Sanjo Rose

BSc Hons (UCT)

Sanjo’s MSc thesis seeks to understand the breeding ecology and habitat use of the Agulhas Long-billed Larks Certhilauda brevirostris in the Overberg. This endemic range-restricted lark species is poorly studied with virtually nothing known about its breeding ecology. Gaining an understanding of the breeding habitat, nest site preferences, breeding success and the main predator threats will provide crucial knowledge to ensure the long-term population persistence of this endemic species. 

Furthermore, understanding the habitat use and breeding requirements can help understand the likely impact of the wind energy infrastructure in the Overberg on this species.


Hunt, K., Marais, L., Cunningham, S.J., Ridley, A.R., Moagi, L., Rose, S., Mckechnie, A.E. and Bourne, A.R. 2023. Camelthorn and blackthorn trees provide important resources for Southern Pied Babblers Turdoides bicolor in the Kalahari. Ibis

Rose, S., Suri, J., Brooks, M. and Ryan, P.G. 2020. COVID-19 and citizen science: lessons learned from southern Africa. Ostrich 91(2): 188-191. 

Rose, S., Thomson, R.L., Oschadleus, H.D, and Lee, A.T.K. 2020. Summarising biometrics from the SAFRING database for southern African birds. Ostrich 91(2):169-173.

Paijmans, D., Rose S. and Oschadleus H.D. 2019. Using large scale citizen science ringing data as a means of calculating maximum longevity in birds. Bothalia. 49(1)

Rose, S et al. 2019. How far and how old: Longevity and displacement records from the South African Ringing Scheme for Ardeidae, Threskiornidae, and Ciconiidae. Bothalia. 49(1)

Sumasgutner, P. and Rose, S. et al. 2018. Exploring the influence of urbanization on morph distribution and morph-specific breeding performance in a polymorphic African raptor. Journal of Raptor Research.

Rose, S .and Sumasgutner, P., et al. 2017. Does seasonal decline in breeding performance differ for an African raptor across an urbanization gradient? Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

Rose, S. & Oschadleus, H.D. 2017. Longevity summary from 69 years of Estrildidae ringing data in Southern Africa. African Zoology