Abbas, Huyam. 2017. Limited impact of severe drought on plant dynamics in African Savanna. (Supervisors: Jeremy Midgley, William Bond).

Blanckenberg, Michelle. 2017. Resurrection ecology of invertebrates in temporary wetlands in the Cape Floristic region: effects of urbanisation and fire. (Supervisors: Cecile Reed, Musa Mlambo).

Casola, Sarah. 2017. The potential impact of climate change on the genetic diversity of the endangered western leopard toad Sclerophrys pantherina. (Supervisors: Claire Spottiswoode, Krystal Tolley).

Chinho, Tendai. 2017. Testing the Information Centre Hypothesis in a colonial seabird: foraging information exchange among breeding pairs of Cape Gannets Morus capensis (Supervisors: Peter Ryan, Lorien Pichegru).

Craig, Christie. 2017. Assessing the anthropogenic threats to vultures in the communal farmlands of Namibia. (Supervisors: Robert Thomson, Andrea Santangeli).

Dura, Carles. 2017. Understanding predation of tortoises by nesting Pied Crows (Corvus albus) in western South Africa. (Supervisors: Arjun Amar, Robert Thomson).

Gush, Wesley. 2017. The decline of the globally threatened Rudd’s Lark in one of its last remaining core sites, the Wakkerstroom grasslands. (Supervisors: Claire Spottiswoode, David Maphisa).

Jeal, Corey. 2017. The impact of a 'trough' concentrated solar power facility on birds and other animals in the Northern Cape, South Africa. (Supervisors: Peter Ryan, Samantha Ralston-Paton).

Ly, Alicia. 2017. Associations between MHC class I variation and blood pathogen prevalence in caracal. (Supervisor: Jacqui Bishop)

Macray, Matthew. 2017. Tortoise mortalities along fences in the south eastern Karoo, South Africa. (Supervisors: Peter Ryan, Alan Lee, Graham Alexander).

Nenzhelele, Elelwani. 2017. Long-term impacts of livestock grazing in the succulent Karoo: a 20-year study of vegetation change under different grazing regimes in Namaqualand. (Supervisors: Timm Hoffman, Simon Todd).

Olinger, Ryan. 2017. How does temperature affect Fork-tailed Drongo Dicrurus adsimilis foraging effort, nestling provisioning and growth rates? (Supervisors: Susie Cunningham, Tom Flower)

Parrish, Maggie. 2017. The influence of fire-grazer interactions on Forb communities in a highveld grassland (Supervisors: Jeremy Midgely, Sally Archibald).