Dr Bukola Azaki


Bukola DA Azaki (Nee Braimoh)

Bukola has a bachelor’s degree in Zoology and an MSc in Conservation Biology from the University of Jos, Jos Nigeria. She graduated with a PhD in Biological Sciences in December 2021 from the University of Cape Town, Cape Town South Africa. Her PhD thesis titled ‘The breeding ecology and behavioural adaptations of African Black Oystercatchers in light of climate change’ explored the adaptations used by the oystercatchers to maximise breeding outcomes despite the challenges posed by climate change and other factors such as limited nesting habitat and nest predation

Bukola is joining the Fitz as a postdoctoral fellow under the mentorship of Associate Professor Susan Cunningham. She will be working on validating a trait-based climate change vulnerability assessment of arid zone birds using SABAP data.

Selected publications

Peter Mikula, P., Oldřich Tomášek, Dušan Romportl, Timothy K Aikins, Jorge E Avendaño, Bukola DA Braimoh-Azaki, Adams Chaskda, Will Cresswell, Susan J Cunningham, Svein Dale, Gabriela R Favoretto, Kelvin S Floyd, Hayley Glover, Tomáš Grim, Dominic AW Henry, Tomas Holmern, Martin Hromada, Soladoye B Iwajomo, Amanda Lilleyman, Flora J Magige, Rowan O Martin, Marina F de A. Maximiano, Eric D Nana, Emmanuel Ncube, Henry Ndaimani, Emma Nelson, Johann H van Niekerk, Carina Pienaar, Augusto J Piratelli, Penny Pistorius, Anna Radkovic, Chevonne Reynolds, Eivin Røskaft, Griffin K Shanungu, Paulo R Siqueira, Tawanda Tarakini, Nattaly Tejeiro-Mahecha, Michelle L Thompson, Wanyoike Wamiti, Mark Wilson, Donovan RC Tye, Nicholas D Tye, Aki Vehtari, Piotr Tryjanowski, Michael A Weston, Daniel T Blumstein, Tomáš Albrecht. 2023. Bird tolerance to humans in open tropical ecosystems. Nature communications 14 (1):2146

Braimoh-Azaki, DA Bukola, Susan J. Cunningham and Will Cresswell. 2023. Incubation scheduling by African Black Oystercatchers: Effects of weather, tide phase, and time of day. Journal of Ornithology 164:139-149.

Azaki,DA Bukola and Cresswell, Will. 2021. Level of local human disturbance and feeding state determines escape behaviour in Eurasian Oystercatchers. Ethology 127:986–994.

Braimoh B, Iwajomo S, Wilson M, Chaskda A, Ajang A, Cresswell W. 2021. Managing human disturbance: factors influencing flight-initiation distance of birds in a West African nature reserve. Ostrich 89:59–69.

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=SujybxIAAAAJ
