Dissertation and project lists

Doctoral theses

Jansen, R. 2001. Population Biology, Behavioural Ecology and Management of the Redwing Francolin Francolinus levaillantii and Swainson's Spurfowl Pternistis swainsonii. Supervisor: Tim Crowe.

Masters theses

Dickinson, H. 2001. The ecology, genetics and conservation of a translocated population of the St Lucia Whiptail Lizard Cnemidophorus vanzoi (Teiidae) on Praslin Island, St Lucia. MSc Thesis, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Peter Ryan.

Law-Brown, J. 2001. Chemical defense in the Red-billed Woodhoopoe, Phoeniculus purpureus. MSc Thesis, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Morné du Plessis.

Leseberg, A. 2001. The foraging ecology, demographics and conservation of African Black Oystercatchers Haematopus moquini. MSc Thesis, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Phil Hockey.

Mangnall, M. 2001. Demography of the Egyptian Goose, its impacts on cereal crop agriculture on the Agulhas Plain, Western Cape, South Africa and measures to mitigate damage to crops by geese. MSc Thesis, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Tim Crowe.

Masters mini-theses

Amutete, G. 2001. The effects of land-use and grazing management practices on bird species assemblages and guilds in the semi-arid Laikipia district, central Kenya. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisors: Leon Bennun, Richard Dean and Morné du Plessis.

Bosma, S. 2001. Conservation in an urban setting: the dilemma of biological correctness versus social acceptability in implementing an alien vegetation clearing programme in the Cape Peninsula National Park, South Africa. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Peter Ryan.

Chongo, D. 2001. Butterfly assemblages of forest, grassland and disturbed ecotones near Goba, Southern Mozambique. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisors: Sue Milton and Mike Picker.

Foord, J. 2001. Palaeo-distribution of Afromontane forests in KwaZulu Natal. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisor: William Bond.

Frazee, S. 2001. Estimating the costs of conserving a biodiversity hotspot: a case-study of the Cape floristic region, South Africa. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisors: Jane Turpie and Richard Cowling.

Githaiga-Mwicigi, J. 2001. "Some like it hot?" Investigating the effect of space, climate and landscape structure on the abundance and distribution of birds: a case study on range-restricted and endemic species of arid west South Africa. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisors: Morné du Plessis, Guy Midgeley and Lee Hannah.

Hemming, M. 2001. The Treasure oil spill and its influence on moulting African penguins Spheniscus demersus at Robben Island. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisors: Morné du Plessis and Les Underhill.

Lengyel, A. 2001. Predicting extinction risks to landbirds on tropical islands: a western Indian Ocean Model. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Phil Hockey.


Ndang’ang’a, P. 2001. A landscape model of grassland decline in Kinangop Plateau, Kenya: Implications for conservation of Sharpe’s Longclaw Macronyx sharpei. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisors: Morné du Plessis and Peter Ryan.

Pence, G. 2001. From conservation planning to implementation: what lies between A case study for the Agulhas. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisors: Jane Turpie and Mark Botha.

Raimondo, D. 2001. Investigating the impacts of plant collecting on the population dynamics of two cycad species using population projection matrices and elasticity analyses. MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisors: William Bond, John Donaldson and Peter Ryan.

Wiseman, R. 2001. Impacts of elephants and other browsers on selected woody species at Ithala Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa). MSc mini-thesis (Conservation Biology), University of Cape Town. Supervisors: Tim O’Connor and Bruce Page.

Zoology honours projects and essays*

Balme, G. 2001. Patterns and correlates of bird migration in the Liberian and Malaysian forests. BSc Honours Project, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Phil Hockey.

Balme, G. 2001. The impacts of acoustical playback by birders: a test with Bradypterus baboecala. BSc Honours Project, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Peter Ryan.

Popose, G. 2001. The breeding biology and population dynamics of whitechinned petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis at Marion Island. BSc Honours Project, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Peter Ryan.

Schoeman, M.C. 2001. The role of territory quality on family stability and on the persistence and expansion of dynasties in cooperatively breeding green woodhoopoes. BSc Honours Project, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Morné du Plessis.

*Supervised by FitzPatrick Institute staff and researchers