Associate Professor Susie Cunningham will present the Science Faculty Seminar Series lecture with a talk entitled, " The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology: birds as keys to ecology, evolution, and conservation".

The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology is a research institute with a 63-year history, housed within the Department of Biological Sciences. Fitz researchers are united by their use of birds as models for ecology, evolution and conservation research. The mission of the Fitz isto “promote and undertake scientific studies involving birds and contribute to the theory and
practice affecting the maintenance of biological diversity and the sustained use of biological resources.” Our work falls under the broad topics “Understanding Biodiversity” and “Maintaining Biodiversity.”

In this talk, I will introduce our Institute, briefly cover the history of the Fitz within UCT, and outline key current research themes, introducing the people involved in each project and briefly covering recent research highlights. I’ll also touch on other roles the Fitz plays within UCT and the broader community, including in training conservation biologists
for Africa and abroad, and managing large citizen science programmes that assist South Africa in fulfilling its obligations as a signatory nation to international treaties on the protection of biodiversity. I hope to enthuse all about the importance and beauty of birds as keys to understanding the ecology and evolution of biodiversity, and in promoting conservation.

A/Prof Susie Cunningham is the Director of the FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology, Department of Biological Sciences. She has been employed at UCT since 2010, initially as a post-doc and later as a lecturer. Her research focuses on thermal biology and behavioural ecology of birds, and their responses to global change.

For catering purposes please RSVP by sending an email to elhaam.taladia@ by Tuesday, October 24th