Stratton Hatfield, from Wageningen University, University of Kentucky and National Museums of Kenya will present the Department of Biological Sciences seminar with a talk entitled, "The Mara Raptor Project: Raptor Research and Conservation in Kenya's Maasai Mara ecosystem".
In 2016, a group of researchers, students, guides and conservationists came together to form what we now call the Mara Raptor Project. Our work is focused on expanding our knowledge of raptor ecology and using that information to drive species’ conservation. Research efforts thus far have focused on Martial Eagles, but we are in the process of expanding to a community level research approach and have now launched overlapping studies on Wahlberg’s Eagles, Tawny Eagles and African Hawk-eagles. I am looking forward to sharing with the FitzPatrick Institute some of our successes and challenges and our plans for the future.