2020 - present
Bate (Risi), Taylyn. Dec 2023. Moult strategies of oystercatchers (Haematopidae). (Supervisors: Les Underhill, Peter Ryan, David Melville).
Dakwa, Farisayi. Dec 2022. Influence of ecosystem variability on the demography and reproductive performance of two Eudyptes penguins, Macaroni and Eastern Rockhopper Penguins, at sub-Antarctic Marion Island, 1994–2019. (Supervisors: Peter Ryan, Azwianewi Makhado).
du Plessis, Monique. July 2021. The effect of supplementary nectar feeders on bird-plant mutualisms in the Cape Fynbos, South Africa. (Supervisors: Anina Coetzee, Colleen Seymour, Claire Spottiswoode).
Lund, Jess. Dec 2020. Co-evolutionary causes and consequences of high-fidelity mimicry by a specialist brood parasite. (Supervisors: Claire Spottiswoode, Gabriel Jamie).
Mphetlhe, Rochelle. Dec 2023. Quantifying national abundance changes of raptors across Botswana using repeat road surveys. (Supervisors: Arjun Amar, Glyn Maude).
Osborne, Alexis. Dec 2020. Understanding moult patterns in Albatrosses and Petrels breeding on Marion and Gough Islands. (Supervisor: Peter Ryan).
Rose, Sanjo. Dec 2023. Land use and breeding ecology of a renosterveld endemic bird: the Agulhas Long-billed Lark Certhilauda brewirostris (Supervisors: Robert Thomson, Peter Ryan, Alan Lee).
Vrettos, Michelle. March 2023. No universal support for solar glare as an evolutionary driver of malar stripes in falcons. (Supervisors: Arjun Amar, Patrick Marais, Chevonne Reynolds).
Weideman, Eleanor. Dec 2020. Quantifying land-based sources of plastic pollution in South Africa. (Supervisor: Peter Ryan).
2010 - 2019
Berndt, Jessie. June 2015. Martial Eagles and the national power grid in South Africa: the implications of pylon-nesting for conservation management. (Supervisors: Andrew Jenkins, Res Altwegg, Arjun Amar).
Botha, Philna. Dec 2014. The effects of prey availability on the endangered bank cormorant Phalacrocorax neglectus. (Supervisors: Tim Cook, Richard Sherley, Les Underhill, Peter Ryan).
Cerfonteyn, Mia. Dec 2013. The population status, breeding success and diet of Subantarctic Skua two decades after the Feral Cat eradication on Marion Island. (Supervisor: Peter Ryan).
de Blocq van Scheltinga, Andrew. July 2017. Disturbance effects of boat-based tourism on waterbirds at the Ramsar-designated De Hoop Vlei, Western Cape, South Africa. (Supervisors: Peter Ryan, Robert Thomson).
Gwynn, Lisle. June 2015. The identity, origin and impact of a 'new' buzzard species breeding in South Africa. (Supervisors: Arjun Amar, Rauri Bowie, Phil Hockey).
Heydinger, John. Dec 2014. Cultural ecosystem services and the avifauna for the Western Cape: a social-ecological systems investigation. (Supervisor: Graeme Cumming).
Johnson, Laurie. Dec 2019. Assessing the effect of feather wear on carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios, and the use of stable isotopes to determine predator diets in the Namibian Islands Marine Protected Area. (Supervisor: Peter Ryan)
Jones, Christopher. Dec 2018. Comparative ecology of Pachyptila species breeding sympatrically at Gough Island. (Supervisor: Peter Ryan)
Meyer, Corlia. Dec 2014. The endangered bank cormorant Phalacrocorax neglectus: the heat is on: understanding the effect of climate change and associated environmental variable changes on the breeding biology and population dynamics of the bank cormorant in the Western Cape, South Africa. (Supervisors: Tim Cook, Richard Sherley, Les Underhill, Peter Ryan).
Mutumi, Gregory. June 2011. Using stable isotopes in feathers to trace the movement of ducks in southern Africa. (Supervisor: Graeme Cumming).
Moloto, Ditiro. Dec 2019. Are there structural differences in the flight feathers among Procellariiformes related to the use of wings for underwater propulsion? (Supervisor: Peter Ryan)
Paijmans, Dane. Dec 2014. Investigating the possible change in breeding strategy of African Black Oystercatchers (Supervisors: Peter Ryan, Phil Hockey).
Roberts, Jenni. June 2016. African Penguin (Spheniscus demersus) distribution during the non-breeding season: preparation for, and recovery from, a moulting fast. (Supervisor: Peter Ryan).
Schoombie, Stefan. Dec 2015. The population status, breeding success and foraging ecology of Phoebetria albatrosses on Marion Island. (Supervisor: Peter Ryan).
van Eeden, Rowen. Dec 2012. Foraging ecology of the African Penguin Spheniscus demersus in relation to ocean physical processes. (Supervisor: Peter Ryan).
Witteveen, Minke. June 2015. The influence of a changing environment on the breeding biology and diet of Kelp Gulls (Larus dominicanus vetula) in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa. (Supervisors: Peter Ryan, Mark Brown).
Zoghby, Blair. June 2015. Fine-scale movements and habitat use of the Southern Ground-Hornbill Bucorvus leadbeateri. (Supervisors: Phil Hockey, Rob Little, Peter Ryan).
Anderson, Hilary. 2003. An econometric analysis of the wildlife market in South Africa. (Supervisor: Jane Turpie).
Bento, Carlos. 2002. The status and prospects of Wattled Cranes Grus carunculatus in the Marromeu complex of the Zambezi Delta. (Supervisor: Phil Hockey).
Biggs, Duan. 2006. The economics, institutions and conservation benefits of community-based avitourism in South Africa. (Supervisor: Jane Turpie).
Curtis, Odette. 2005. Responses of raptors to habitat fragmentation: from individual responses to population susceptibility. (Supervisor: Phil Hockey).
Dickinson, Hannah. 2001. The ecology, genetics and conservation of a translocated population Cnemidophorus vanzoi (Teiidae) on Praslin Island, St Lucia. (Supervisor: Peter Ryan).
Hamblin, Jane. 2003. Dispersion patterns of Holarctic-breeding migrant landbirds: global paradigm or regional patterns? (Supervisor: Phil Hockey).
Hampton, Shannon. 2008. A preliminary investigation into effects of flipper banding on African Penguins Spheniscus demersus. (Supervisors: Peter Ryan, Les Underhill).
Hawn, Amanda. 2003. The importance of a double standard: inter-sexual differences and cooperative breeding in the Green Woodhoopoe. (Supervisor: Morné du Plessis).
Lannas, Kathryn. 2008. Determining the socio-economic value of wetlands and devising an evaluation metric for South Africa. (Supervisor: Jane Turpie).
Law-Brown, Janette. 2001. Chemical defense in the Red-billed Woodhoopoe, Phoeniculus purpureus. (Supervisor: Morné du Plessis).
Leseberg, Antje. 2001. The foraging ecology, demographics and conservation of African Black Oystercatchers Haematopus moquini. (Supervisor: Phil Hockey).
Mandiwana, Tshifhiwa. 2003. Taxonomy, phylogenetic and biogeographical relationships of African grassland Francolins (Genus: Scleroptila). (Supervisor: Tim Crowe, Rauri Bowie)
Mangnall, Michael. 2001. The demography of the Egyptian Goose, its impacts on cereal crop agriculture on the Agulhas Plain, Western Cape, South Africa and measures to mitigate damage to crops by geese. (Supervisors: Tim Crowe, Rob Little).
Nangammbi, Tshifhiwa. 2003. Taxonomy and phylogeny of red-tailed francolins (Genus Peliperdix). (Supervisors: Tim Crowe, Rauri Bowie).
Parker, Ruth. 2006. Incentives and disincentives for conserving Renosterveld remnants and the potential impacts of property rate rebates. (Supervisors: Jane Turpie, Mark Botha).
Ratcliffe, Charles. 2000. Factors which may be preventing the recovery of populations of helmeted guineafowl in the midlands of Kwazulu-Natal. (Supervisor: Tim Crowe).
Teroerde, Anja. 2008. Variation in the use of intermittently open estuaries by birds: a study of four estuaries in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. (Supervisor: Jane Turpie).
Vincent, Zach. 2008. Survival and reproduction in a biennially breeding seabird, the Wandering Albatross. (Supervisor: Peter Ryan).
Wanless, Ross. 2002. The reintroduction of the Aldabra Rail Dryolimnas cuvieri Aldabranus to Picard Island, Aldabra Atoll. (Supervisor: Phil Hockey).
Allan, Dave. 1994. Aspects of the biology and conservation status of the Blue Crane Anthropoides paradiseus and the Ludwig's Neotis ludwigii and Stanley's bustards N. denhami stanleyi in Southern Africa. (Supervisor: Phil Hockey).
Fraser, Michael. 1990. Effects of natural vegetation, fire and alien plant invasion on bird species assemblages in mountain fynbos of the southwestern Cape Province, South Africa. (Supervisor: Tim Crowe)
Lennard, Christopher. 1999. The causes of avian extinction and rarity. (Supervisor: Phil Hockey).
van Zyl, Anthony. 1993. Aspects of the foraging and breeding ecology of the southern African Kestrel, Falco tinnunculus rupicolus. (Supervisor: Roy Siegfried).
Villacastin-Herrero, Carlos. 1991. Statistical relationships between pelagic fish catches and long-term series of environmental conditions in the southern Benguela region. (Supervisors: John Field, Rob Crawford).
Banks, Donella. 1980. Use of habitat by waterbirds within a fluctuating environment. (Supervisor: Tim Crowe).
Boobyer, Mark. 1989. Eco-ethology of the Karoo Korhaan Eupodotis vigorsii. (Supervisor: Phil Hockey).
Broni, Stephen. 1985. Penguins and purse-seiners, competition or co-existence? (Supervisors: Roy Siegfried, David Duffy).
Crowe, Anna. 1986. Aspects of the behaviour and ecology of White-fronted Sandplovers and Sanderlings on a South African sandy beach. (Supervisor: Roy Siegfried).
Frost, Suzanne. 1987. Factors affecting habitat separation in the Pallid Flycatcher Melaenornis and Marico Flycatcher Melaenornis mariquensis. (Supervisor: Rob Prŷs-Jones).
Griffiths, Andrew. 1982. Dispersion of seabirds at sea in the southern ocean. (Supervisor: Roy Siegfried).
Koen, Julius. 1985. Animal-habitat relationships in the Knysna forest: discrimination between forest types by birds and invertebrates. (Supervisor: Tim Crowe).
Laugksch, Rudi. 1989. Assessment of the use of the Jackass Penguin as a sampler of the marine environment. (Supervisors: Roy Siegfried, David Duffy).
Manry, David. 1983. Ecology of the Bald Ibis Geronticus calvus and fire in the South African grassland biome.(Supervisor: Roy Siegfried).
Ryan, Peter. 1986. Incidence and effects of ingested plastic in seabirds. (Supervisors: Roy Siegfried, John Cooper).
Schramm, Michael. 1984. Ecological segregation of burrowing petrels (Procellaridae) at Marion Island. (Supervisor: Roy Siegfried).
Veldhuis (Davies), Helen. 1987. An analysis of factors controlling the distribution of zooplankton in the Knysna estuary. (Supervisors: Charles Griffiths, Mike Grundling).
Berruti, Aldo. 1977. Co-existence in the Phoebetria albatrosses at Marion Island. (Supervisor: Roy Siegfried).
Davidge, Christine. 1976. Activity patterns of baboons (Papio ursinus) at Cape Point. (Supervisor: Roy Siegfried).
Milewski, Antoni. 1976. Feeding ecology and habitat of the Protea Seedeater Serinus leucopterus. (Supervisor: Roy Siegfried, Eugene Moll).
Godschalk, Seakle.1979. The dispersal of three mistletoe species by birds in the Loskop Dam Nature Reserve. (Supervisor: Roy Siegfried).
Blaker, David. 1967. Behaviour of the Cattle Egret Ardeola ibis. (Supervisor: Gerry Broekhuysen).