The UCT IDM, in partnership with Janelia, the research campus of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and six other leading research institutes around the world, are bringing you the Sister Institute Seminar Series. This series, entitled “Life Science Across the Globe,” This international exchange will feature weekly Zoom talks exploring new research and scientific culture.

Each one-hour seminar will include two presentations, with time for Q&A. The first presentation (25 min) will focus on Science and the second (15 min), on Culture. For more details about the next two seminars which are scheduled for the 15th of July, and the 22nd of July respectively, see the attached.

These seminars will focus both on the latest discoveries in life sciences, as well as provide a unique opportunity to learn about research in the context of a variety of cultures around the world. Students, postdocs, and early-career researchers are particularly encouraged to participate in this exciting initiative. 

Join the Zoom conversation here <hyperlink:>.

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For more info about the series and to view previous recordings see here <hyperlink:>.