The Quantum Universe

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Professor Viatcheslav Mukhanov will present the Nobel in Africa Lecture with a talk entitled, "The Quantum Universe".
In this talk he will discuss recent progress in cosmology, namely, the theoretical predictions made back to 80th and how they were confirmed in the cosmic Microwave Background fluctuations measurements during the last 20 years.
Prof Viatcheslav studied at the Moscow Physical-Technical Institute, Russia, graduating with a Ph.D. in Physics (1982). He then joined the Institute for Nuclear Research in Moscow where he served as a Research Scientist (1982-1992). After the fall of the Soviet Union, Prof. Mukhanov joined ETH Zurich (the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Switzerland, as a lecturer (1992-1997). In 1997, Prof. Mukhanov was appointed Full Professor of Physics and Head of the Astroparticle Division at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany, positions he holds to this day. Prof. Mukhanov serves as the Scientific Director of the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, and he is an Editorial Member of the Journal of High Energy Physics