Publication lists

Anon. [= Siegfried, W.R.] 1978. Ornithology. South African Antarctic Research Activities 20: 11, 16.

Berruti, A. and Harcus, T. 1978. The food of the sooty Albatrosses (Phoebetria fusca and P. palpebrata) breeding at Marion Island (abstract). Symposium on the Biology of Marion Island programme, p. 8.

Brooke, R. 1978. Sooty Falcon in Transkei. Bee-eater 29: 7.

Brooke, R. 1978. Watch those Kelp Gulls. Bee-eater 29: 7.

Brooke, R. 1978. Identification of Common Tern. Bee-eater 29: 7.

Brooke, R. 1978. Sandmartins at Cape Recife. Bee-eater 29: 10-11.

Brooke, R. 1978. Lesser Striped Swallow in the Karoo. Bee-eater 29: 14.

Brooke, R. 1978. Black Harrier Bokmakierie 30: 80.

Brooke, R.K. 1978. Leyland's bird work in Africa Bokmakierie 30: 80-80a.

Brooke, R.K. 1978. The Egyptian Vulture and other rare birds. Bokmakierie 30: 92-93.

Brooke, R.K. 1978. Intra-African migration of our bush birds. Safring News 7: 18-19.

Brooke, R.K. and Cooper, K.H. 1978. The Palmnut Vulture, South Africa's rarest breeding bird. African Wildlife 32(6): 28-29.

Brooke, R.K. and Masterson, A.N.B. 1978. Notes on the birds of the centre of Salisbury - part II. Honeyguide 93: 44.

Burger, A.E. 1978. Terrestrial invertebrates: a food resource for birds at Marion Island (abstract). Symposium on the Biology of Marion Island programme, p. 8.

Burger, A.E., Lindeboom, H. and Williams, A.J. 1978. Mineral and energy contributions of guano of selected species of birds to the Marion Island ecosystem (abstract). Symposium on the Biology of Marion Island programme, pp. 8-9.

Cooper, J. 1978. Symposium on birds of the sea and shore. Albatross 251: 7.

Cooper, J. 1978. Blackheaded Heron eating a worm. Bee-eater 29(1): 8.

Cooper, J. 1978. Raptors in Pretoria Bokmakierie 30: 11-12.

Cooper, J. 1978. The Southern African Seabird Group Bokmakierie 30: 17.

Cooper, J. 1978. Editorial. Cormorant 4: 3.

Cooper, J. 1978. Editorial. Cormorant 5: 3.

Cooper, J. 1978. Breeding biology of the Jackass Penguin with special reference to its conservation. Diaz Diary 55: 10-11.

Cooper, J. 1978. Symposium on birds of the sea and shore. Diaz Diary 62: 15.

Cooper, J. 1978. Effect of oiling from the Pantelis a Lemos on seabirds. Environment RSA 5(5): 6.

Cooper, J. 1978. The status of White Pelicans in the southwestern Cape, 1978 survey. Promerops 133: 3.

Cooper, J. 1978. The 1977 Cape Point field course. Promerops 133: 5.

Cooper, J. 1978. The Southern African Seabird Group. SANCOR Newsletter 11: 4.

Cooper, J. 1978. Symposium on birds of the sea and shore. SANCOR Newsletter 11: 4.

Crowe, A.A. 1978. Request for information: White-fronted Sandplover. Safring News 7(2): 34.

Frost, P.G.H. 1978. The distribution and abundance of seabirds in the subtropical and subantarctic zones of the Indian Ocean (abstract). Symposium on the Biology of Marion Island programme, p. 11.

Frost, P.G.H. and Johnson, P.G. 1978. Conserving the Damara Tern. Optima 27: 106-107.

Jensen, R.A.C. 1978. The Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology Bokmakierie 30: 94-98.

Johnson, P. and Frost, P. 1978. Damara Tern: Sperregebiet special. Oranjemund Newsletter 254/255: 5.

King, J. 1978. The Eerste River. African Wildlife 32(2): 34-36.

Manry, D. 1978. Life with Schaapen Island's Sacred Ibises - a personal account. Safring News 7: 13-15.

Morant, P.D. 1978. Bird ringing. 3 page handout on stiff paper.

Morant, P.D. 1978. Editorial: write it up! Safring News 7(1): 1.

Morant, P.D. 1978. Availability of ringing data. Safring News 7(1): 27-28.

Morant, P.D. 1978. Editorial. Safring News 7(2): 1.

Morant, P.D. 1978. An interesting recovery. Safring News 7(2): 19.

Morant, P.D. 1978. Grants for research projects. Safring News 7(2): 36.

Siegfried, W.R. 1978. Ornithological research at the Prince Edward Islands (abstract). Symposium on the Biology of Marion Island programme, p. 6.

Siegfried, W.R. 1978. Let the Strandwolf fly. African Wildlife 32(3): 10-15.

Siegfried, W.R. 1978. Extracts from a report on a meeting of the SCAR working group on biology, held at Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, May 1978. SANCOR Newsletter 9: 4-5.

Siegfried, W.R. 1978. The Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology. Scientiae 19(4): 19-21.

Sinclair, J.C. 1978. The seabirds of a trawling voyage. Bokmakierie 30: 12-16.

Sinclair, J.C. 1978. Kittiwake in the South Atlantic. Bokmakierie 30: 75-76.

Sinclair, J.C. 1978. The Kerguelen Petrel in South Africa and its comparison with Soft Plumaged Petrel Bokmakierie 30: 99-101.

Summers, R.W. and Whitelaw, S. 1978. Curlew Sandpiper caught by a mussel. Bokmakierie 30: 39.

Williams, A.J. 1978. Mineral and energy contributions of feathers moulted by penguins, gulls and Cormorants to the Marion Island ecosystem (abstract). Symposium on the Biology of Marion Island programme, p. 14.

Williams, A.J. 1978. Mineral and energy contributions of petrels (Procellariiformes) killed by Cats to the Marion Island ecosystem (abstract). Sympsosium on the Biology of Marion Island programme, p. 14.

Williams, A.J. 1978. Mineral and energy contribution of corpses of selected species of seabirds to the Marion Island ecosystem (abstract). Symposium on the Biology of Marion Island programme, pp. 14-15.