Publication archive

Amar, A. 2014. Countdown: the Martial Eagle is in trouble. Wild Summer 2014/2015:36-43.

Boyes, S. 2014. Saving Cape Parrots and their forests. Environment 18:14-15.

Carstens, K. 2014. Janovsky birds are going places. Klaserie Chronicle 28:9.

Carstens, K. 2014. Sighting success. Klaserie Chronicle 29:18.

Carstens, J.C., 2014. Boomklim agter bromvoels aan. Klaserie Chronicle 30, 8.

Gaglio, D. 2014. Help the Swift Tern's project. The Kite 104:5.

Gaglio, D. 2014. Envirobytes; Please help! Re-sighting colour-marked Swift Terns. Environment 19:4.

Hockey, P.A.R. & Ryan, P. 2014. All together now: why do birds form groups? African Birdlife 2(2):32-38

Koopman, M.M. 2014. Crithagra Totta: Cape Siskin. Promerops 299:14

Koopman, M.M. 2014. Does the Glossy Ibis, Plegadis falcinellus, breed in Zimbabwe? The circuitous web of citation 'evidence'. Honeyguide.

Krüger, S. The Bearded Vulture in southern Africa. The Kite 104:8.

Krüger, S. 2014. Rescue mission takes flight. SANParks Times December 2014: 40.

Krüger, S. 2014. Masters of the sky: Bearded Vultures are at risk because of our actions. Environment 20: 16-17.

Lee, A. 2014. Seeing stars: heavenly navigation. African Birdlife 2(4):13.

Lee, A., Barnard, P. & Wright, D. 2014. The bold and the beautiful: Orange-breasted Sunbird. African Birdlife 2(3):61.

Little, R. 2014. Yellow-morph Southern Red Bishop. African Birdlife 2(2):16.

Little, R. 2014. A savannah icon: reversing the decline of Southern Ground-Hornbills in South Africa. Environment 18:16-18.

Little, R. 2014. Is this a spotted freak? Comment. SANParks Times June: 28.

Little, R. 2014. Bright white: leucism and albinism in birds. African Birdlife 2(5):14-15.

Little, R. 2014. Common Myna confirmed as host for the Great Spotted Cuckoo. Sakabula. Newsletter of BirdLife Free State 46:2-3.

Little, R. 2014. Confirming Southern Double-collared Sunbird as host for the Klaas’s Cuckoo. Ornithological Observations 5:369.

Little, R. 2014. The bogey bird: managing Egyptian Geese on golf courses. African Birdlife2(5):42-46

Little, R. 2014. The bogey bird. GCM: Golf Club Management September: 10-13.

Little, R. 2014. Friend or foe? Managing Egyptian Geese on Golf courses. Environment 19:16-18.

Little, R. 2014. Managing Egyptian Geese on Steenberg. Steenberg Golf Estate website, Wildlife on the Estate. (posted 15 August 2014).

Little, R. 2014. Managing Egyptian Geese on golf courses. Aardvark: Newsletter of the Zoological Society of southern Africa. December:13-14.

Little, R. 2014. Reversing the decline of Southern Ground-Hornbills in South Africa. SAWMA Matters; Electronic newsletter of the Southern African Wildlife Management Association October 2014:8-9.

Little, R. 2014. Reversing the decline of Southern Ground-Hornbills in South Africa. Aardvark: Newsletter of the Zoological Society of southern Africa. December:10-12.

Little, R, Dyer, R. & Hoarau, M. 2014. Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiaca Management Plan for Steenberg Estate. FitzPatrick Institute, University of Cape Town. Unpublished report 25pp.

Mackay, B., Little, R.M., Amar, A. & Hockey, P.A.R. 2014. Incorporating environmental considerations in managing Egyptian Geese on golf courses in South Africa (Abstract). SAWMA Matters; Electronic newsletter of the Southern African Wildlife Management Association June 2014:9.

McKechnie, A. 2014. Clay time: Prof. Andrew McKechnie comments. African Birdlife 2(2):8.

McKechnie, A. 2014. Swift ascent:  why do Common Swifts fly at high altitude twice daily? African Birdlife 2(2):12.

McKechnie, A. 2014. And along came polly: Australia's feathered phantom returns. African Birdlife 2(3):18.

>McKechnie, A. 2014. Food on the fly. African Birdlife 2(4):13.

McKechnie, A. 2014. Something in the air: electrosmog may impact migrants. African Birdlife 2(6):10.

McKechnie, A. 2014. Cracking the secrets of eggs. African Birdlife 2(6):30-35.

Mills, M. 2014. Angola: opportunities for exploration. African Birdlife 2(6):38-43.

Mullers, R. 2014. Grey ghosts of the wetlands. African Birdlife 2(5):24-30.

Mullers, R.H.E. & Reid, C. 2014. Excitement and predation at shoebill nests. Ornithological Observations 5:349-354.

Mullers, R., Amar, A. & Little, R. 2014. Shoebills and people in the Bangweulu Wetlands, Zambia. Environment 21:15-16.

PFIAO. 2014. The FitzPatrick Report: The end of an era. African Birdlife 2(2):22-23

PFIAO. 2014. The FitzPatrick Report: Colour polymorphism in Black Sparrowhawks. African Birdlife 2(3):25.

PFIAO. 2014. The FitzPatrick Report: Cape Gannets push the boundaries. African Birdlife 2(4):20.

PFIAO. 2014. The FitzPatrick Report: Hot Birds go global. African Birdlife 2(5):20.

PFIAO. 2014. The FitzPatrick Report: Swift Terns bucking the trend. African Birdlife 2(6):18.

PFIAO. 2014. The FitzPatrick Report: Helping hands. African Birdlife 3(1):18.

Ryan, P. 2014. Nightjars in flux. African Birdlife 2(2):13.

Ryan, P. 2014. Do intelligent birds stress less? African Birdlife 2(3):16.

Ryan, P. 2014. ... and cunning crocodiles. African Birdlife 2(3):16.

Ryan, P. 2014. Moult: The cost of annual renewal. African Birdlife 2(3):36-42.

Ryan, P. 2014. A narrow margin: new Prion discovered on Gough Island. African Birdlife 2(4):10-11.

Ryan P. 2014. Orientation course: check the compass, chaps. African Birdlife 2(4):12.

Ryan, P. 2014. Shed load: feather growth and replacement strategies. African Birdlife 2(4):36-40.

Ryan, P. 2014. Getting to know Peter Ryan. African Birdlife 2(4):52-53.

Ryan, P. 2014. Riders on the storm. African Birdlife 2(5):10-11.

Ryan, P. 2014. Flying ostriches. African Birdlife 2(5):18.

Ryan, P. 2014. Striking a balance: moulting flight feathers. African Birdlife 2(5):56-60.

Ryan, P. 2014. Colour coding: Black power. African Birdlife2(5):14.

Ryan, P. 2014. Calling 'time'. African Birdlife 2(6):11.

Ryan, P. 2014. Baby on board: Mascarene Petrel unveiled. African Birdlife 3(1) 10-11.

Ryan, P. 2014. Warblers feeding on giant honey flower nectar. Promerops 297:12.

Ryan, P. 2014. Birds of Steenbras Island. Promerops 297:13.

Ryan, P. 2014. Swee Waxbills head south on the Cape Peninsula. Promerops 298:16.

Ryan, P. 2014. Long distance flyers face tough times. SANParks Times March:22.

Ryan, P. 2014. Little brown jobs’ life on the edge. SANParks Times June:26.

Ryan, P. 2014. Who’s a clever bird? Wild Autumn:86-89.

Ryan, P. & Wanless, R. 2014. Bird of the year 2014: Tristan Albatross Diomedea dabbenena. African Birdlife 2(3):56.

Sands, D. & Simmons, R. 2014. Wind farms in Lesotho: a call for data. African Birdlife 3(1):12.

Simmons, R. 2014. Peak sneak: can Verreaux's eagles defend their nests against baboons? African Birdlife 3(1):30-32.

Van Eeden, R. 2014. Majestic eagles on the decline. SANParks Times June:20.

Wanless, R. 2014. The bigger picture? African Birdlife 2(2):60.

Wanless, R. 2014. Good news: bird of the year 2014 Tristan Albatross. African Birdlife 3(1):65.