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Bold authors = Fitz CoE staff and Research Assocates / Bold & underlined authors = Fitz CoE post-docs & students (current & graduated)
Final Journal Published Papers
Aizen, M.A., Aguiar, S., Biesmeijer, J.C., Garibaldi, L.A., Inouye, D.W., Jung, C., Martins, D.J., Medel, R., Morales, C.L., Ngo, H., Pauw, A., Paxton, R.J., Sáez, A. and Seymour, C.L. 2019. Global agricultural productivity is threatened by increasing pollinator dependence without a parallel increase in crop diversification. Global Change Biology 25: 3516-3527 IF: 8.880
Amar, A., Reynolds, C., Van Velden, J. and Briggs, C.W. 2019. Clinal variation in morph frequency in Swainson’s hawk across North America: no support for Gloger’s ecogeographical rule. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 127(2): 299-309 IF: 2.203
Atkins, A., Little, R.M., Redpath, S.M. and Amar, A. 2019. Impact of increased predation risk on vigilance behaviour in a gregarious waterfowl, the Egyptian goose Alopochen aegyptiaca. Journal of Avian Biology 50(6): e02121 IF: 2.232
Bester, M.N. and Ryan, P.G. 2019. Early pupping of a sub-Antarctic fur seal at Inaccessible Island, Tristan da Cunha. Polar Biology: 42: 1221-1224. IF: 2.002
Bester, M.N. and Ryan, P.G. 2019. Stalked barnacles on an adult male sub-Antarctic fur seal at Inaccessible Island, Tristan da Cunha. Polar Biology 42: 1943-1946. IF: 2.002
Bourne, A.R., McKechnie, A.E., Cunningham, S.J., Ridley, A.R., Woodborne, S.M. and Karasov, W.H. 2019. Non‐invasive measurement of metabolic rates in wild, free‐living birds using doubly labelled water. Functional Ecology 33(1): 162-174. IF: 5.037
Campbell, K., Steinfurth, A., Underhill, L., Coetzee, J., Dyer, B., Ludynia, K., Makhado, A., Merkle, D., Rademan, J., Upfold, L. and Sherley, R. 2019. Local forage fish abundance influences foraging effort and offspring condition in an endangered marine predator. Journal of Applied Ecology. 56: 1751-1760. IF: 5.782
Caravaggi, A., Cuthbert, R.J., Ryan, P.G., Cooper, J. and Bond, A.L. 2018. The impacts of introduced House Mice on the breeding success of nesting seabirds on Gough Island. Ibis 161: 648-661. doi: 10.1111/ibi.12664 IF: 1.994
Carstens, K.F., Kassanjee, R., Little, R.M., Ryan, P.G. and Hockey, P.A.R. 2019. The effects of weather, group size and type of nest on the timing of egg‑laying in the Southern Ground‑hornbill Bucorvus leadbeateri. Journal of Ornithology , 160(3): 633-640. IF: 1.954
Carstens, K.F., Kassanjee, R., Little, R.M., Ryan, P.G. and Hockey, P.A.R. 2019. Natal dispersal in the Southern Ground Hornbill Bucorvus leadbeateri. Ostrich 90(2): 119-127. IF: 0.443
Cerda-Cuéllar, M., Moré, E., Ayats, T., Aguilera, M., Muñoz-González, S., Antilles, N., Ryan, P.G. and González-Solís, J. 2018. Do humans spread zoonotic enteric bacteria in Antarctica? Science of the Total Environment 654: 190-196. IF: 5.589
Chamberlain, D.E., Henry, D.A., Reynolds, C., Caprio, E. and Amar, A. 2019. The relationship between wealth and biodiversity: A test of the Luxury Effect on bird species richness in the developing world. Global Change Biology 25: 3045-3055. IF: 8.880
Connan, M., Dilley, B.J., Whitehead, T.O., Davies, D., McQuaid, C.D. and Ryan, P.G. 2019. Multidimensional stable isotope analysis illuminates resource partitioning in a sub‐Antarctic island bird community. Ecography 42: 1948-1959. IF: 5.946
Conradie, S.R, Woodborne, S.M., Cunningham, S.J. and McKechnie, A.E. 2019. Chronic, sublethal effects of high temperatures will cause severe declines in southern African arid-zone birds during the 21st century. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 116(28): 14065-14070. IF: 9.580
Crawford, R.J.M., Sydeman, W.J., Thompson, S.A., Sherley, R.B. and Makhado, A.B. 2019. Food habits of an endangered seabird indicate recent poor forage fish availability off western South Africa. ICES Journal of Marine Science 76(5): 1344-1352. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsz081 IF: 3.367
Crowe, T.M., Little, R.M. and Turner, D.A. 2019. Clarifying taxonomic, distributional and genetic information relating to subspecies of the Hildebrandt’s Spurfowl Pternistis hildebrandti and the Yellow-necked Spurfowl P. leucoscepus. Ostrich 90(3): 279-280. IF: 0.443
de Kock, C. and Lee, A.T.K. 2019. Agulhas long-billed lark (Certhilauda brevirostris) densities, population estimates and habitat association in a transformed landscape. African Zoology 54(3): 161-168. IF: 0.962
de Swardt, D.H., Lee, A., Butler, H.J.B. and Oschadleus, H.D. 2019. Biometrics and diet of two closely related birds: Karoo Prinia (Prinia maculosa) and Drakensberg Prinia (Prinia hypoxantha). Indago 34(2): 125-133. No IF
De Vos, A. and Cumming, G.S. 2019. The contribution of land tenure diversity to the spatial resilience of protected area networks. People and Nature 1: 331-346. DOI: 10.1002/pan3.29 No IF
Dilley, B.J., Davies, D., Mitham, A., Glass, T., Repetto, J., Swain, G. and Ryan, P.G. 2019. Population estimates of burrow-nesting petrels breeding at the Nightingale Island group, Tristan da Cunha Archipelago. Marine Ornithology 47: 267-275.IF: 0.537
Dilley, B.J., Davies, D., Stevens, K., Schoombie, S., Schoombie, J. and Ryan, P.G. 2019. Burrow wars and sinister behaviour among burrow-nesting petrels at sub-Antarctic Marion Island. Ardea 107(1): 97-102. IF: 1.125
Dilley, B.J., Hedding, D.W., Henry, D.A., Rexer-Huber, K., Parker, G.C., Schoombie, S., Osborne, A. and Ryan, P.G., 2019. Clustered or dispersed: testing the effect of sampling strategy to census burrow-nesting petrels with varied distributions at sub-Antarctic Marion Island. Antarctic Science 31(5): 231-242. IF: 1.653
Flood, R.L. 2019. Bulwer’s Petrels with whitish or pale underbody. Dutch Birding 41: 183-185. No IF
Flood, R.L. and Gutiérrez, R. 2019. The status of Cory’s Shearwater in the western Mediterranean Sea. Dutch Birding 41: 159-165. No IF
Flood, R.L. and van der Vliet, R., 2019. Variation and identification of Barolo Shearwater and Boyd’s Shearwater. Dutch Birding 41: 215-237. No IF
Jeal, C., Perold, V., Ralston-Paton, S. and Ryan, P.G. 2019. Impacts of a concentrated solar power trough facility on birds and other wildlife in South Africa. Ostrich 90(2): 129-137. IF: 0.443
Jeal, C., Perold, V., Seymour, C.L., Ralston-Paton, S. and Ryan, P.G. 2019. Utility-scale solar energy facilities – Effects on invertebrates in an arid environment. Journal of Arid Environments 168: 1-8. IF: 1.825
Jepsen, E.M., Ganswindt, A., Ngcamphalala, C.A., Bourne, A.R., Ridley, A.R. and McKechnie, A.E. Non-invasive monitoring of physiological stress in an afrotropical arid-zone passerine bird, the southern pied babbler. General and Comparative Endocrinology 276: 60-68. IF: 2.445
Jones, C.W., Risi, M.M., Cleeland, J. and Ryan, P.G. 2019. First evidence of mouse attacks on adult albatrosses and petrels breeding on sub-Antarctic Marion and Gough Islands. Polar Biology 42(3): 619-623. IF: 2.002
Kappes, P.J., Bond, A.L., Russell, J.C. and Wanless, R.M. 2019. Diagnosing and responding to causes of failure to eradicate invasive rodents. Biological Invasions 21: 2247-2254. IF: 2.897
Kemp, R. and McKechnie, A.E., 2019. Thermal physiology of a range-restricted desert lark. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 189(1): 131-141. IF: 2.341
Lee, A.T., Reeves, B. and Wright, D.R. 2019. Hottentot Buttonquail Turnix hottentottus: Endangered or just overlooked?. Bird Conservation International 29(1): 136-143. IF: 1.725
Little, R.M. and Navarro, R.A. 2019. Implications of geographical range changes and resultant sympatry for three Accipiter hawks on the Cape Peninsula, South Africa. Ostrich 90(2): 139-142. IF: 0.443
Loiseau, C., Melo, M., Lee, Y., Pereira, H., Hanemaaijer, M.J., Lanzaro, G.C. and Cornel, A.J. 2019. High endemism of mosquitoes on São Tomé and Príncipe Islands: evaluating the general dynamic model in a worldwide island comparison. Insect Conservation and Diversity 12(1): 69-79. IF: 2.313
Mandiwana-Neudani, T.G., Little, R.M., Crowe, T.M. and Bowie, R.C.K. 2019. Taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography of African spurfowls Galliformes, Phasianidae, Phasianinae, Coturnicini: Pternistis spp. Ostrich 90(2): 145-172. IF: 0.443
Mandiwana-Neudani, T.G., Little, R.M., Crowe, T.M. and Bowie, R.C.K. 2019. Taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography of ‘true’ francolins: Galliformes, Phasianidae, Phasianinae, Gallini; Francolinus, Ortygornis, Afrocolinus gen. nov., Peliperdix and Scleroptila spp. Ostrich 90(3): 191-221. IF: 0.443
Masello, J.F., Quillfeldt, P., Sandoval-Castellanos, E., Alderman, R., Calderón, L., Cherel, Y., Cole, T.L., Cuthbert, R.J., Marin, M., Massaro, M., Navarro, J., Phillips, R.A., Ryan, P.G., Shepherd, L.D., Suazo, C.G., Weimerskirch, H. and Moodley, Y. 2019. Additive traits lead to feeding advantage and reproductive isolation, promoting homoploid hybrid speciation. Molecular Biology and Evolution 36(8):1671-1685. IF: 14.797
McEvoy, O.K., Miller, S.M., Beets, W., Bodasing, T., Borrego, N., Burger, A., Courtenay, B., Ferreira, S., Hanekom, C., Hofmeyr, M., Packer, C., Robertson, D., Stratford, K., Slotow, R. and Parker, D.M. 2019. The use of contraceptive techniques in managed wild African lion (Panthera leo) populations to mimic open system cub recruitment. Wildlife Research 46(5): 398-408 IF: 1.244
McInnes, A.M., Ryan, P.G., Lacerda, M. and Pichegru, L. 2019. Targeted prey fields determine foraging effort thresholds of a marine diver: important cues for the sustainable management of fisheries. Journal of Applied Ecology 56: 2206-2215. IF: 5.782
Mzumara, T.I., Martin, R.O., Tripathi, H., Phiri, C. and Amar, A. 2019. Distribution of a habitat specialist: Mopane woodland structure determines occurrence of Near Threatened Lilian’s Lovebird Agapornis lilianae. Bird Conservation International 29(3): 413-422. doi:10.1017/S0959270918000370 IF: 1.725
Nebel, C., Gamauf, A., Haring, E., Segelbacher, G., Vali, U., Villers, A. and Zachos, F.E. 2019. New insights into population structure of the European golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) revealed by microsatellite analysis. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 128: 611-631. IF: 2.203
Oswald, K.N., Smit, B., Lee, A.T. and Cunningham, S.J., 2019. Behaviour of an alpine range-restricted species is described by interactions between microsite use and temperature. Animal Behaviour 157: 177-187. IF: 2.675
Pastor-Prieto, M., Ramos, R., Zajková, Z., Reyes-González, J.M., Rivas, M.L., Ryan, P.G. and González-Solís, J. 2019. Spatial ecology, phenological variability and moulting patterns of the Endangered Atlantic petrel Pterodroma incerta. Endangered Species Research, 40: 189-206. IF: 2.122
Pekor, A., Miller, J.R., Flyman, M.V., Kasiki, S., Kesch, M.K., Miller, S.M., Uiseb, K., Van der Merve, V. and Lindsey, P.A. 2019. Fencing Africa's protected areas: Costs, benefits, and management issues. Biological Conservation 229: 67-75. IF: 4.451
Potgieter, L.J., Gaertner, M., O'Farrell, P.J. and Richardson, D.M. 2019. Perceptions of impact: invasive alien plants in the urban environment. Journal of Environmental Management 229: 76-87. IF: 4.865
Ribeiro, Â.M., Puetz, L., Pattinson, N.B., Dalén, L., Deng, Y., Zhang, G., da Fonseca, R.R., Smit, B. and Gilbert, M.T.P. 2019. 31° South: The physiology of adaptation to arid conditions in a passerine bird. Molecular Ecology 28: 3709-3721. IF: 5.855
Rink, A.N., Altwegg, R., Edwards, S., Bowie, R.C. and Colville, J.F. 2019. Contest dynamics and assessment strategies in combatant monkey beetles (Scarabaeidae: Hopliini). Behavioral Ecology 33(3): 713-723. 10.1093/beheco/arz008 IF: 2.695
Risi, M.M., Jones, C.W., Schoombie, S. and Ryan, P.G. 2019. Plumage and bill abnormalities in albatross chicks on Marion Island. Polar Biology 42:1615-1620. IF: 2.002
Roscales, J.L., Vicente, A., Ryan, P.G., González-Solís, J. and Jiménez, B. 2019. Spatial and interspecies heterogeneity in concentrations of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in seabirds of the Southern Ocean. Environmental Science & Technology 53: 9855-9865. IF: 7.149
Ryan, P.G. and Dilley, B.J., 2019. Intertidal foraging by Tristan Thrushes. Ostrich 90(2): 179-181. IF: 0.443
Ryan, P.G., Dilley, B.J., Ronconi, R.A. and Connan, M. 2019. Rapid increase in Asian bottles in the South Atlantic Ocean indicates major debris inputs from ships. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 116(42): 20892-20897 IF: 9.580
Sorensen, M.C., Dixit, T., Kardynal, K.J., Newton, J., Hobson, K.A., Bensch, S., Jenni‐Eiermann, S. and Spottiswoode, C.N. 2019. Migration distance does not predict blood parasitism in a migratory songbird. Ecology and evolution 9(14): 8294-8304. IF: 2.415
Steinfurth, A., Booth, J.M., White, J., Bond, A.L. and McQuaid, C.D. 2019. Sexual and geographic dimorphism in northern rockhopper penguins breeding in the South Atlantic Ocean. Endangered Species Research 39: 293-302. IF: 2.122
Szymkowiak, J. and Thomson, R.L. 2019. Nest predator avoidance during habitat selection of a songbird varies with mast peaks and troughs. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 73 (7): 91. IF: 2.103
Tucker, M.A., Alexandrou, O., Bierregaard Jr, R.O., Bildstein, K.L., Böhning‐Gaese, K., Bracis, C., Brzorad, J.N., Buechley, E.R., Cabot, D., Calabrese, J.M., Carrapato, C., Chiaradia, A., Davenport, L.C., Davidson, S.C., Desholm, M., DeSorbo, C.R., Domenech, R., Enggist, P., Fagan, W.F., Farwig, N., Fiedler, W., Fleming, C.H., Franke, A., Fryxell, J.M., Garcia-Ripolles, C., Grémillet, D., Griffin, L.R., Harel, R., Kane, A., Kays, R., Kleyheeg, E., Lacy, A.E., LaPoint, S., Liminana, R., Lopez-Lopez, P., Maccarone, A.D., Mellone, U., Mojica, E.K., Nathan, R., Newman, S.H., Noonan, M.J., Oppel, S., Prostor, M., Rees, E.C., Ropert-Coudert, Y., Rosner, S., Sapir, N., Schabo, D., Schmidt, M., Schulz, H., Shariati, M., Shreading, A., Silva, J.P., Skov, H., Spiegel, O., Takekawa, J.Y., Teitelbaum, C.S., van Toor, M.L., Urios, V., Vidal-Mateo, J., Wang, Q., Watts, B.D., Wikelski, M., Wolter, K., Zydelis, R. and Mueller, T. 2019. Large birds travel farther in homogeneous environments. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28: 576-587. IF: 5.667
van de Ven, T.M.F.N., McKechnie, A.E. and Cunningham, S.J. 2019. The costs of keeping cool: behavioural trade-offs between foraging and thermoregulation are associated with significant mass losses in an arid-zone bird. Oecologia 191:205–215. IF: 2.915
van Dyk, M., Noakes, M.J. and McKechnie, A.E. 2019. Interactions between humidity and evaporative heat dissipation in a passerine bird. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 189(2): 299-308. IF: 2.431
Visser, E., Perold, V., Ralston-Paton, S., Cardenal, A.C. and Ryan, P.G. 2019. Assessing the impacts of a utility-scale photovoltaic solar energy facility in birds in the Northern Cape, South Africa. Renewable Energy 133: 1285-1294. 10.1016/j.renene.2018.08.106 IF: 5.439
Online Published Papers
Abbas, H.A., Bond, W.J. and Midgley, J.J. 2019. The worst drought in 50 years in a South African savannah: Limited impact on vegetation. African Journal of Ecology. IF: 0.893
Abdulwahab, U.A., Osinubi, S.T. and Abalaka, J. 2019. Risk of predation: a critical force driving habitat quality perception and foraging behavior of granivorous birds in a Nigerian forest reserve. Avian Research 10(1). IF: 0.818
Adekola, O.E., Odewumi, O.S. and Agbelusi, E.A. 2019. Avian pests of cereal crops in rainforest and savanna agro-ecological zones, Ondo State, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment 11(1): 11-23. No IF
Afan I., Navarro J., Grémillet D., Coll M. and Forero M.G. 2019. Maiden voyage into death: are fisheries affecting seabird juvenile survival during the first days at sea? Royal Society Open Science 6: 181151. IF: 2.515
Amélineau, F., Grémillet, D., Harding, A.M., Walkusz, W., Choquet, R. and Fort, J. 2019. Arctic climate change and pollution impact little auk foraging and fitness across a decade. Scientific reports 9(1): 1014. IF: 4.011
Austin, R.E., Wynn, R.B., Votier, S.C., Trueman, C., McMinn, M., Rodríguez, A., Suberg, L., Maurice, L., Newton, J., Genovart, M., Péron, C., Grémillet D. and Guilford, T. 2019. Patterns of at-sea behaviour at a hybrid zone between two threatened seabirds. Scientific Reports 9: 14720. IF: 4.011
Balbi, S., Selomane, O., Sitas, N., Blanchard, R., Kotzee, I., O’Farrell, P. and Villa, F. 2019. Human dependence on natural resources in rapidly urbanising South African regions. Environmental Research Letters 14: 044008. IF: 6.192
Bengtsson, J., Bullock, J.M., Egoh, B., Everson, C., Everson, T., O'Connor, T., O'Farrell, P.J., Smith, H.G. and Lindborg, R. 2019. Grasslands - more important for ecosystem services than you might think. Ecosphere 10(2): e02582. 10.1002/ecs2.2582 IF: 2.746
Benoit, L., Hewison, A.M., Coulon, A., Debeffe, L., Grémillet, D., Ducros, D., Cargnelutti, B., Chaval, Y. and Morellet, N., 2019. Accelerating across the landscape: The energetic costs of natal dispersal in a large herbivore. Journal of Animal Ecology. IF: 4.364
Bolopo, D., Lowney, A.M. and Thomson, R.L. 2019. Helpers improve fledgling body condition in bigger broods of cooperatively breeding African pygmy falcon. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73:16. IF: 2.103
Brown, J.I., Lavretsky, P., Cumming, G.S. and Peters, J.L. 2019. Strong population structure and limited gene flow between Yellow-billed Ducks and Mallards in southern Africa. The Condor. IF: 2.804
Carstens, K.F., Kassanjee, R., Little, R.M., Ryan, P.G. and Hockey, P.A. 2019. Breeding success and population growth of Southern Ground Hornbills Bucorvus leadbeateri in an area supplemented with nest-boxes. Bird Conservation International 1-17. IF: 1.725
Cole, T.L., Ksepka, D.T., Mitchell, K.J., Tennyson, A.J., Thomas, D.B., Pan, H., Zhang, G., Rawlence, N.J., Wood, J.R., Bover, P., Bouzat, J.L., Cooper, A., Fiddaman, R., Hart, T., Miller, G., Ryan, P.G., Shepherd, L.D., Wilmshurst, J.M. and Waters, J.M. 2019. Mitogenomes uncover extinct penguin taxa and reveal island formation as a key driver of speciation. Molecular Biology and Evolution 36 (4), April: 784–797. IF: 14.797
Dean, W.R.J. and Milton, S.J. 2019. The dispersal and spread of invasive alien Myrtillocactus geometrizans in the southern Karoo, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 121: 210-215. IF: 1.504
Dean, W.R.J., Seymour, C.L. , Joseph, G.S. and Foord, S.H. 2019. A Review of the Impacts of Roads on Wildlife in Semi-Arid Regions. Diversity 11(5). doi:10.3390/d11050081. No IF
Ezenwa, I.M., Nwani, C., Ottosson, U. and Martin, R.O., 2019. Opportunities to boost protection of the grey parrot in Nigeria. Oryx 53(2): 212-213. IF: 2.801
Flood, R.L., de Lima, R.F., Melo, M., Verbelen, P. and Wagstaff, W.H. 2019. What is known about the enigmatic Gulf of Guinea band-rumped storm petrels Hydrobates cf. castro? Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 139(2): 173-186. No IF
Garcia-Heras, M-S., Arroyo, B., Mougeot, F., Bildstein, K., Therrien, J-F. and Simmons, R.E. 2019. Migratory patterns and settlement areas revealed by remote sensing in an endangered intra-African migrant, the Black Harrier (Circus maurus). PLoS ONE 14(1): e0210756. IF: 2.776
Gerson, A.R., McKechnie, A.E., Smit, B., Whitfield, M.C., Smith, E.K., Talbot, W.A., McWhorter, T.J. and Wolf, B.O. 2019. The functional significance of facultative hyperthermia varies with body size and phylogeny in birds. Functional Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13274 IF: 5.037
Grecian, J., Williams, H., Votier, S., Bearhop, S., Cleasby, I., Grémillet, D., Hamer, K., Le Nuz, M., Lescroël, A., Newton, J., Patrick, S., Phillips, R.A., Wakefield, E.D. and Bodey, T.W. 2019. Individual spatial consistency and dietary flexibility in the migratory behaviour of northern gannets wintering in the Northeast Atlantic. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 214. IF: 2.686
Grémillet, D., Collet, J., Weimerskirch, H., Courbin, N., Ryan, P.G. and Pichegru, L. 2019. Radar detectors carried by Cape gannets reveal surprisingly few fishing vessel encounters. PLoS ONE 14(2): e0210328. IF: 2.776
Gush, W.G., Maphisa, D.H., Reynolds, C., Donald, P.F. and Spottiswoode, C.N. 2019. Declines of the globally threatened Rudd’s Lark Heteromirafra ruddi in one of its last remaining strongholds. Bird Conservation International. IF: 1.725
Holmes, N.D., Spatz, D.R., Oppel, S., Tershy, B., Croll, D.A., Keitt, B., Genovesi, P., Burfield, I.J., Will, D.J., Bond, A.L. and Wegmann, A., Aguirre-Munoz, A., Raine, A.F., Knapp, C.R., Hung, C-H., Wingate, D., Hagen, E., Mendez-Sanchez, F., Rocamora, G., Yuan, H-W., Fric, J., Millet, J., Russell, J., Liske-Clark, J., Vidal, E., Jourdan, H., Campbell, K., Springer, K., Swinnerton, K., Gibbons-Decherong, L., Langrand, O., Brooke, M de L., McMinn, M., Bunbury, N., Oliveira, N., Sposimo, P., Geraldes, P., McClelland, P., Hodum, P., Ryan, P.G., Borroto-Paez, R., Pierce, R., Griffiths, R., Fisher, R.N., Wanless, R., Pasachnik, S.A., Cranwell, S., Micol, T. and Butchart, S.H.M. 2019. Globally important islands where eradicating invasive mammals will benefit highly threatened vertebrates. PloS ONE 14(3): e0212128. IF: 2.776
Jansen, D.Y., Lloyd, P,, Oschadleus, H.D. and Altwegg, R. 2019. Survival synchronicity in two avian insectivore communities. Ibis. IF: 1.994
Jansen, D.Y., Pradel, R., Mares, R., Doutrelant, C., Spottiswoode, C.N., Covas, R. and Altwegg, R. 2019. An integrated population model sheds light on the complex population dynamics of a unique colonial breeder. Population Ecology. IF: 1.512
Jenkins, A.R., Van Zyl, A.J., Magunje, I., Matsvimbo, F., Rodrigues, L., Robinson, L., Sebele, L., Tiran, D. and Smit-Robinson, H. 2019. Status of the Taita Falcon (Falco fasciinucha) and Other Cliff-Nesting Raptors in Batoka Gorge, Zimbabwe. Journal of Raptor Research 53(1): 46-55. IF: 1.167
Jones, C.W., Risi, M.M. and Cooper, J. 2019 An incubating northern giant petrel actively feeds on a Salvin's prion. Antarctic Science, pp.1-2. IF: 1.653
Joseph, G.S., Muluvhahothe, M.M., Seymour, C.L., Munyai, T.C., Bishop, T.R. and Foord, S.H. 2019. Stability of Afromontane ant diversity decreases across an elevation gradient. Global Ecology and Conservation e00596. IF: 2.751
Lee, A.T.K. 2019. Best student research paper published in Ostrich 2018. Ostrich 90(1): iii-v. DOI: IF: 0.443
Lee, A.T.K., Geary, C., Wright, D.R. and Dean, W.R.J. 2019. Vulnerability of birds to contaminated water sources in the Karoo region of South Africa. Ostrich 90:4. IF: 0.443
Le Guen, C., Suaria, G., Sherley, R.B., Ryan, P.G., Aliani, S., Boehme, L., Brierley, A.S. 2019. Microplastic study reveals the presence of natural and synthetic fibres in the diet of King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) foraging from South Georgia. Environment International 134. IF: 7.943
Lescroël, A., Ballard, G., Massaro, M., Dugger, K., Jennings, S., Pollard, A., Porzig, E., Schmidt, A., Varsani, A., Grémillet, D. and Ainley, D. 2019. Evidence of age-related improvement in the foraging efficiency of Adélie penguins. Scientific Reports 9(1): 3375. IF: 4.011
Lombard, A.T., Dorrington, R.A., Ortega-Cisneros, K., Penry, G.S., Pichegru, L., Reed, J.R., Smit, K.P., Vermeulen, E.A., Witteveen, M., Sink, K.J. and Ginsburg, T. 2019. Key challenges in advancing an ecosystem-based approach to marine spatial planning under economic growth imperatives. Frontiers in Marine Science 6: 146. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00146 IF: 3.086
Martin, R.O., Senni, C., D'cruze, N. and Bruschi, N. 2019. Tricks of the trade—legal trade used to conceal Endangered African grey parrots on commercial flights. Oryx 53(2): 213-213. IF: 2.801
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