Associate Professor Seema Singh, who is Assistant Professor at CAS in Geology, Panjab University (Chandigarh)  will present the Department of Environmental & Geographical Science seminar, with a talk entitled, "How do past soil records serve an indispensable proxy tool to a wide array of researchers?"

Past soil or palaeosol records are being widely used worldwide for addressing various scientific issues since last few decades. Their studies have proved a reliable proxy tool to a wide array of researchers be it the geologists, pedologists, physical geographers, climatologists, agronomists, archaeologists and many more, perhaps because these form in direct contact with lithosphere, biosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere. However, for pre-Quaternary palaeosols it is the resistance of various pedofeatures to diagenesis process which makes them remarkable proxy tools. Herein, Cenozoic Himalayan palaeosols are taken as case study and the major objective is to show how the morphological, micro morphological and stable isotope studies of these palaeosol records suggest reappraisal of long held views on the nature of transition from last marine to continental sedimentation resulting in emergence of Himalayas, the spatial and temporal variation in Himalayan foreland basin tectonics and the inception and evolution of
Asian monsoon climate with Himalayan tectonic upheavals.

Associate Professor Singh has an: M.Sc. in Geology from Panjab University, Chandigarh (2004), Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (2010).
Professional Positions: Assistant Professor at CAS in Geology, Panjab University (Chandigarh) from June, 2014 onwards.
Department of Science & Technology (Govt. of India) ‐Women Scientist (at Indian Institute of Science Bangalore) from June, 2013 to June, 2014.
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research‐Senior Research Fellow (SRF) from July, 2008 to July, 2010. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research‐Junior Research Fellow (JRF) from July, 2006 to July, 2008. Ministry of Human Resource Development‐ Junior Research Fellow (JRF) from July, 2005 to July, 2006.
Brief Research