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Volume 10 (2005)

Vol. 10 No. 1 (Feb/Mar)

PFIAO. 2005. The long & the short of it. Africa - Birds & Birding 10(1):23.

Welz, A. & Jenkins, A. 2005. How green is the valley? Monitoring fish eagles along the Breede River. Africa - Birds & Birding 10(1):30-37

Vol. 10 No. 2 (Apr/May)

PFIAO. 2005. Birds and land-use in the southern Kalahari. Africa - Birds & Birding 10(2):21.


Vol. 10 No. 3 (Jun/Jul)

PFIAO. 2005. Shrinking papyrus swamps in Kenya. Africa - Birds & Birding 10(3):23.

Vol. 10 No. 4 (Aug/Sep)

PFIAO. 2005. Raptor responses to habitat fragmentation. Africa - Birds & Birding 10(4):19.

Jenkins, A. & Davies, R. 2005. Dying for a drink: running the raptor gauntlet at Kalahari waterholes. Africa - Birds & Birding 10(4):34-45.

Ryan, P. 2005. Why Penguins no longer follow Ostriches: the new world order. Africa - Birds & Birding 10(4):66-70.

Vol. 10 No. 5 (Oct/Nov)

PFIAO. 2005. Keeping tabby off the rails. Africa - Birds and Birding 10(5):20.

Hockey, P. 2005. All birds have them…feathers. Africa - Birds & Birding 10(5):30-39.

Hockey, P. & Du Toit, R. 2005. In their element. Africa - Birds & Birding 10(5):41-45.

Simmons, R.E. & Barnard, P.E. 2005. Too hot to handle? The impact of climate change on African birds. Africa - Birds & Birding 10(5):52-60.

Ryan, P.G. 2005. Ringeyes: the inaccessible petrel. Africa - Birds & Birding 10(5):62-69.

Vol. 10 No. 6 (Dec/Jan)

PFIAO. 2005. Tracking threatened albatrosses of southern Africa. Africa - Birds and Birding 10(6):19.

Ryan, P.G. 2005. Toughing it out: birding Sierra Leone. Africa - Birds & Birding 10(6):32-38.