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Selected articles by Fitz staff and students

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Volume 5 (2000)

Vol. 5 No. 1 (Feb/Mar)

PFIAO. 2000. Sunbirds - Africa's jewels. Africa - Birds & Birding 5(1):18.

Barnes, K.N. 2000. Silhouettes in the swamps: Uganda's papyrus specials. Africa - Birds & Birding 5(1):48-55.

Boix-Hinzen, C., Stanback, M. & Mendelsohn, J. 2000. Plugging the gap: monitoring Monteiro's hornbills. Africa - Birds & Birding 5(1):56-59.

Vol. 5 No. 2 (Apr/May)

PFIAO. 2000.Hybridisation and the Helmeted Guineafowl. Africa - Birds & Birding 5(2):16.

Hockey, P.A.R. & Oxford, P. 2000. Madagascar portfolio. Africa - Birds & Birding 5(2):58-64.

Crowe, T.M. 2000. Gamebirds in southern Africa. Africa - Birds & Birding 5(2):68-74.

Vol. 5 No. 3 (Jun/Jul)

PFIAO. 2000.The world at the Fitz. Africa - Birds & Birding 5(3):22.

Vol. 5 No. 4 (Aug/Sep)

PFIAO. 2000.Rwanda's forest birds under threat. Africa - Birds & Birding 5(4):17.

Ryan, P.G. 2000. Separating albatrosses: Tristan or wandering? Africa - Birds & Birding 5(4):35-39.

Vol. 5 No. 5 (Oct/Nov)

PFIAO. 2000.Aldabra Rails - a runaway success. Africa - Birds & Birding 5(5):11.

Simmons, R. 2000. Harriers: skydancing through time. Africa - Birds & Birding 5(5):36-43.

Barnes, K.N. 2000. Kenya’s badlands: the desert denizens of the North. Africa - Birds & Birding 5(5):46-51.

Vol. 5 No. 6 (Dec/Jan)

PFIAO. 2000. Bustards. Living clues to Africa's past. Africa - Birds & Birding 5(6):14.