The Niven Library houses material belonging to the FitzPatrick Institute, including the SA Ringing Unit and the Animal Demography Unit and BirdLife SA.

All books are arranged according to the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system and include:
- Reference books (for use in the Library only)
- General books and proceedings
- Rare and valuable books in the Locked Cupboard
- Large Books
Journals are arranged alphabetically by title in the Library with a separate sequence of lesser-used journals arranged alphabetically in the adjacent compact storage.
Downloadable Information:
- Niven Library journal list [PDF]
- Niven Library newsletter list [PDF]
- List of journal abbreviations (BIOSIS format) produced by the University of Queensland library [PDF]
The Richard K. Brooke Memorial Reprint Collection
The reprint collection is arranged alphabetically by senior/first author in boxes in the stacks. A growing electronic reprint collection in PDF format is augmenting the existing reprint collection. These reprints are for the research purposes of FitzPatrick Institute and Biological Sciences Department staff and students and entries can be found on the Niven Library catalogue.
Theses and honours projects
These are arranged alphabetically by author in two separate sequences in the stacks. A complete list can be found in the publications section of the website (See: Dissertations and Projects).