Seminar by David Grémillet: "Winners & Losers: Rating the impact of climate change on seabirds in the North Atlantic"

26 Nov 2009
26 Nov 2009

Winners & Losers: Rating the impact of climate change on seabirds in the North Atlantic

Speaker: Dr David Grémillet (CNRS, Montpellier)
Date: Monday, November 30, 2009
Venue: Niven Library
Time: 13h00

"The aim of my research is to understand the impact of global change on marine top-predators using detailed investigations of the ecophysiology of seabirds in their natural environment. My investigations in the field of functional ecology are based upon novel biotelemetry technologies, metabolic studies and thermodynamic modelling. Such field studies mainly take place in the Atlantic (Davis Strait, Greenland Sea, Barents Sea, North Sea, English Channel, and Benguela) where major environmental changes are currently taking place. These studies allow me (1) to evaluate the energetic plasticity of a variety of seabird species i.e. their capacity to maintain their energy balance when facing rapid environmental change, and (2) to test their value as ecological indicators of marine food webs, and (3) to contribute to a better management of aquatic ecosystems and marine biodiversity."

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