Found an error?

To hope that a book of this size could be produced without errors is somewhere between optimism and arrogance. Some mistakes (see below) have already been found, and inevitably there will be more. As these come to light they will be posted on this site. If you discover an error that has not already been detected please send the details along with the following information to the Roberts Database Manager via email:
- Your Name
- Email address
- Species
- Correction
- Source for correction of error
- Comments
Missing Information
There are still some biological data missing from Roberts. These have been posted on the website and are still there (see Missing Information). If you can fill any of these gaps this information would still be of great value to the Roberts database. Details on how to submit your data can be found on the Missing Information page.
List of Errata
PDF version
Page 15
- To 'Endemics', add Cape Parrot, Botha's Lark
- From 'Endemics', delete Rufous-winged Cisticola
- Total endemics = 99
- To 'Near-endemics', add Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill, Rüppell's Parrot, Double-banded Sandgrouse, Southern White-crowned Shrike, Rufous-winged Cisticola, Rudd's Apalis, Spike-heeled Lark
Total near-endemics = 70
Pages 219-220 Burchell’s and White-browed Coucals
There is an error here in assigning race fasciipygialis to White-browed rather than Burchell’s Coucal. This section of the map from the White-browed Coucal map (the northern subspecies) should therefore be superimposed on the Burchell’s Coucal map.
The distribution text for Burchell’s Coucal now reads:
- From se Tanzania south through Mozambique to the sw W Cape. In s Africa, in c and s Mozambique, e Zimbabwe, se Botswana, Swaziland, and most of S Africa apart from the arid west; rare in high-altitude grassland 6, 7.
The distribution text for White-browed Coucal now reads:
- From Yemen, sw Arabia, Socotra and Ethiopia south to Angola, Zambia and s Africa. In s Africa, in nw and ne Namibia, Okavango Delta, Botswana, and Zambezi R valley, Zimbabwe below escarpment, from Mana Pools to Victoria Falls 5, 6.
Pages 245-246 Livingstone’s and Knysna Turacos
The mapped records from e Swaziland (but not from nw Swaziland) ascribed to Knysna Lourie should be ascribed to Livingstone’s Lourie (nominate race). The nw Swaziland records remain of Knysna Lourie.
Page 304
Plate labels 1 & 2 should be reversed
Pages 522-523 Steppe and Forest Buzzards
Mention is made in both texts that wing extension of Forest Buzzard is shorter than that of Steppe Buzzard. However, recently supplied photographic evidence does not support this and the statement should be ignored for identification purposes.
Page 678 African Broadbill
The isolated population in the e Soutpansberg, Limpopo Province was excluded from both maps and text. The population extends approximately from Makhado (Louis Trichardt) east to Ka-Minga. Reference: Symes CT, Perrin MR 2000 Range extension of African Broadbill Smithornis capensis into Soutpansberg, Northern Province, South Africa. Bull. ABC 7:135-138.
Page 828 Tinkling Cisticola
In recent years this species has expanded its range in w Mpumalanga and Gauteng.
Page 977
Plate label 7b should read male, not female
Page 978 Orange-breasted Sunbird
Under ‘Foraging and Food’:
- Leucospermum cococarpodendron should read Leucospermum conocarpodendron) Delete Tree Pagoda M. fibriifolius
- E. sessifolia should read E. sessiliflora
- Liparia spherica should read Liparia splendens
Under ‘Breeding’: Brunniceae should read Bruniaceae
Page 985
Malachite Sunbird map: casualty of electronic gremlins. Please find the correct Malachite Sunbird map below. Click the image to download a PDF of the correct map.

Page 1001 Gurney's Sugarbird
Under ‘Breeding’: Widdringtonia noridflora should read Widdringtonia nodiflora
Page 1003 Cape Sugarbird
Under ‘Breeding’:
- Protea eximea should read Protea eximia
- Protea neriifloia should read Protea neriifolia
- Leucodendron argenteum should read Leucadendron argenteum
- Brunia nodiflora should read Brunia noduliflora
- Stoebe plumose should read Stoebe plumosa
Page 1128 Protea Seedeater Under ‘Foraging and Food’
The genus Zygophyllum has been renamed Roepera (this is likely to affect other species accounts as well – if anyone finds these, please inform us).
Page 1056
Plate caption for African Firefinch should read P1063
Page 1137
Plate labels 8 & 9 should be reversed
MANY THANKS to those of you who have noticed these mistakes and made us aware of them. It is likely that Roberts VII will go to a second printing in 2006, and we will use the opportunity to correct these errors. The second printing will not, however, contain any new information above and beyond error corrections.