The Faculty of Science invites you to a seminar, entitled, "Opportunities for collaboration and use of information technology in research and applications on climate change and development". At this seminar there will be the opportunity to discuss the potential uses of information and communications technology (ICT) in innovative research and applications within the domain of climate change and development. UCT’s Science Faculty has identified the theme of climate change and development as one of six research focal areas of high strategic impact and has consequently provided seed funding to promote new collaborations between departments in the Science Faculty that will contribute towards this theme.

This seminar will focus on identifying opportunities for inter-disciplinary collaboration between groups such as Information and Communications Technologies for Development (ICT4D) and various UCT‑based academics currently working on themes related to climate change and development. The intention is that further workshop opportunities and seed funding will be made available to support new collaborative explorations. 

Brief presentations will be delivered by guest speakers, followed by a facilitated group discussion. Light food and refreshments will be provided.