The Centre for Statistics in Ecology, the Environment and Conservation (SEEC) marked a significant milestone in May with the SEEC 2024 Student Symposium, coinciding with the celebration of its tenth anniversary.
The 2023 SEEC Student Symposium saw remarkable presentations from emerging researchers, with the award for best presentation going to Joshua Weeber, a PhD candidate from the University of Cape Town and SANBI
Check out this amazing international effort, of which SEEC member Jon Colville is a part, to provide data from across the globe on crop pollination. Read the paper her
The 8th biennial International Statistical Ecology Conference (ISEC) will be hosted by SEEC and the Stats Department from 27 June to 1 July 2022 at the Breakwater Lodge, Cape Town.
See the conference website
Exciting news! The International Statistical Ecology Conference (ISEC) 2022 will be hosted by SEEC and we need your creative skills to help develop a logo for the event.
This month, Jack Fearey, an MSc candidate within the Centre for Statistics in Ecology, Environment and Conservation and Sea Search group, will be joining Greenpeace on their vessel, the Arctic Sunrise, to go to the Vema Seamount. The Vema Seamount
SEEC alumnus, Raquel Garcia was recently part of a large team of international researchers who published a paper in Scientific Advances on standards for species distribution modelling.
Congratulations to Greg Duckworth and Alecia Nickless who both graduated with their PhDs this December. We are very proud of you!
Greg did his PhD on the effects of protected areas and climate change on the occupancy dynamics o
SEEC researcher, Tess Gridley, is organising a conference in Cape Town on all aspects of bio-acoustic research this December.
Further information about the conference can be found on the
Congratulations to Danielle Boyd who graduated with a M.Sc. in Statistical Ecology this month. We are proud of you Danielle!
The title of Danielle's thesis is "Fishery, population dynamics and stock assessment of geelbek (At
In January SEEC hosted David Warton a Professor and Australian Research Council Future Fellow from the University of South Wales.
David champions the movement away from traditional methods of exploratory multivariate analyses to more pre
Congratulations to Jasper and his team, who won one of the 3 thematic awards at the Data for Climate Action (D4CA) challenge award ceremony at COP23!
D4CA is a competition under the UN Globa
Check out a new SEEC-authored paper recently published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
As the Earth's climate changes, extreme c
Jasper Slingsby, a SEEC honorary research associate and SAEON biodiversity scientist, has just published a paper on how climate change is leading to biodiversity decline in the Fynbos.
In the longest running permanent vegetation plot stu
Congratulations to former SEEC postdoc, Raquel Garcia, on the publication of a paper in the prestigious journal, Science, which she co-authored during her time at SEEC!
Congratulations to one of our students, Etienne Pienaar, on the award of his PhD entitled "Diffusion Processes and Applications". Below is an abstract of Etienne's thesis:
Diffusion models are useful tools for quantifying the dy
The SEEC Stats Toolbox Seminars started with a BANG!!!! What a turn out? Dr Vernon Visser had a full house as he introduced Species Distribution Models to 92 enthusiastic students and researchers. They represented tertiary institutions, government depa
Seattle, better known for coffee and Frasier, was recently the host for the International Statistical Ecology Conference (ISEC) 2016. Five SEEC members, including Res Altwegg, Allan Clark, Greg Distiller, Sanet Hugo and Theoni Photopoulo
SEEC is hosting a monthly seminar series entitled SEEC Stats Toolbox. Every month we will introduce you to a stats method relevant to the fields of ecology, environmental science and conservation as a way of making these meth
Kyle Lloyd has just had his Masters thesis accepted! Congratulations Kyle. Below you can read Kyle's abstract on his project on nest predation in sociable weavers.
This year I was lucky to be awarded some funding under a postdoctoral exchange scheme, hosted by the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland (MASTS). Thanks to this funding, I was able to carry out research visits to two Scottish institutio
The 2015 SEEC student symposium was held at the UCT Research Office at Cormack House in Mowbray on Friday 16 October, and was well attended by postgraduate students, postdoctoral researchers, staff, and a few visitors.