Brink, René. 2020. Do circular development buffers capture the breeding and non-breeding movements of territorial raptors? (Supervisors: Arjun Amar, Megan Murgatroyd).

Cerrilla, Cecilia. 2020. The impact of invasive fish on the endangered Clanwilliam Sandfish in the Oorlogskloof River, Northern Cape, South Africa. (Supervisors: Jeremy Shelton, Cecile Reed and Bruce Paxton).

Eastment, Conor. 2020, Decadal trends of rainfall, fire and vegetation in north-east Namibia: an approach combining repeat photography and remote sensing.  (Supervisors: Lindsey Gillson, Glynis Humphrey, Timm Hoffman).

Gedert, Jennifer. 2020. Estimating population size of Micro frogs Microbatrachella capensis using Acoustic Spatial Capture Recapture. (Supervisors: John Measey, Res Altwegg).

Harper, Jack. 2020. Assessing the climate change vulnerability of reptile and amphibian species found within Table Mountain National Park. (Supervisors: Susie Cunningham, Wendy Foden, Nicola van Wilgen).

Montrond, Gilson. 2020. An assessment of bycatch of turtles and seabirds by artisanal and industrial fisheries in Cape Verde waters. (Supervisors: Peter Ryan, Ross Wanless).

Orolowitz, Matthew. 2020. Life on the edge: does body size dictate how birds deal with the heat in South Africa's most extreme desert? (Supervisor: Susie Cunningham).

Sheridan, Kate. 2020. Influences on shark risk perception with contrasting human-shark conflict interventions. (Supervisors: Justin O'Riain, Nicoli Natrass). 

Stanbridge, Debbie. 2020. Rhinos on the move: what can Kruger's black rhinos tell us about the genetic consequences of translocation? (Supervisors: Justin O'Riain, Nikki le Roex).

Wilson, Luke. 2020. A first assessment of the impacts of artificial waterholes in Zambezi National Park, Zimbabwe on surrounding vegetation. (Supervisors: Timm Hoffman, Angela Ferguson and David Cumming).