Publication lists

Blaker, D. 1969. Behaviour of the Cattle Egret Ardeola Ibis. Ostrich 40: 75-129.

Blaker, D. 1969. The behaviour of Egretta garzetta and E. intermedia. Ostrich 40: 150-155.

Farkas, T. 1969. Notes on the biology and ethology of the Natal Robin Cossypha natalensis. Ibis 111: 281-292.

Irwin, M.P.S., Niven, P.N.F. and Winterbottom, J.M. 1969. Some birds of the lower Chobe River area. Arnoldia (Rhodesia) 4(21): 1-40.

Oosthuizen, J.H. and Markus, M.B. 1969. The Haematozoa of South African birds. V. Report on blood smears collected by the September 1967 Percy FitzPatrick Institute Expedition to the Chobe. Ostrich 40: 21-22.

Payne, R.B. 1969. Overlap of breeding and molting schedules in a collection of African birds. Condor 71: 140-145.

Rowan, M.K. 1969. Oiling of marine birds in South Africa. In: BARCLAY-Smith, P. (Ed.), Report of proceedings international conference on oil pollution of the sea, Rome October 1968, pp. 121-124. London: International Conference on Oil Pollution of the Sea.

Rowan, M.K. 1969. A study of the Cape Robin in southern Africa. Living Bird 8: 5-32.

Rowan, M.K. 1969. Alpine Swifts at Prince Albert, Cape. Ostrich 40: 63.

Rowan, M.K. 1969. Review: Field guide to the birds of the South African seashore (Broekhuysen). Ostrich 40: 139.

Siegfried, W.R. 1969. On the validity of Bubulcus Ibis ruficrista Bp. Ostrich 40: 61-62.

Siegfried, W.R. 1969. Breeding season of the Maccoa Duck in the south-western Cape. Ostrich 40: 213.

Siegfried, W.R. 1969. Decrescendo call in the Black Duck. Ostrich 40: 213-214.

Siegfried, W.R. 1969. White-backed Duck nesting in the Cape Peninsula area : a correction. Ostrich 40: 214.

Siegfried, W.R. 1969. The proportion of yolk in the egg of the Maccoa Duck. Wildfowl 20: 78.

Siegfried, W.R. 1969. Energy metabolism of the Cattle Egret. Zoologica Africana 4: 265-273.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1969. Index to the Ostrich, vol. XXXIX, 16 pp.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1969. Water birds in Ovamboland. Ostrich 40: 27-28.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1969. Review: The problems of birds as pests (Murton & Wright). Ostrich 40: 29-30.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1969. Review: Handbuch der Voegel Mitteleuropas, vol. 2 (Bauer & Glutz von Blotzheim). Ostrich 40: 30.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1969. Review: Check list of birds of the south central Transvaal (Tarboton). Ostrich 40: 64.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1969. Lesser Honeyguide Indicator minor. In: New distributional data: 2. Ostrich 40: 131.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1969. Review: Handbuch der Voegel Mitteleuropas, vol. 3 (Bauer & Glutz von Blotzheim). Ostrich 40: 139.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1969. On the birds of the sandveld kalahari of South West Africa. Ostrich 40: 182-204.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1969. Variation in Merops superciliosus L. Ostrich 40: 214.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1969. Climate and range changes of birds in the south-west Cape. Palaeoecology of Africa 4: 150-153.

Winterbottom, J.M., Clancey, P.A., Markus, M.B. and Prozesky, O.P.M. 1969. Check list of the birds of South Africa. Cape Town: South African Ornithological Society: 338 pp.

Winterbottom, J.M. and Underhill, G.D. 1969. Eighth report on the South African Ornithological Society nest record card scheme. Ostrich 40: 9-12.

Winterbottom, J.M. and UYS, C.J. 1969. Some birds of the Cape. Cape Town: Purnell: 123 pp.