Adams, N.J. 1989. Foraging movements of Cape Gannets attending chicks at Malgas Island, Saldanha Bay (poster abstract). Zoological Societyof Southern Africa International Symposium on Savanna Fauna & Movements and Migrations, Okaukuejo, Etosha National Park, 8-10 August 1989., programme, p. 11.

Adams, N.J. 1989. Environmental change and commercial fishing: impacts on Benguela seabirds (poster abstract). Conference on Geosphere-Biosphere Change in Southern Africa, Cape Town 4-8 December 1989., programme and abstracts.

Adams, N.J. 1989. A question of fishing penguins. Nuclear Active 40: 25-27.

Allan, D.G. 1989. Movements of Ludwig's Bustard Neotis ludwigii (abstract). Zoological Society of Southern Africa International Symposium on Savanna Fauna & Movements and Migrations, Okaukuejo, Etosha National Park, 8-10 August 1989, programme, p. 11.

Allan, D.G. 1989. Movements of Ludwig's Bustard (poster abstract). 5th Annual Research Meeting of the Karoo Biome Project, Oudtshoorn, 12-14 September 1989, programme, p. 13.

Allan, D.G. 1989. Jackals, strychnine and avian scavengers in the Karoo (poster abstract). 5th Annual Research Meeting of the Karoo Biome Project, Oudtshoorn, 12-14 September 1989, programme, p. 13.

Allan, D. 1989. Breeding of the Kori Bustard in Botswana. Babbler 18: 39.

Allan, D. 1989. Review: Birds of the Kruger National Park (Newman). Bokmakierie 41: 25-26.

Allan, D. 1989. The Bald Ibis returns to Cape Town. Quagga 25: 18-20.

Allan, D. and Harrison, J. 1989. Forest or Steppe Buzzard? SABAP News 7: 10.

Anon. [= Cooper, J.]1989. Long-term monitoring of surface-nesting birds at the Prince Edward Islands (phase one - design and initiation). [South African] Annual Report to SCAR 31: 11, 18.

Anon. [= Cooper, J.]1989. The breeding cycle of the King Penguin at Marion Island. [South African] Annual Report to SCAR 31: 11, 18, 20.

Anon. [= Little, R.M.]1989. Other gamebird news. Greywing Partridge Research Project Newsletter 2: 9.

Brooke, R. 1989. The most southerly specimen record of the European Swift in Africa. Bee-eater 40: 16.

Brooke, R.K. 1989. Review: A handbook to the swallows and martins of the world (Turner). Birding in Southern Africa 41: 83.

Brooke, R. 1989. Cecily Kathleen Niven nee FitzPatrick. Birding in Southern Africa 41: 116-117.

Brooke, R.K. 1989. Sydney Porter, an overlooked writer on southern African, particularly Zimbabwean birds. Honeyguide 35: 128-129.

Brooke, R.K. 1989. Red-eyed Dove carrying a thorn/pellet in the breast. Honeyguide 35: 170.

Brooke, R.K. 1989. Looking back - overlooked literature on Zimbabwean birds. Honeyguide 35: 181-182.

Brooke, R.K. 1989. Some Namaqualand records of range-expanding birds of the southwestern Cape, and other observations. Promerops 187: 11.

Brooke, R.K. 1989. A White Stork (83) breeding attempt at Vanwyksvlei. Promerops 187: 18.

Brooke, R.K. 1989. Notes from Namaqualand. Promerops 188: 6-8.

Brooke, R.K. 1989. Terrestrial birds foraging intertidally at Honderklipbaai. Promerops 189: 14.

Brooke, R. 1989. Some birds of Rietfontein Saltworks, Namaqualand. Promerops 190: 9.

Brooke, R.K. 1989. Possible effects of locust swarms on the birds of western Bushmanland in March 1989. Promerops 190: 10.

Brooke, R.K. 1989. Birds along Wild Tamarisk-clad drainage lines and other points from the far western Karoo. Promerops 190: 11-12.

Brooke, R. 1989. Letter on raptor sightings. In Van der Merwe, F. Raptor sightings - the response. Promerops 190: 15-16.

Brooke, R.K. 1989. Historical distribution of the Ostrich in the western Cape. Promerops 191: 8-9.

Brooke, R.K. 1989. A Wild Tamarisk-lined drainage bird community. Promerops 191: 9-11.

Brooke, R.K. 1989. Range expansion of the Cape Weaver in the Great Karoo. Promerops 191: 11.

Brooke, R.K. 1989. A large South African Shelduck brood or a creche? Promerops 191: 14.

Brooke, R. 1989. In: Sightings. Promerops 191: 14-17.

Brooke, R.K. and Crowe, T.M. 1989. Review: The world of shooting (Johnson & Wannenburgh). Birding in Southern Africa 41: 85.

Brooke, R. and Du Plessis, M. 1989. Late breeding records of the Horus Swift in South Africa. Bee-eater 40: 28-29.

Brooke, R. and Underhill, G. 1989. Helmeted Guineafowl on Dassen Island. Promerops 189: 10. (Reprinted in Birding in Southern Africa 41: 88.)

Cooper, J. 1989. Niven Library News no. 1 (2 pp.).

Cooper, J. 1989. Regional reports - South Africa. Pacific Seabird Group Bulletin 16: 49.

Cooper, J., Connell, A.D. and Gaggi, C. 1989. Anthropogenic chemicals at a sub-Antarctic island: global or point sources (poster abstract). Conference on Geosphere-Biosphere Change in Southern Africa, Cape Town 4-8 December 1989., programme and abstracts.

Cooper, J. and Lutjeharms, J.R.E. 1989. Changes in population sizes and breeding success of seabirds at Gough and Marion Islands: correlations with abiotic factors? (poster abstract). Conference on Geosphere-Biosphere Change in Southern Africa, Cape Town 4-8 December 1989., programme and abstracts.

Crawford, R.J.M., Siegfried, W.R., Shannon, L.V., Villacastin-Herero, C.A. and Underhill, L.G. 1989. Environmental influences on marine biota off southern Africa (abstract). Conference on Geosphere-Biosphere Change in Southern Africa, Cape Town 4-8 December 1989., programme and abstracts.

Crowe, T.M. 1989. Patterns of distribution, diversity and endemism in African vertebrates (abstract). International Symposium on Vertebrate Biogeography and Systematics in the Tropics, Bonn, 5-8 June1989., program and abstracts p. 17.

Crowe, T.M. 1989. Report on the Seventh Pan-African Ornithological Congress. Bokmakierie 41: 5-9.

Crowe, T. 1989. Introduction. Greywing Partridge Research Project Newsletter 2: 1-2.

Crowe, T. 1989. Greywing Partridge: a candidate for the national gamebird. Greywing Partridge Research Project Newsletter 2: 4-5.

Crowe, T. 1989. Other gamebird news. Greywing Partridge Research Project Newsletter 2: 9.

Crowe, T. 1989. Editorial. Greywing 3: 1-2.

Crowe, T. 1989. Review: The quails, partridges, and francolins of the world (Johnsgard). Greywing 3: 13.

Crowe, T.M. 1989. [Editorial]. Origin 1(1): 1-2.

Crowe, T.M. 1989. Botanists, zoologists, palaeobiologists, biogeographers, earth scientists and molecular biologists, unite! Origin 1(1): 2.(Reprinted from South African Journal of Science 85:417.)

Crowe, T.M. 1989. Eastern Cape. Origin 1(1): 8.

Crowe, T.M. 1989. Review: Science as a process (Hull). Origin 1(1):8-10. Also in South African Journal of Science 85: 632.

Crowe, T.M. 1989. Vertebrate systematics and biogeography in the tropics. Origin 1(1): 10-12.Also in South African Journal of Science 85: 497.

Crowe, T.M. 1989. Workshop on cladistics and cladistic biogeography. Origin 1(1): 13-15.

Crowe, T.M. 1989. A 'classification' of southern African evolutionary biologists. Origin 1(1): 38.

Crowe, T.M. 1989. Academic boycott. UCT Monday Paper 8(2): 3.

Crowe, T. and Brooke, R. 1989. The southwestern Cape. Origin 1(1): 3.

Crowe, T.M., Harley, E.H. and Jakutowicz, M. 1989. Phylogenetic relationships among southern African francolins (abstract). Zoological Society of Southern Africa International Symposium on Savanna Fauna & Movements and Migrations, Okaukuejo, Etosha National Park, 8-10 August 1989, programme, p. 16.

Crowe, T.M., Harley, E.H., Jakutowicz, M. and Crowe, A.A. 1989. Phylogenetic and taxonomic implications of variation in mitochondrial DNA, morphology, behaviour and ecology of francolins (Galliformes: Phasianidae). Origin 1(1): 24.

Crowe, T.M., Kemp, A.C., Earle, R.A. and Grant, W.S. 1989. Systematics is the most essential, but most neglected, biological science. Origin 1(1): 30-35. (Reprinted from South African Journal of Science 85: 418-423.)

Crowe, T. and Little, R. 1989. Greywing research - cooperative projects. Greywing 3: 7-9.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Ostrich Struthio camelus (1). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus (6). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Blacknecked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis (7). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Dabchick Tachybaptus ruficollis (8). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Goliath Heron Ardea goliath (64). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Purple Heron Ardea purpurea (65). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Great White Egret Egretta alba (66). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Little Egret Egretta garzetta (67). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds.Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Yellowbilled Egret Egretta intermedia (68). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides (72). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Madagascar Squacco Heron Ardeola idae (73). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Greenbacked Heron Butorides striatus (74). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Grey Kestrel Falco ardosiaceus (184). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Redknobbed Coot Fulica cristata (228). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Namaqua Sandgrouse Pterocles namaqua (344). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Burchell's Sandgrouse Pterocles burchelli (345). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Doublebanded Sandgrouse Pterocles bicinctus (347). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Feral Pigeon Columba livia (348). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Rock Pigeon Columba guinea (349). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Rameron Pigeon Columba arquatrix (350). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Redeyed Dove Streptopelia semitorquata (352). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds.. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Cape Turtle Dove Streptopelia capicola (354). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Laughing Dove Streptopelia senegalensis (355). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Namaqua Dove Oena capensis (356). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Bluespotted Dove Turtur afer (357). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds.. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Greenspotted Dove Turtur chalcospilos (358). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds.. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Tambourine Dove Turtur tympanistria (359). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Green Pigeon Treron calva (361). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds.. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Knysna Lourie Tauraco corythaix (370). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Purplecrested Lourie Tauraco porphyreolophus (371). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Ross's Lourie Musophaga rossae (372). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Grey Lourie Corythaixoides concolor (373). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Barn Owl Tyto alba (392). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Grass Owl Tyto capensis (393). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Marsh Owl Asio capensis (395). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Whitefaced Owl Otus leucotis (397). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Pearlspotted Owl Glaucidium perlatum (398). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Barred Owl Glaucidium capense (399). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Spotted Eagle Owl Bubo africanus (401). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. European Roller Coracias garrulus (446). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Lilacbreasted Roller Coracias caudata (447). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Rackettailed Roller Coracias spatulata (448). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Purple Roller Coracias naevia (449). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Broadbilled Roller Eurystomus glaucurus (450). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Silverycheeked Hornbill Bycanistes brevis (456). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Bradfield's Hornbill Tockus bradfieldi (461). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Monteiro's Hornbill Tockus monteiri (462). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Dusky Lark Pinarocorys nigricans ( 505). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Angola Swallow Hirundo angolensis (519). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. European Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus (543). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Blackheaded Oriole Oriolus larvatus (545). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Greenheaded Oriole Oriolus chlorocephalus (546). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Southern Grey Tit Parus afer (551). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Ashy Tit Parus cinerascens (552). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Northern Grey Tit Parus griseiventris (553). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Rufousbellied Tit Parus rufiventris (556). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Cape Penduline Tit Anthoscopus minutus (557). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Redeyed Bulbul Pycnonotus nigricans (567). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Familiar Chat Cercomela familiaris (589). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Karoo Chat Cercomela schlegelii (592). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Mocking Chat Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris ( 593). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Arnot's Chat Thamnolaea arnoti (594). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Rufoustailed Palm Thrush Cichladusa ruficauda (604). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Yellow Warbler Chloropeta natalensis (637). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Redfaced Crombec Sylvietta whytii (650). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Redcapped Crombec Sylvietta ruficapilla (652). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Barred Warbler Camaroptera fasciolata (658). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Desert Cisticola Cisticola aridula (665). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Cloud Cisticola Cisticola textrix (666). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Ayres' Cisticola Cisticola ayresii (667). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Greybacked Cisticola Cisticola subruficapilla (669). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Blackchested Prinia Prinia flavicans (685). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Dusky Flycatcher Muscicapa adusta (690). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Bluegrey Flycatcher Muscicapa caerulescens (691). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Tropical Boubou Laniarius aethiopicus (737). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Swamp Boubou Laniarius bicolor (738). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Blackfronted Bush Shrike Telophorus nigrifrons (749). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

ean, W.R.J. 1989. Indian Myna Acridotheres tristis (758). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Wattled Starling Creatophora cinerea (760). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Sharptailed Starling Lamprotornis acuticaudus (767). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Palewinged Starling Onychognathus nabouroup (770). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Coppery Sunbird Nectarinia cuprea (778). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Redbilled Buffalo Weaver Bubalornis niger (798). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Cape Sparrow Passer melanurus (803). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Greyheaded Sparrow Passer griseus (804). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Yellowthroated Sparrow Petronia superciliaris (805). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Brownthroated Weaver Ploceus xanthopterus (818). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Redheaded Weaver Anaplectes rubriceps (819). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Firecrowned Bishop Euplectes hordeaceus (825). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Golden Bishop Euplectes afer (826). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Yellowrumped Widow Euplectes capensis (827). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Whitewinged Widow Euplectes albonotatus (829). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Yellowbacked Widow Euplectes macrourus (830). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Longtailed Widow Euplectes progne (832). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Brown Firefinch Lagonosticta nitidula (843). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Cinderella Waxbill Estrilda thomensis (849). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Streakyheaded Canary Serinus gularis (881). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Rock Bunting Emberiza tahapisi (886). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, R. 1989. Black Kites (126) and other raptors in the Karoo. Promerops 189: 8

Dean, R. 1989. Pearlbreasted Swallow (526) apparently eating lime. Promerops 189: 13-14. (Reprinted in Birding in Southern Africa 41: 88.)

Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Looking at larks. SABAP News 8: 2-5.

Dean, W.R.J. and Ginn, P.J. 1989. Yellowthroated Sandgrouse Pterocles gutturalis (346). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Dean, W.R.J. and Milton, S.J. 1989. Rainfall, plant phenology, seeds and seed-eating birds (poster abstract). 5th Annual Research Meeting of the Karoo Biome Project, Oudtshoorn, 12-14 September 1989., programme, p. 14.

Dean, W.R.J., Milton, S.J. and Watkeys, M.K. 1989. Distribution, habitat preference and conservation of the Red Lark, Certhilauda burra (abstract). Dunes '89 Meeting abstracts and programme p. 68.

Du Plessis, C. 1989. News from Marion Island. Weather Bureau Newsletter 483: 8.

Du Plessis, M. 1989. Review: A naturalist among tropical splendour (Skutch). Birding in Southern Africa 41: 119-120.

Duffy, D.C., Wilson, R.P., Wilson, M.-P. and Araya M., B. 1989. Sympatry of two penguin species on the coast of Chile (abstract). Pacific Seabird Group Bulletin 16: 25-26.

Fraser, M.W. 1989. The Inaccessible Island Rail: smallest flightless bird in the world. African Wildlife 43: 14-19.

Fraser, M. 1989. Letter on raptor sightings. In Van der Merwe, F. Raptor sightings - the response. Promerops 190: 16.

Fraser, M. 1989. A Sugarbird in the hand. Veld & Flora 75: 17-19.

Fraser, M. and McMahon, L. 1989. Orangebreasted Sunbird (777) feeding from Ivy flowers. Promerops 188: 10.

Fraser, M. and McMahon, L. 1989. Grey Wagtail (715) at the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve. Promerops 189: 10-11.

Fraser, M and McMahon, L. 1989. Red Bishops (824) feeding on the seashore. Promerops 189: 13. (Reprinted in Birding in Southern Africa 41: 88.)

Fraser, M. and McMahon, L. 1989. Bully Canary (877) in the hand mimicking Cape Bulbul (566). Promerops 189: 14.

Fraser, M. and McMahon, L. 1989. Interactions between Swift terns (324) and Sandwich Tern (326). Promerops 189: 14.

Fraser, M. and McMahon, L. 1989. Skuas in False Bay. Promerops 190: 10-11.

Fraser, M. and McMahon, L. 1989. Birds eating distasteful insects. Promerops 190: 13.

Fraser, M. and McMahon, L. 1989. Long distance Malachite Sunbird (775). Promerops 190: 13.

Fraser, M. and McMahon, L. 1989. Two years of ringing at Helderberg. Promerops 190: 14-15.

Fraser, M. and McMahon, L. 1989. Leucadendron floridum at Cape Point. Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 5: 7.

Fraser, M.W., McMahon, L., Underhill, L.G., Underhill, G.D. and Rebelo, A.G. 1989. Nectarivore ringing in the southwestern Cape. Safring News 18: 3-18.

Fraser, M.W. and Richardson, D.M. 1989. Some observations on the Protea Canary. Birding in Southern Africa 41: 86-87.

Fraser, M. and Underhill, G. 1989. Redchested Flufftail (217) at Glencairn. Promerops 190: 11.

Fraser, M. and Wright, G. 1989. Hadeda Ibis (94) in the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve. Promerops 188: 9.

Frost, S.K. 1989. Black Flycatcher Melaenornis pammelaina (694). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Frost, S.K. 1989. Marico Flycatcher Melaenornis mariquensis (695). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Frost, S.K. 1989. Mousecoloured Flycatcher Melaenornis pallidus (696). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Frost, S.K. 1989. Grey Sunbird Nectarinia veroxii (789). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Frost, S.K. 1989. Olive Sunbird Nectarinia olivacea (790). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Frost, S.K. 1989. Collared Sunbird Anthreptes collaris (793). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Furness, B.L. 1989. King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus (2). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Furness, B.L. 1989. Jackass Penguin Spheniscus demersus (3). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Furness, B.L. 1989. Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome (4). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Furness, B.L. 1989. Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus (5). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Furness, B.L. 1989. Arctic Skua Stercorarius parasiticus (307). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Furness, B.L. 1989. Longtailed Skua Stercorarius longicaudus (308). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Furness, B.L. 1989. Pomarine Skua Stercorarius pomarinus (309). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Furness, B.L. 1989. Subantarctic Skua Catharacta antarctica (310). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Furness, B.L. 1989. South Polar Skua Catharacta maccormicki (311).In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Harley, E.H., Essop, M.F., O'Ryan, C., Baumgarten, I., Crowe, T. and Jakutowicz, M. 1989. How DNA analysis can assist in measurement of sub-specific status, species dispersal and migration patterns (abstract). Zoological Society of Southern Africa International Symposium on Savanna Fauna & Movements and Migrations, Okaukuejo, Etosha National Park, 8-10 August 1989., programme, p. 20.

Henley, S. 1989. News from Marion Island. Weather Bureau Newsletter 479: 9.

Hockey, P.A.R. 1989. Mute Swan Cygnus olor (98). Pacific and American Golden Plovers Pluvialis fulva and Pluvialis dominica (253). European Cuckoo Cuculus canorus (374). Cape Eagle Owl Bubo capensis (400). Wilson's Widowfinch Vidua wilsoni (866). In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Hockey, P.A.R. 1989. Why do shorebirds migrate so far (abstract)? Zoological Society of Southern Africa International Symposium on Savanna Fauna & Movements and Migrations, Okaukuejo, Etosha National Park, 8-10 August 1989., p. 21.

Hockey, P.A.R. 1989. Man, birds and shellfish. Conserva 4(2): 10-11, 22.

Holmes, P. and Rebelo, T. 1989. Indigenous seed-feeding bugs on alien Acacia cyclops. Veld & Flora 75: 121-122.

Jackson, S. 1989. Review: Birds of the world: seabirds (Mackenzie). Bokmakierie 41: 25.

Jackson, S. and Place, A.R. 1989. Living off the fat of the sea. Nuclear Active 41: 38-41.

Jakutowicz, M., Crowe, T.M. and Harley, E.H. 1989. A molecular phylogeny for the Phasianidae (poster abstract). Zoological Society of Southern Africa International Symposium on Savanna Fauna & Movements and Migrations, Okaukuejo, Etosha National Park, 8-10 August 1989., programme, p. 22.

Jenkins, A. 1989. Peregrines - an appeal for information. Albatross 297: 15.

Jenkins, A. 1989. Peregrines - an appeal for information. Bee-eater 40: 3-4.

Jenkins, A. 1989. Peregrines- an appeal for information. Bokmakierie 41: 59.

Jenkins, A. 1989. Peregrines - an appeal for information. Diaz Diary 17(4): 7.

Jenkins, A. 1989. Peregrines - an appeal for information. Gabar 4: 26.

Jenkins, A. 1989. Peregrines - an appeal for information. Hoephoep 5(2): 21.

Jenkins, A. 1989. Peregrines - an appeal for information. Hornbill 16: 18.

Jenkins, A. 1989. Peregrines - an appeal for information. Laniarius 36: 27-28.

Jenkins, A. 1989. Peregrines - an appeal for information. Mirafra 6: 8-9.

Jenkins, A. 1989. Peregrines - an appeal for information. Witwatersrand Bird Club News 145: 5.

Kemp, A.C. and Crowe, T.M. 1989. Radiation of raptors in the four tropical biogeographical realms (abstract). International Symposium on Vertebrate Biogeography and Systematics in he Tropics, Bonn, 5-8 June 1989., program and abstracts p. 37.

Komen, J. 1989. Hartlaub's Francolin research project. Greywing 3: 11-13.

Komen, J. 1989. Review: Kennzeichen und mauser europaeischer Singvoegel, 4. Teil Cistensaenger, Seidensaenger, Schwirle, Rohrsaenger (Bub & Dorsch). Safring News 18: 59-60.

Little, R. 1989. News update from the field. Greywing Partridge Research Project Newsletter 2: 2-3

Little, R. 1989. Scope of the project. Greywing Partridge Research Project Newsletter 2: 3-4.

Little, R. 1989. The importance of habitat use. Greywing Partridge Research Project Newsletter 2: 5-6.

Little, R. 1989. Following the population. Greywing Partridge Research Project Newsletter 2: 6-7.

Little, R. 1989. What does the Greywing eat? Greywing Partridge Research Project Newsletter 2: 8.

Little, R. 1989. The 1989. hunting season. Greywing Partridge Research Project Newsletter: 8-9.

Little, R.M. 1989. Review: Ecology and management of gamebirds (Hudson & Rands). Greywing Partridge Research Project Newsletter 2: 9-10.

Little, R.M. 1989. Review: The Pheasant: ecology, management and conservation (Hill & Robertson). Greywing Partridge Research Project Newsletter 2: 10-11.

Little, R. 1989. News update from the field. Greywing 3: 3-4.

Little, R. 1989. Report on the 1989. hunting season. Greywing 3: 4.

Little, R. 1989. The population response to hunting. Greywing 3: 5.

Little, R. 1989. Population dynamics and covey behaviour. Greywing 3: 5-7.

Little, R. 1989. Falconry and Greywing. Greywing 3: 10-11.

Little, R. 1989. The Greywing Partridge Research Project: an update on the field work. Pelea 8: 56-57.

Little, R. 1989. Falconry and gamebirds. Pelea 8: 61.

Macdonald, I.A.W. 1989. An idealist's view of nature conservation in South Africa (abstract). 11th Annual Research Meeting of the Fynbos Biome Project, Clanwilliam 18-20 July 1989., programme, pp. 8-9.

Macdonald, I.A.W. 1989. Change and fluctuations in the populations of vertebrates in southern Africa: indicators of forcing functions (abstract). Conference on Geosphere-Biosphere Change in Southern Africa, Cape Town 4-8 December 1989., programme and abstracts.

Macdonald, I. 1989. The Palmiet scheme and its environmental implications. African Wildlife 43: 8-9.

Macdonald, I. 1989. Why worry about the ozone layer? Or do aerosol sprays and thalidomide have something in common? African Wildlife 43: 167, 169-171.

Macdonald, I.A.W. 1989. Report on the IGBP Southern Hemisphere workshop, Mbabane, Swaziland, December 1988. Global Change Newsletter 2: 2-6.

Macdonald, I.A.W. 1989. Hard times for birds on the Agulhas plain?. Promerops 187: 12-13.

Macdonald, I.A.W. 1989. Report on the IGBP Southern Hemisphere workshop, Mbabane, Swaziland, December 1988. South African Council for Natural Scientists 4: 3.

Macdonald, I.A.W. 1989. Global environment - is there any good news? UCT News Magazine 16(2): 20-23. Reprinted in Trails Club of South Africa Newsletter October 1990 pp. 3-4.

Macdonald, I.A.W. and Boshoff, A.F. 1989. Do savanna birds show distributional changes related to rainfall (abstract). Zoological Society of Southern Africa International Symposium on Savanna Fauna & Movements and Migrations, Okaukuejo, Etosha National Park, 8-10 August 1989., programme, p. 25.

Malan, G. 1989. Behavioural and demographic aspects of polyandry in the Pale Chanting Goshawk Melierax canorus in the Little Karoo (poster abstract). Zoological Society of Southern Africa International Symposium on Savanna Fauna & Movements and Migrations, Okaukuejo, Etosha National Park, 8-10 August 1989., programme, p. 26.

Malan, G. 1989. African Goshawks (160) breeding early. Promerops 191: 14.

Milton, S.J. 1989. Seed attributes on dunes and plains in the north-western Cape (abstract). Dunes '89 Meeting abstracts and programme p. 30.

Milton, S.J. and Collins, H. 1989. Hail in the southern Karoo. Veld & Flora 75: 69, 71-73.

Milton, S.J. and Dean, W.R.J. 1989. Insect responses to changes in food resources induced by domestic livestock (abstract). 5th Annual Research Meeting of the Karoo Biome Project, Oudtshoorn, 12-14 September 1989., programme, p. 11.

Oatley, T.B. 1989. Dune Lark Certhilauda erythrochlamys (503). Chorister Robin Cossypha dichroa (598).In Ginn, P.J., McIlleron, W.G. and Milstein, P le S. (Eds), The complete book of southern African birds. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.

Oatley, T. 1989. Editorial: Single issue of Volume 18. Safring News 18: 1-2.

Oatley, T.B. 1989. Safring statistics for the 1987. -1988 ringing year. Safring News 18: 49-55.

Oatley, T.B. 1989. Review: A preliminary list of Egyptian bird ringing recoveries 1908-1988 (Mullie). Safring News 18: 60.

Rebelo, A.G. 1989. European Bee-eater (438) at Welbeloond. Promerops 191: 11.

Rebelo, A.G. 1989. Birds eating distasteful insects. Promerops 191: 13.

Rebelo, T. 1989. Why atlas plants? Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 2: 3.

Rebelo, T. 1989. A comparison of the Proteaceae and the bird atlasses. Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 2: 5-6.

Rebelo, T. 1989. The role and duties of a regional coordinator. Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 2: 11.

Rebelo, T. 1989. Recent research and literature on Proteaceae. Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 2: 12.

Rebelo, T. 1989. The Banksia atlas update. Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 3: 4.

Rebelo, T. 1989. Another new species of spiderhead? Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 3: 5.

Rebelo, T. 1989. Those accursed common names! Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 3: 6-7.

Rebelo, T. 1989. Phloeonomus corner: for the kids. Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 3: 11-13.

Rebelo, T. 1989. Problems with learning scientific names. Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 4: 6-8.

Rebelo, T. 1989. Identifying Proteaceae. Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 4: 8-9.

Rebelo, T. 1989. Phloeonomus corner: for the kids. Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 4: 15-17.

Rebelo, T. 1989. Reportback on walks which tested atlas notebooks and sight record sheets. Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 5: 8-9.

Rebelo, T. 1989. Problems with identifying species: fun with spoons. Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 5: 10.

Rebelo, T. 1989. Beware: featherbushes can be tricky. Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 5: 11.

Rebelo, T. 1989. Identifying Proteaceae: 2. Leucospermum. Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 5: 12-13.

Rebelo, T. 1989. Meaning of scientific names: 2. Leucospermum. Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 5: 14.

Rebelo, T. 1989. Phloeonomus corner: for the kids. Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 5: 15.

Rebelo, P. and Rebelo, T. 1989. Progress. Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 4: 3.

Rebelo, P., Rebelo, T., Tedder, C. and Tedder, A. 1989. Editorial. Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 5: 3.

Rebelo, A.G. and Rourke, J.P. 1989. Phytogeographical centres in the fynbos of the Cape flora (poster abstract). 11th Annual Meeting of the Fynbos Biome Research Project, Clanwilliam 18-20 July 1989., programme, p. 23.

Rebelo, A.G. and Siegfried, W.R. 1989. Conservation of fynbos: theoretical ideals (abstract). 11th Annual Meeting of the Fynbos Biome Research Project, Clanwilliam 18-20 July 1989., programme, p. 13.

Robinson, T. and Crowe, T. 1989. Transvaal. Origin 1(1): 6.

Ryan, P.G. 1989. Common Nighthawk: a potential vagrant to southern Africa. Birding in Southern Africa 41: 80-81.

Ryan, P. 1989. In: Sightings - raptors. Promerops 189: 17.

Ryan, P.G. and Graham, J. 1989. The trials and tribulations of the second Hudsonian Godwit for southern Africa. Birding in Southern Africa 41: 103-104.

Ryan, P.G. and Moloney, C.L. 1989. Plastic and other artefacts on South African beaches: abundance, composition and temporal trends (poster abstract). Conference on Geosphere-Biosphere Change in Southern Africa, Cape Town 4-8 December 1989., programme and abstracts.

Ryan, P.G. and Moloney, C.L. 1989. Plastic and other artefacts on South African beaches: abundance, composition and temporal trends. Save Our Sealife - Prevent Plastic Pollution Campaign 7: 10.

Ryan, P.G. and Watkins, B.P. 1989. First South African biological survey in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. BIOTAS Newsletter 4: 39.

Seddon, P. and Van Heezik, Y. 1989. The world's rarest penguin. Australian Natural History 22: 596-603.

Siegfried, W.R. 1989. A second Blackheaded Oriole (545) in the southwestern Cape. Promerops 188: 9.

Steele, W.K. 1989. Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus) fledgling dispersal (poster abstract). Zoological Society of Southern Africa International Symposium on Savanna Fauna & Movements and Migrations, Okaukuejo, Etosha National Park, 8-10 August 1989., programme, p. 34.

Steele, W.K. 1989. Colour-ringed Kelp Gulls - report back. Promerops 189: 11-13.

Turner, J.S. 1989. Subterranean climate and the impending greenhouse warming (poster abstract). Conference on Geosphere-Biosphere Change in Southern Africa, Cape Town 4-8 December 1989., programme and abstracts.

Turpie, J.K. 1989. Patterns of distribution and diversity of larger African mammals (poster abstract). Zoological Society of Southern Africa International Symposium on Savanna Fauna & Movements and Migrations, Okaukuejo, Etosha National Park, 8-10 August 1989., programme, p. 34.

Underhill, L.G. and Oatley, T.B. 1989. Measured effort sites - a potential Safring project. Safring News 18: 47-48.

Watkins, B.P. 1989. Review: The seabirds of Australia (Lindsey). Bokmakierie 41: 57-58.

Watkins, B. and Ryan, P. 1989. Mites, mosses and mumiyo. University of Cape Town Institute of Oceanography Year Book 1987: 12-15.

Yeld, J. and Brooke, R. 1989. Conservation biology and the Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology. Cape Town: FitzPatrick Institute: 12 pp.