Publication lists

Blaker, D. 1966. Notes on the sandplovers Charadrius in southern Africa. Ostrich 37: 95-102.

Broekhuysen, G.J., Broekhuysen, M.G., Winterbottom, J.M. and Winterbottom, M.G. 1966. Birds recorded from Ai-Ais, Fish River, South West Africa. South African Avifauna Series 42: 1-8.

Rowan, M.K. 1966. Recovery of ringed Common Tern. Ostrich 37: 191.

Rowan, M.K. 1966. Territory as a density-regulating mechanism in some South African birds. Ostrich supplement 6: 397-408.

Rowan, M.K. 1966. Some observations on reproduction and mortality in the Cape Sparrow Passer melanurus. Ostrich supplement 6: 425-434.

Skead, C.J. 1966. A study of the Black Cuckoo-shrike Campephaga phoenicea (Latham). Ostrich 37: 71-75.

Skead, C.J. 1966. Hadedah Ibis Hagedashia hagedash (Latham) in the Eastern Cape Province. Ostrich 37: 103-108.

Skead, C.J. 1966. White-browed Sparrow-weaver Plocepasser mahali A. Smith in the Eastern and north-eastern Cape. Ostrich 37: 128-129.

Skead, C.J. 1966. Type locality of Camaroptera brevicaudata noomei Roberts, 1911. Ostrich 37: 140.

Skead, C.J. 1966. The European Starling Sturnus vulgaris in the King William's Town and East London Districts. Ostrich 37: 229.

Skead, C.J. 1966. A study of the Cattle Egret Ardeola Ibis, Linnaeus. Ostrich supplement 6: 109-139.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. Results of the Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology-Windhoek State Museum joint ornithological expeditions: 3. The birds of the Okavango valley. Cimbebasia 15: 1-78.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. Results of the Percy FitzPatrick Institute-Windhoek State Museum joint ornithological expeditions: 5. The birds of the Kaokoveld and Kunene River. Cimbebasia 19: 1-71.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. Index to the Ostrich, vol. XXXVI, 14 pp.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. Ringed swallow recoveries. Ostrich 37: 62.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. Ecological distribution of birds in indigenous vegetation of the south west Cape. Ostrich 37: 76-91.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. Some notes on the Red-knobbed Coot Fulica cristata Gmelin in South Africa. Ostrich 37: 92-94.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. The comparative ecology of the birds of some Karoo habitats in the Cape Province. Ostrich 37: 109-127.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. The birds of the Cape Town public gardens. Ostrich 37: 130-134.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. Classification of thick-billed passerines. Ostrich 37: 135-136.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. Notes on a journey from Windhoek to Cape Town, October-November 1965. Ostrich 37: 137.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. Yellow Wagtail at Muizenberg. Ostrich 37: 137.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. Ringed tern recovery. Ostrich 37: 137.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. Systematic notes on birds of the Cape Province. XXV. The type locality and validity of Plectropterus gambensis niger P.L. Sclater. Ostrich 37: 138.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. Systematic notes on birds of the Cape Province. XXVI. The subspecies of Philetairus socius. Ostrich 37: 138.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. Systematic notes on the birds of the Cape Province. XXVII. The type locality of Passer motitensis (A. Smith). Ostrich 37: 138-139.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. Results of the Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology Windhoek State Museum ornithological expeditions. 4. Notes on the food of Tyto alba in the Etosha Pan. Ostrich 37: 139-140.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. Seasonal calling of Klaas's Cuckoo in Cape Town. Ostrich 37: 201.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. Remarks on the avian ecology of north central South West Africa. Ostrich supplement 6: 285-295.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. Notes on bird distribution in South West Africa. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 73: 309-316.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. List of the birds of Vanrhynsdorp District. South African Avifauna Series 35: 1-18.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. A list of the birds of the Riversdale District. South African Avifauna Series 37: 1-16.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1966. A list of the birds of the Ceres District. South African Avifauna Series 41: 1-15.