonathan Cape 68 Mackenzie, J.P.S. 1986. Birds of the world. birds of prey. London. Harrap. 23 Mackenzie, J.P.S. 1987. Birds of the world: Seabirds. London: Harrap.
30 NEW! Mackenzie, John. P.S. 1991. Birds of the world: Wading birds. Shrewsbury: Swan Hill Press
55 NEW! Mackworth-Praed, C.W., and Grant, C.H.B. 1970. Birds of West Central and Western Africa. African Handbook of birds series three Volume 1. London: Longman 65 Maclean, G.L. 1993. Roberts’ birds of southern Africa. 6th ed. Cape Town: John Voelcker Bird Book Fund 97 Maher, W.J. 1974. Ecology of pomarine, parasitic, and long-tailed jaegers in northern Alaska. Los Angeles. Cooper Ornithological Society. 55 Mastrovic, A. 1942. Die vogel des Kustenlandes Kroatiens. Zagreb. Institut fur Angewandte Zoologie in Zagreb. 112 McCabe, R.E. (ed.) 1987. North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference (52nd : 1987). Results of stabilized duck hunting regulations. Washington, DC. Wildlife Management Institute. 30 McCabe, R.E. (ed.) 1990. North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference (55th : 1990). Goose management in the '90s. Washington, DC. Wildlife Management Institute. 30 McClure, H.E. 1974. Migration and survival of the birds of Asia. Bangkok. United States. Army Medical Component, SEATO. 89 Mead, C. 1983. Bird migration. Middlesex: Country Life Books 30 NEW! Miller, W.T. 1947. Birds at home. camera studies of birds of South Africa. Cape Town. Maskew Miller. 20 Milstein, P le S. 1977. Guide to the waterfowl of the Transvaal. 'n Gids tot die waterjagvoels van Transvaal. Pretoria. Transvaal Provincial Administration. 20 Mittermeier, R.A. 1999. Hotspots earth's biologically richest and most endangered terrestrial ecoregions. Mexico City : CEMEX. 45 Moors, P.J. (Ed.) International Council for Bird Preservation. ICBP World Conference (18th : 1982 : Cambridge). 1985. Conservation of island birds, case studies for the management of threatened island species, proceedings of a symposium held at the XVIII ICBP World Conference in Cambridge, England, in August 1982 under the Chairmanship of Sir Peter Scott. Cambridge. ICBP. 80 Morris, D. 1970. Patterns of reproductive behaviour. London. Jonathan Cape. 20 Morrison, M.L., Hall, L.S., Robinson, S.K., Rothstein, S.I., Hahn, D.C., Rich, T.D. 1999. Research and management of the Brown - headed Cowbird in Western Landscapes. Camarillo, California. Cooper Ornithological Society. 23 Morrison, M.L., Ralph, C.J., Verner, J., and Jehl, J.R. 1990. Avian foraging. theory, methodology and application. Los Angeles. Cooper Ornithological Society. 383 Mugaas, J.N. 1981. Annual variation of daily energy expenditure by the Black-billed Magpie : a study of thermal and behavioral energetics. California : Cooper Ornithological Society, 1981.Studies in Avian Biology no.5 55 Müller, W. 2004. Maternal phenotypic engineering, adaptation and constraints in prenatal maternal effects. Haren. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. 177 Mundy, P., Butchart, D., Ledger, J., and Piper, S. 1992. The vultures of Africa. Halfway house: Acorn books 762 Mundy, P.J. 1982. Comparative biology of southern African vultures. Johannesburg. Vulture Study Group. 300 Mundy, P.J., and Jarvis, M.J.F. 1989. Africa's feathered locust. [the Quelea problem in Southern Africa]. Harare. Academic Books. (2 copies) 107 Murton, R.K, and Wright, E.N. 1968. Problems of birds as pests. proceedings of a symposium of the Institute of Biology, London. London. Academic Press. 118 -
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