Lemein Parmuntoro
Lemein Parmuntoro is from Orkoroi village, Narok County, Kenya. In his home village, he interacted with animals daily, herding cattle and shoats in the Maasai Mara. Some of his friends became conservation managers, so he spent school holidays touring the Greater Mara Ecosystem to see its diverse wildlife. These experiences inspired him to study Wildlife Management and Conservation at University of Eldoret.
After earning his undergraduate degree, Lemein started working at the Matira Bush Camp in the Maasai Mara. At the camp, he met Raptor Project researchers Simon Thomsette, Shiv Kapila, Ralph Buij, Munir Virani, and Stratton Hatfield. Their relationship grew through shared time in the field and close encounters with raptors, and so did Lemein's interest in wildlife conservation and research. He volunteered to locate and identify the prey remains of Martial Eagle kills on his free time. Through his dedication and passion Lemein joined the team as a project coordinator.
As a Mara Raptor Project coordinator, Lemein collects data on raptor breeding behaviour and diet, conducts camera trapping on active raptor nests, acts as a Project representative by giving presentations to guests, guides, and stakeholders, and assists with poisoning-response and raptor rehabilitation in the greater Mara region.
Lemein believes that joining the Conservation Biology MSc programme will further empower him to drive positive change and make a valuable contribution to the conservation world and his community.