The Department of Computer Science will host an Industry Seminar by Kyle Riley and Matt Marx of MWR InfoSecurity.  

The talked, entitled, "Seek and ye shall find" explores a new research undertaking by MWR that attempts to use open and dark web reconnaissance to identify interesting information around key security topics. The techniques used to gather information as well as some findings of the project will be discussed. Early findings included identifying an extensive description of a NASA breach before the breach itself was public knowledge. 

Kyle Riley is an Information Security Consultant at MWR InfoSecurity. He has a background in computer
engineering. His research interests focus on embedded systems and mobile platforms. He co-developed an
offensive vulnerability search tool that was integrated into Maltego and launched at Black Hat 2013 in Las Vegas,
USA. He formed part of a team who won the mobile application category of Mobile Pwn2Own 2014 in Tokyo,
Japan. He has presented at various conferences, including the Qualcomm Mobile Security Summit 2015 in San
Diego, USA.

Matt is an information security consultant and researcher at MWR InfoSecurity in South Africa. He regularly presents his research at both local and international conferences, such as BSidesCapeTown and PasswordsCon in Las Vegas in 2014. In addition to this, he has served as a private consultant to the European Commission and has published tools such as WordHound, which aid in automated password cracking and the creation of target specific dictionaries for use in password cracking. He regularly takes part in international password cracking competitions as a member of team Hashcat and has most recently won the DEFCON Crack Me If You Can password cracking competition. In addition to his password research, he and a colleague developed an offensive vulnerability tool that resolve