Dissertation and project lists

Listed here are unpublished PhD, MSc and Honours theses and projects produced by students supervised or co-supervised by Fitz staff members. Copies of all theses can be found in the Niven Library. The Niven Library has also launched electronic copies of all Conservation Biology MSc Projects back to the first class of 1992.

Doctoral theses

Petersen, S. 2008.  Understanding and mitigating vulnerable bycatch in Southern African longline and trawl fisheries. PhD Thesis, University of Cape Town. Supervisors: Peter Ryan, Les Underhill, Ronel Nel & Len Compagno.

Masters theses

Hampton, Shannon. 2008. A preliminary investigation into effects of flipper banding on African Penguins Spheniscus demersus. MSc Thesis, University of Cape Town. Supervisors: Peter Ryan, Les Underhill.

Lannas, Kathryn. 2008. Determining the socio-economic value of wetlands and devising an evaluation metric for South Africa. MSc Thesis, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Jane Turpie.

Teroerde, Anja. 2008. Variation in the use of intermittently open estuaries by birds : a study of four estuaries in the Eastern Cape, South Africa MSc Thesis, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Jane Turpie.

Vincent, Zach. 2008.  Survival and reproduction in a biennially breeding seabird, the Wandering Albatross. MSc Thesis, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Peter Ryan.

Masters mini-theses

Babiker, Hassan. 2008. Is climate change changing the distributions of southern Africa’s birds? MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisors: Phil Hockey & Mandy Ridley.

Chaudhry, Jamshed. 2008. Are cape vultures (Gyps coprotheres) feeling the heat? Behavioural differences at north and south facing colonies in South Africa. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisors: Rob Simmons & Peter Ryan.

Child, Matthew. 2008. Assessing the impact of agricultural transformation on avian taxonomic and functional richness. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Graeme Cumming.

Hempson, Tessa. 2008. Impacts of dynamite fishing on coral reef communities in the Tanga region, Tanzania. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Charles Griffiths.

Humphrey, Glynis. 2008. Large termitaria as indicators of species diversity and tree height structure in a modified Brachystegia/Julbernadia miombo woodland in Chizarira National Park, Zimbabwe. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisors: Graeme Cumming, David Cumming & Lindsey Gillson.

Joseph, Grant. 2008. Large termitaria provide refugia for cavity-using birds in a modified miombo woodland system. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisors: David Cumming & Graeme Cumming.

La Grange, Reda. 2008. Avian phylogenetic diversity within southern Africa: a case study using the Phasianidae (francolins and spurfowl), Motacillidae (pipits, wagtails and longclaws) Alaudidae (larks) and the genus Monticola (rock thrushes). MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisors: Tim Crowe & Terry Hedderson.

Lipsey, Marisa. 2008. The value of open area networks in commercial forests for grassland bird conservation in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Phil Hockey.

Mann, Gareth. 2008. Getting smart about baboons: applying multi criteria decision analysis to baboon management in the Cape Peninsula, South Africa. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisors: Astrid Jarre & Justin O’Riain.

Okes, Nicola. 2008. Fish and fisheries in the southern Benguela: is a management paradigm shift needed to conserve fish-eating birds. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisors: Phil Hockey, David Grémillet & Lorien Pichegru.

Puttick, James. 2008. Municipal commonage: Livestock, livelihoods and land degradation in Grahamstown, South Africa. Supervisors: Timm Hoffman & James Gambiza.

Wistebaar, Thuli. 2008. Mapping habitat degradation at the landscape scale using remote sensing and expert knowledge in Bushmanland – South Africa. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisors: Timm Hoffman & Phillip Desmit.

Zoology honours projects and essays*

Fyfe, A. 2008. Comparison of intestinal helminth infection in helmeted Guineafowl (Numida meleagris) with comments on both Grey- (Francolinus africanus) and Red-winged (Francolinus levaillantii) Francolin. BSc Honours Project, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Owen Davies.

Lubbe, A. 2008. Mincing fish waste as a strategy to reduce seabird mortality in the South African deep-water hake fishery. BSc Honours Project, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Peter Ryan.

*Supervised by FitzPatrick Institute staff and researchers