The Department of Computer Science is amongst the strongest in the country and home to academic staff who are well regarded both nationally and internationally. The Department plays an important role in local industry and provides services to industries through technology transfer and applied research. The Department of Computer Science is part of the cross-Faculty School of IT
Staff research interests are broadly focussed in the following domains: Digital Libraries, Network and Information Security, Visual Computing, High-Performance computing and Big Data, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Development. The department maintains links with many IT-based industries within the country, including those in telecommunications, scientific and high-performance computing and visual effects and animation. ICT for Development constitutes an important unifying theme amongst several staff members and this synergy led to the establishment of the Centre for ICT4D, a multi-disciplinary centre supported by several international corporations.
The department produces high quality graduates with knowledge and skills relevant to the international and South African technology communities. A capstone Honours degree in Computer Science, accredited by the British Computer Society, provides graduates with opportunities in stimulating and well-paid careers both locally and abroad.

For more information visit the department's website at
www.cs.uct.ac.za and School of IT at www.sit.uct.ac.za