The Department of Biological Sciences at UCT was established in 2013 as a result of a merger between the long-standing Botany and Zoology Departments. The department has a large academic staff compliment, a large group of research associates, and a vibrant group of postdoctoral fellows and postgraduate students. The Department houses the Bolus Herbarium, the FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology (a DST-NRF Centre of Excellence), and two formal URC research units - the Plant Conservation Unit (PCU), and the Institute for Communities and Wildlife in Africa (iCWild), as well as hosting the interdisciplinary centre for Marine and Antarctic Research Centre for Innovation and Sustainability (MARIS). Research strengths range from marine biology, conservation biology, biodiversity, ecology, evolutionary biology, ornithology, palaeobiology, physiology and systematics.

For more information visit the department's website at