Publication lists

Allan, D. and Jenkins, A. 1997. Arctic terns in Lesotho. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(2):14-15.

Barnes, R.D., Fagg, C.W. and Milton, S.J. 1997. Acacia erioloba: monograph and annotated bibliography, Tropical Forestry Papers, No. 35. Oxford Forestry Institute. pp. 66.

Barnes, K., Boix, C. and Ryan, P.G. 1997. Longlining - southern African seabirds on the hook again. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 4(1):9

Boix, C. 1997. The Percy FitzPatrick Institute gets hooked on seabirds. SANCOR Newsletter 149:4-5, April/May.

Burgess, N., De Klerk, H.M., Fjeldsa, J., Crowe, T.M. and Rabbek, C. 1997. Mapping Afrotropical birds: links between atlas studies and conservation priority analyses. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 4(2):93-98.

Compion, S. 1997. Redwinged starling tossing rock pigeon egg. Promerops 230:10

Crowe, T.M. and Mangnall, M. 1997. Fruit farming can benefit biodiversity. Deciduous Fruit Grower 47:474.

Dean (Milton), S.J. 1997. Workshop on ecotourism development in Prince Albert. Prince Albert Friend 28:3.

Dean (Milton), S.J. 1997. New displays at the Fransie Pienaar Museum. Prince Albert Friend 25:10-11.

Du Plessis, M.A. 1997. Boomstompe laat geveerdes tuis voel. Buite-Burger:3, September 30.

Du Plessis, M.A. 1997. Comments on letter: Hole-nesting habits (Du Plessis E). Africa: birds and birding 2(1):9.

Du Plessis, M.A. 1997. Hoe langer die stert, hoe beter die gehalte. Buite-Burger:3, April 15.

Du Plessis, M.A. 1997. Koddige muisvoëls is Afrika se eie. Buite-Burger:4, Mei 13.

Du Plessis, M.A. 1997. Luister na borrelklanke van skugter vleiloeries. Buite-Burger:3, Augustus 26.

Du Plessis, M.A. 1997. See-diakens is meer as net koddig. Buite-Burger:2, Maart 11.

Du Plessis, M.A. 1997. Slinkse koekoek flous sy ‘dom’ gashere al eeue. Buite-Burger:3, Julie 15.

Du Plessis, M.A. 1997. Swarttobies onder druk van mens en dier. Buite-Burger:3, Januarie 14.

Du Plessis, M.A. 1997. Wilde volstruise is eintlik kwesbaar. Buite-Burger:2, Junie 10.

George, C. and Hockey, P.A.R. 1997. Seychelles: birder’s paradise. Out There 16:70-76, April.

Hockey, P.A.R. 1997. Africa’s kingfishers: a guide to their identification. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(1):61-65.

Hockey, P.A.R. 1997. African black oystercatcher: between the tides. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(5):28-34.

Hockey, P.A.R. 1997. Blue-throated sunbird in Kruger not a South African first! Africa - Birds & Birding 2(1):15.

Hockey, P.A.R. 1997. Eyes in the sky: understanding avian vision. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(6):50-53.

Hockey, P.A.R. 1997. Facing an uncertain future. Velddrif Monitor 3(4):1.

Hockey, P.A.R. 1997. New birds in Africa: the last 50 years. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(1):39-44.

Hockey, P.A.R. 1997. Oystercatchers in trouble. SA Commercial Marine Magazine 6(3):18-19.

Hockey, P.A.R. 1997. Oystercatchers in trouble: new research programme needs CBC members’ help. Promerops 230:8-9.

Hockey, P.A.R. 1997. What to do if you find a rarity. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(2):14.

Hockey, P.A.R. 1997. Yet more birds for Africa... Africa - Birds & Birding 2(2):15.

Hockey, P.A.R. and The Rarities Committee. 1997 Rare birds in South Africa 1996. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(5):64-67.

Jenkins, A.R. and Stephenson, A. 1997. Siberian peregrines in southern Africa. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(4):62-68.

Little, R.M. and Mangnall, M. 1997. Die kolgans: probleem of nie? Suidernuus:8, January 24.

Lloyd, P. 1997. ‘Boyz in the Hood’. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(4):19.

Lloyd, P. 1997. Desert owl. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(5):16.

Lloyd, P. 1997. Hatched in hell: breeding strategy in Sclater’s Lark. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(3):14-15.

Lloyd, P. 1997. Highland low-down: birding Zimbabwe’s Eastern Highlands. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(6):54-59.

Lloyd, P. 1997. Playground of the giants: the Richtersveld National Park. Africa Environment and Wildlife 5(1):75-79.

Mangnall, M. 1997. Kolganse beskadig landbougewasse in die Strandveld. Suidernuus:11, Desember 12.

Milton, S.J. 1997. Lantana camara - dietary supplement or dietary toxin? Agroforestry Today 9(3):3.

PFIAO. 1997. Albatrosses in trouble. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(1):17.

PFIAO. 1997. Monitoring a marine invasion. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(2):17.

PFIAO. 1997. New research projects - from local farms to the world's loneliest island Africa - Birds & Birding 2(3):13.

PFIAO. 1997. Biodiversity conservation in Africa Africa - Birds & Birding 2(4):17.

PFIAO. 1997. Putting birds on the economic playing field . Africa - Birds & Birding 2(5):17.

PFIAO. 1997. Fire, farming and grassland birds. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(6):11.

Ryan, P.G. 1997. Convergence with raptors: large females and plumage polymorphism. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(5):63.

Ryan, P.G. 1997. The Department of Zoology, University of Cape Town. Wildlife Management Association Newsletter:6, December.

Ryan, P.G. 1997. Dispersal by African Sedge Warbler? Promerops 230:10.

Ryan, P.G. 1997. In the nature of things...Phalarope spin-off. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(1):13.

Ryan, P.G. 1997. Lumping & Splitting: the complexities of bird taxonomy. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(6):64-67.

Ryan, P.G. 1997. More waterbird commuters. Promerops 231:9.

Ryan, P.G. 1997. A new taxonomy for albatrosses. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(1):35.

Ryan, P.G. 1997. Sheathbills shipping in... Africa - Birds & Birding 2(4):14.

Ryan, P.G. 1997. Skuas: pirates of the oceans. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(5):57-62.

Ryan, P.G. 1997. Swamphens, takahes and the evolution of flightlessness. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(5):10.

Ryan, P.G. 1997. The Wandering Albatross: icon of the oceans. Africa - Birds & Birding 2(1):28-34.

Ryan, P.G. & Klages, N. 1997. Hooks, lines and sinking... Africa - Birds & Birding 2(1):37.