Dr Bishop Mongwane, Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics will present a Science Faculty Special Research Seminar, with a talk entitled, "Behind General Relativistic Hydrodynamics".
Abstract: Relativistic Hydrodynamic simulations have recently grown in popularity within the field of Numerical Relativity, with applications ranging from Binary Neutron star collisions and cosmological structure formation. In this talk, I will talk a bit about my research in this area and discuss some of the ingredients that have gone into my new 3D General Relativistic code, and the relevance to gravitational wave modelling from Binary Neutron stars.
Biography: Bishop Mongwane is a Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics and a member of the Cosmology and Gravity Group at the University of Cape Town. His research interests lie in the area of Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, with applications to Numerical Relativity and Cosmology. He completed his PhD in Applied Mathematics at UCT and after a postdoctoral fellowship at Rhodes University, he joined UCT as a Lecturer in 2016.