Emily Mo-Hellenbrand, fromTechnische Universität München, will present the Department of Statistical Science seminar with a talk entitled, "Resource-Awareness and Elasticity in High Performance Computing".

In this High Performance Computing (HPC) refers to the practice of aggregating computing power to solve complex problems efficiently. HPC systems have been prevailing platforms for years in the fields of science and engineering. They are tailored for large applications that are data-intensive and require a lot of computational power and resources. In recent years, however, technological advancements in both computer hardware and software development pose several challenges in HPC, such as energy inefficiency, fault intolerance, difficulties in programming, and more. Many researches been carried out in search of remedies for these challenges. In this talk, our pilot study on resource-awareness and elasticity on HPC systems will be presented. Resource-awareness refers to the knowledge of amount and types of computational resources that can be utilized and be sensible to their real-time changes. Resource-elasticity refers to the ability to adapt the execution to fit different amounts of resources. This is our attempt to resolve some of the urgent HPC problems. The goal of our research is to achieve optimal system throughput and  resource/energy efficiency via autonomous and flexible resource management, which is supported by a resource-elastic programming framework and infrastructure -- Elastic MPI. First, the high-level design and functionality of the Elastic MPI framework will be discussed. Then, different malleable applications and performance analysis will be presented.

Emily is a PhD candidate/research associate at the Chair of Scientific Computing in Technical University of Munich, Germany. She obtained a Master of Science degree in Computational Science and Engineering at Technical University of Munich, Germany in 2013. She graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering degree from Stony Brook University (State University of New York), USA. During the period 2007-2010 she worked as an applications developer at JPMorgan Chase, USA.