Adams, N.J., Brown, C.R. and Klages, N.T. 1987.The impact of penguin predation on the marine resources around the Prince Edward Islands (abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987, symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. A-22.
Allan, D. 1987. Large bustards in the Karoo (poster abstract). 3rd Annual Research Meeting of the Karoo Biome Project, Middelburg, C.P., 15-18 September 1987., p. 24.
Allan, D. 1987. Transvaal highveld pans. African Wildlife 41: 233, 235.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert. Bee-eater 38: 42-43.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert: your help required. Boer/Farmer 15(9): 39.
Allan, D. 1987. Request for assistance - bustard alert. Bokmakierie 39: 88-89.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert. Border Buzz 34: 9-10.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert. Cape Wildlife 4: 16.
Allan, D. 1987. Help needed for bustard project. Custos 16(7): 9.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert. Diaz Diary 168: 6-7.
Allan, D. 1987. Help save the bustards. Farmer's Weekly 24 July p. 74.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert. Flamingo 3(3): 18-20.
Allan, D. 1987. Green Sandpiper along the Olifants River. Hornbill 11: 11-12.
llan, D. 1987. Die drie groot pousoorte van Suider-Afrika. Lanbouweekblad 493: 63.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert. Lanioturdus 23: 12-13.
Allan, D. 1987. Let op vir poue. Mirafra 4: 71-72.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert. Naturalist 31(3): 5-6.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert - an appeal for information. Promerops 180: 8-9.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert. SABAP News 3: 12.
Anon. [= Cooper, J.] 1987. Ornithology. [South African] Research Report to SCAR 29: 10, 21.
Anon. [= Siegfried, W.R.] 1987. Will Cinderella find her prince? Conserva 2(4): 4-6
Boobyer, M.G. 1987. Group size of the Karoo Korhaan (Eupodotis vigorsii) as an indicator of habitat quality (abstract). 3rd Annual Research Meeting of the Karoo Biome Project, Middelburg, C.P., 15-18 September 1987., programme, p. 9.
Boobyer, M. 1987. Review: Bustards in decline (Goriup & Vardhan). Bokmakierie 39: 60-61.
Bosman, A. 1987. Review: Discovering birds (Berruti). Bokmakierie 39: 90-91.
Bosman, A.L. and Hockey, P.A.R. 1987. The role of nutrient levels in determining rocky intertidal community structure on islands off the west coast of southern Africa (abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. B-43.
Brooke, M. 1987. Research on seabirds at Gough and Nightingale Islands in 1986. SASCAR Newsletter 27: 6-7.
Brooke, R. 1987. Review: Birds of the Hilton College Estate (White). Bokmakierie 39: 28.
Brooke, R.K. 1987. Historical sketch of Afrotropical ornithology. Bokmakierie 39: 75-77.
Brooke, R. 1987. Review: The encyclopaedia of birds (Perrins & Middleton Eds). Bokmakierie 39: 89.
Brooke, R. 1987. Obituary: Reay Henry Noble Smithers O.B.E. 1907-1987. Bokmakierie 39: 96.
Brooke, R.K. 1987. Former breeding sites of the Wattled Crane (207) in the CBC atlas area. Promerops 177: 4-5.
Brooke, R. 1987. In: Micro notes. Promerops 177: 9.
Brooke, R.K. 1987. A year's end bird atlassing trip to the western Karoo and eastern Bushmanland. Promerops 178: 4-5.
Brooke, R. 1987. A weekend's bird atlassing trip to Calvinia - by mistake. Promerops 181: 7-8.
Brooke, R. 1987. In: Micro notes. Promerops 181: 11.
Brooke, R. 1987. University of Cape Town - Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology. Zoological Society of Southern Africa Newsletter 1987. (2): 16-19.
Cooper, J. 1987. Editorial: Conservation of sub-Antarctic islands. Cormorant 14: 1-2.
Cooper, J. 1987. Island-based scientific research at Marion Island (V45). SASCAR Newsletter 26: 2-3.
Cooper, J. 1987. History of the Prince Edward Islands: IV. Early female visitors. SASCAR Newsletter 27: 5-6.
Crowe, A.A. and Crowe, T.M. 1987. Life sciences (biology).In: Bryce, A. (Ed.), The A to Z of careers in South Africa, pp. 460-471. Cape Town: Dan Nelson.
Crowe, T.M. 1987. Review: Gamebirds & waterfowl of southern Africa (Kemp & Barnicoat). Bokmakierie 39: 121.
Crowe, T. 1987. The Greywing Partridge research project: an appeal for support. Pelea 6: 65-67.
Dean, S.J. and Dean, W.R.J. 1987. Fiscal Shrike (732) predation on Mountain Chat (586). Promerops 180: 17-18.
Dean, W.R.J. 1987. Insect granivores in the succulent Karoo (poster abstract). 3rd Annual Research Meeting of the Karoo Biome Project, Middelburg, C.P., 15-18 September 1987., programme, p. 25-26.
Dean, W.R.J. 1987. Rameron Pigeons: some notes on food and foraging. Bee-eater 38: 23.
Dean, W.R.J. 1987. Canary foods and feeding techniques in the Knysna area. Bee-eater 38: 26-27.
Dean, W.R.J. and Dean, S.J. 1987. A hazard for birds. Promerops 179: 10.
Dean, W.R.J. and Hockey, P.A.R. 1987. An ecological perspective on lark distribution in the Karoo (abstract). 3rd Annual Research Meeting of the Karoo Biome Project, Middelburg, C.P., 15-18 September 1987., programme, p. 9-10.
Dowsett, R.J. 1987. Potential problems in ageing and sexing southern African passerines. Safring News 16: 17-20.
Du Plessis, M.A. 1987. The influence of cavity availability on Redbilled Woodhoopoe (Phoeniculus purpureus) flock size (abstract). Abstracts of papers - Birds of Evergreen Forest Symposium, Wilderness 8-10 September 1987., pp. 6-7.
Du Plessis, M.A. and Verwoerd, D.J. 1987. Voelwaarnemings langs die Kunene (deel II: Xangongo). Bokmakierie 39: 43-46.
Duffy, D.C. 1987. Three thousand kilometres of Chilean penguins. Explorers Journal 65(3): 106-109.
Duffy, D.C. and Veldhuis, H.A. 1987. Penguins and purse-seiners: competition or coexistence? (poster abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. C-39.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. The effects of alien plants and fire on avian community structure in mountain fynbos (abstract). Ninth Annual Research Meeting of the Fynbos Biome Project, George 23-25 June 1987., p. 7.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. Review: Birds in Scotland (Thom). Bokmakierie 39: 28.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. Review: Naturdenkmal Lummenfels Helgoland (Vlok). Bokmakierie 39: 90.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. Chaffinch (868) in COGH. Promerops 177: 8-9.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. Recent ringing. Promerops 177: 11.
raser, M.W. 1987. Rock Martin (529) feeding by artificial light. Promerops 177: 13.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. Cape White-eyes (786) drinking tree sap. Promerops 177: 13.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. The Namaqua Dove (356) on the Cape Peninsula. Promerops 178: 11.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. Cape Weaver (813) movements in the southern Peninsula. Promerops 178: 13.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. Spotted Prinia (686) catching legless lizard. Promerops 180: 17.(Reprinted in 1988 Bokmakierie 40: 17.)
Fraser, M. 1987. Review: Bander's aid (Rogers et al.). Safring News 16: 93-96.
Fraser, M.W. and McMahon, E. 1987. Interaction between Ringnecked Parakeet and Hartlaub's Gulls. Bokmakierie 39: 59. (Reprinted from Promerops 177.)
Fraser, M.W. and McMahon, E. 1987. Interaction between Roseringed Parakeet (366) and Hartlaub's Gulls (316). Promerops 177: 12-13.
Fraser, M.W. and McMahon, E. 1987. Recent ringing. Promerops 180: 14-16.
Fraser, M.W. and McMahon, E. 1987. Unusual European Swallow (518) at Olifantsbos, COGH Nature Reserve. Promerops 180: 16.
Gilbert, C. 1987. News from the islands - Marion Island. Weather Bureau Newsletter 463: 8.
Harrison, J.A. 1987. The S A B A P - no room for complacency! Bokmakierie 39: 118-120.
Harrison, J.A. 1987. Editorial. SABAP News April 1987: 1-2.
Harrison, J.A. 1987. Trouble-shooting. SABAP News April 1987: 5-6.
Harrison, J.A. 1987. Editorial. SABAP News August 1987. pp. 1-2.
Harrison, J.A. 1987. Trouble-shooting. SABAP News August 1987. pp. 5-6.
Harrison, J. 1987. Editorial: The good and the bad news. SABAP News 3: 1-3.
Harrison, J. 1987. Trouble-shooting. SABAP News 3: 3-5.
Harrison, J. 1987. Square by square through semi-deserts and forests. SABAP News 3: 5-8.
Harrison, J.A. and Brooke, R.K. 1987. Notes on the field identification of swifts in southern Africa. SABAP News 3: 9-11.
Hockey, P.A.R. 1987. Change as assessed by bird atlas project (poster abstract). National Conference on Long-term Data Series Relating to Southern Africa's Renewable Natural Resources programme, Pretoria 12-14 October 1987., pp. 34-35.
Hockey, P. 1987. Saldanha Bay - a history of exploitation. African Wildlife 41: 79, 81-82.
Hockey, P. 1987. Saldanha's seabirds - vulnerable but valuable. African Wildlife 41: 83, 85-86.
Hockey, P.A.R. 1987. Talking birds - the demise of the English language (everything you wanted to know about birding jargon - but were too embarrassed to ask). Bokmakierie 39: 30-32.
Hockey, P.A.R. 1987. Pied Wheatears, Mountain Chats, duff gen and stringing: an apology. Bokmakierie 39: 59.
Hockey, P. 1987. Atlassing in the southwestern Cape: the first five years. SABAP News August 1987. pp. 7-8.
Hockey, P.A.R. and Bosman, A.L. 1987. Effects of human exploitation on rocky intertidal communities (abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. B-55.
Hockey, P.A.R. and Branch, G.M. 1987. Dispersal of patellid limpets : the implications for exploitation (abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p.B-48.
Jackson, S. 1987. Research on the digestive physiology of seabirds at Marion Island (V49).SASCAR Newsletter 27: 7-8.
Jackson, S. 1987. Review: Women on the ice - a history of women in the far south (Chipman). SASCAR Newsletter 28: 14.
Jackson, S. and Laugksch, R.C. 1987. Seabird digestive physiology (poster abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. C-23.
Jeffery, D.J., Holmes, P.M. and Rebelo, A.G. 1987. Effects of dry heat on seed germination in selected indigenous and alien legume species in South Africa (poster abstract). Ninth Annual Research Meeting of the Fynbos Biome Project, George 23-25 June 1987., programme, pp. 16-17.
Knight, R.S. 1987. Reproductive biology of Chrysanthemoides monilifera in South Africa and Australia (poster abstract). Ninth Annual Research Meeting of the Fynbos Biome Project, George 23-25 June 1987., programme, p. 17.
Koen, J.H. and Crowe, T.M. 1987. Animal-habitat relationships in the Knysna Forest (abstract). Abstracts of papers - Birds of Evergreen Forest Symposium, Wilderness 8-10 September 1987., pp. 1-2.
Komen, J. 1987. Editorial.Lanioturdus 22: 66.
Komen, J. 1987. Batis meets Batis in Namibia. Lanioturdus 22: 79-81.
Komen, J. and Komen, E. 1987. Ekongoro - a veritable birding paradise. Lanioturdus 22: 84-85.
Komen, J. and Komen, E. 1987. Southern Elephant Seal at Bocock's Bay, Namibia. Roan News XXX
Komen, J. and the Namibia Unusual Bird Sightings Committee. 1987. Namibia unusual bird sightings report for 1986/1987. Lanioturdus 23: 57-60.
Lutjeharms, J.R.E., Gordon, A.L., Chapman, P., Allanson, B.R., Grundlingh, M.L. and Abrams, R.W. 1987. Oorsig oor die resultate van die ARC (Agulhas retroflection cruise) (abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. A-28.
Macdonald. I.A.W. 1987. Birding Hawaii: a brief glimpse into paradise lost. Bokmakierie 39: 78-80.
Macdonald, I.A.W. 1987. Report to S.A.I.E. on participation in the western Cape committee of the environmental planning professions interdisciplinary committee (EPPIC).Bulletin of the South African Institute of Ecologists 6(1): 26-29.
Macdonald, I.A.W. 1987. Invasive alien plants in private nature reserves. Effective Farming 2: 344-345.
Macdonald, I.A.W. 1987. Long-term Data Series Conference - some early thoughts. Terrestrial Ecosystems Newsletter 46: 4-5.
Macdonald, I.A.W. 1987. Banana Poka in the Knysna Forest. Veld & Flora 73: 133-134.
Macdonald, I.A.W., Macdonald, S.A., Nott, T. and Cunliffe, R.N. 1987. Plant collections made during field surveys of invasive alien plants on southern Africa: 1983-1985. Cape Town: FitzPatrick Institute: 36 pp.
Macdonald, I.A.W., Wissel, C., Knight, R.S. and Holmes, P.1987. Optimizing the control of alien woody plants in the fynbos (poster abstract). Ninth Annual Research Meeting of the Fynbos Biome Project, George 23-25 June 1987., programme, p. 18.
Milton, S. and Dean, R. 1987. Padreserwes dalk ons veld se uitkoms.Landbouweekblad 25 September pp. 20-21.
Milton, S. and Dean, R. 1987. Cactus in the Karoo: a thorny problem. Veld & Flora 73: 128-131.
Navarro, R.A., Velasquez, C.R. and Schlatter, R.P. 1987. Feeding of the Surfbird, Aphriza virgata, in Chile (abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. B-61.
Oatley, T.B. 1987. Change in wintering quarters of Cape Gannets, Morus capensis (poster abstract). National Conference on Long-term Data Series Relating to Southern Africa's Renewable Natural Resources programme, Pretoria 12-14 October 1987., programme, p. 11.
Oatley, T. 1987. Feathered ambassadors. Conserva 2(6): 6-8. Oatley, T. 1987. Bird identification - look out for the robins. SABAP News April 1987: 3-4.
Oatley, T. 1987. Editorial: Proposed ringers' workshop. Safring News 16: 1-2.
Oatley, T.B. 1987. Editorial: Ringing of White Storks. Safring News 16: 49-50.
Oatley, T.B. and Tinley, K.L. 1987. The forest avifauna of Gorongosa Mountain, Mozambique (abstract). Abstracts of papers - Birds of Evergreen Forest Symposium, Wilderness 8-10 September 1987., p. 11.
Rebelo, A.G. 1987. The dynamics of arthropod visitation to proteas (abstract). Programme of the Proceedings of the Sixth Entomological Congress, Stellenbosch 6-9 July 1987., p. 65.
Ross, G.J.B., Colclough, J.H. and Maritz, W. 1987. Population trends of Cape Gannets on Bird Island, Algoa Bay (poster abstract). National Conference on Long-term Data Series Relating to Southern Africa's Renewable Natural Resources Programme, Pretoria 12-14 October 1987., programme, p. 19.
Ryan, P.G. 1987. The effects of ingested plastic particles on seabirds (abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. A-29.
Ryan, P.G. 1987. Purple chickens and other tropical delights. Bokmakierie 39: 94-95.
Ryan, P. 1987. Peregrine Falcons (171) on the Cape Peninsula. Promerops 180: 14.
Ryan, P.G. 1987. Aberrant Whitebreasted Cormorant (55) plumage. Promerops 181: 9-10.
Ryan, P.G. 1987. Striped Flufftail (221) and Common Quail (200) on Table Mountain. Promerops 181: 10-11.
Ryan, P.G. 1987. Redwinged Starlings (769) gleaning insects from a motor vehicle. Promerops 181: 14.
Ryan, P.G., Cooper, J. and Miller, D.G.M. 1987. The use of seabirds as indicators of krill stocks (abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. A-20.
Siegfried, W.R. 1987. Foreword. In: The owls of southern Africa (Kemp), p. 9.Cape Town: Struik Winchester.
Siegfried, W.R. 1987. Marine science in South Africa: 1981-1985 (abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. D-4.
Siegfried, W.R. 1987. The ecological economics of controlling [sic] jackals in the Karoo (poster abstract). 3rd Annual Research Meeting of the Karoo Biome Project, Middelburg, C.P., 15-18 September 1987., programme, p. 18.
Siegfried, R. 1987. Exploring Africa's ecosystems. Monday Paper 6(17): 3.
Siegfried, W.R. and Brooke, R.K. 1987. Alternative life-history styles of South African birds (abstract). Abstracts for the Conference on Alternative Life History Styles of Fishes and Other Organisms, Grahamstown 22-26 June 1987., p. 85.
Underhill, G.D., Prys-Jones, R.P., Norman, S.C. and Lawn, M. 1987. The biannual primary moult of adult Willow Warblers Phylloscopus trochilus in Europe and Africa: an application of a new technique (abstract). Abstracts of papers - Birds of Evergreen Forest Symposium, Wilderness 8-10 September 1987., p. 13.
Vernon, C.J., Macdonald, I.A.W. and Dean, W.R.J. 1987. The birds in an isolated lowland tropical forest in eastern Zimbabwe (abstract). Abstracts of papers - Birds of Evergreen Forest Symposium, Wilderness 8-10 September 1987., pp. 12-13.
Verwoerd, D.J. and Du Plessis, M.A. 1987. Voelwaarnemings langs die Kunene (deel 1: Kaokoland). Bokmakierie 39: 15-18.
Walter, C.B., Cooper, J. and Laugksch, R.K. [= R.C.] 1987. Diet and population trends in Jackass Penguins and Swift Terns in the Saldanha Bay region: 1953-1986 (poster abstract). National Conference on Long-term Data Series Relating to Southern Africa's Renewable Natural Resources programme, Pretoria 12-14 October 1987., programme, p. 16.
Walter, C.B., Duffy, D.C., Cooper, J. and Suter, W. 1987. Swift Terns and the pelagic fishery - a comparison (poster abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. C-37.
Adams, N.J., Brown, C.R. and Klages, N.T. 1987.The impact of penguin predation on the marine resources around the Prince Edward Islands (abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987, symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. A-22.
Allan, D. 1987. Large bustards in the Karoo (poster abstract). 3rd Annual Research Meeting of the Karoo Biome Project, Middelburg, C.P., 15-18 September 1987., p. 24.
Allan, D. 1987. Transvaal highveld pans. African Wildlife 41: 233, 235.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert. Bee-eater 38: 42-43.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert: your help required.Boer/Farmer 15(9): 39.
Allan, D. 1987. Request for assistance - bustard alert. Bokmakierie 39: 88-89.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert. Border Buzz 34: 9-10.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert. Cape Wildlife 4: 16.
Allan, D. 1987. Help needed for bustard project. Custos 16(7): 9.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert. Diaz Diary 168: 6-7.
Allan, D. 1987. Help save the bustards. Farmer's Weekly 24 July p. 74.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert. Flamingo 3(3): 18-20.
Allan, D. 1987. Green Sandpiper along the Olifants River. Hornbill 11: 11-12.
Allan, D. 1987. Die drie groot pousoorte van Suider-Afrika. Lanbouweekblad 493: 63.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert. Lanioturdus 23: 12-13.
Allan, D. 1987. Let op vir poue. Mirafra 4: 71-72.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert. Naturalist 31(3): 5-6.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert - an appeal for information. Promerops 180: 8-9.
Allan, D. 1987. Bustard alert. SABAP News 3: 12.
Anon. [= Cooper, J.] 1987. Ornithology.[South African] Research Report to SCAR 29: 10, 21.
Anon. [= Siegfried, W.R.] 1987. Will Cinderella find her prince? Conserva 2(4): 4-6
Boobyer, M.G. 1987. Group size of the Karoo Korhaan (Eupodotis vigorsii) as an indicator of habitat quality (abstract). 3rd Annual Research Meeting of the Karoo Biome Project, Middelburg, C.P., 15-18 September 1987., programme, p. 9.
Boobyer, M. 1987. Review: Bustards in decline (Goriup & Vardhan). Bokmakierie 39: 60-61.
Bosman, A. 1987. Review: Discovering birds (Berruti). Bokmakierie 39: 90-91.
Bosman, A.L. and Hockey, P.A.R. 1987. The role of nutrient levels in determining rocky intertidal community structure on islands off the west coast of southern Africa (abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. B-43.
Brooke, M. 1987. Research on seabirds at Gough and Nightingale Islands in 1986. SASCAR Newsletter 27: 6-7.
Brooke, R. 1987. Review: Birds of the Hilton College Estate (White). Bokmakierie 39: 28.
Brooke, R.K. 1987. Historical sketch of Afrotropical ornithology. Bokmakierie 39: 75-77.
Brooke, R. 1987. Review: The encyclopaedia of birds (Perrins & Middleton Eds). Bokmakierie 39: 89.
Brooke, R. 1987. Obituary: Reay Henry Noble Smithers O.B.E. 1907-1987. Bokmakierie 39: 96.
Brooke, R.K. 1987. Former breeding sites of the Wattled Crane (207) in the CBC atlas area. Promerops 177: 4-5.
Brooke, R. 1987. In: Micro notes. Promerops 177: 9.
Brooke, R.K. 1987. A year's end bird atlassing trip to the western Karoo and eastern Bushmanland. Promerops 178: 4-5.
Brooke, R. 1987. A weekend's bird atlassing trip to Calvinia - by mistake. Promerops 181: 7-8.
Brooke, R. 1987. In: Micro notes. Promerops 181: 11.
Brooke, R. 1987. University of Cape Town - Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology. Zoological Society of Southern Africa Newsletter 1987. (2): 16-19.
Cooper, J. 1987. Editorial: Conservation of sub-Antarctic islands. Cormorant 14: 1-2.
Cooper, J. 1987. Island-based scientific research at Marion Island (V45).SASCAR Newsletter 26: 2-3.
Cooper, J. 1987. History of the Prince Edward Islands: IV. Early female visitors. SASCAR Newsletter 27: 5-6.
Crowe, A.A. and Crowe, T.M. 1987. Life sciences (biology).In: BRYCE, A. (Ed.), The A to Z of careers in South Africa, pp. 460-471.Cape Town: Dan Nelson.
Crowe, T.M. 1987. Review: Gamebirds & waterfowl of southern Africa (Kemp & Barnicoat). Bokmakierie 39: 121.
Crowe, T. 1987. The Greywing Partridge research project: an appeal for support. Pelea 6: 65-67.
Dean, S.J. and Dean, W.R.J. 1987. Fiscal Shrike (732) predation on Mountain Chat (586). Promerops 180: 17-18.
Dean, W.R.J. 1987. Insect granivores in the succulent Karoo (poster abstract). 3rd Annual Research Meeting of the Karoo Biome Project, Middelburg, C.P., 15-18 September 1987., programme, p. 25-26.
Dean, W.R.J. 1987. Rameron Pigeons: some notes on food and foraging. Bee-eater 38: 23.
Dean, W.R.J. 1987. Canary foods and feeding techniques in the Knysna area. Bee-eater 38: 26-27.
Dean, W.R.J. and Dean, S.J. 1987. A hazard for birds. Promerops 179: 10.
Dean, W.R.J. and Hockey, P.A.R. 1987. An ecological perspective on lark distribution in the Karoo (abstract). 3rd Annual Research Meeting of the Karoo Biome Project, Middelburg, C.P., 15-18 September 1987., programme, p. 9-10.
Dowsett, R.J. 1987. Potential problems in ageing and sexing southern African passerines. Safring News 16: 17-20.
Du Plessis, M.A. 1987. The influence of cavity availability on Redbilled Woodhoopoe (Phoeniculus purpureus) flock size (abstract). Abstracts of papers - Birds of Evergreen Forest Symposium, Wilderness 8-10 September 1987., pp. 6-7.
Du Plessis, M.A. and Verwoerd, D.J. 1987. Voelwaarnemings langs die Kunene (deel II: Xangongo). Bokmakierie 39: 43-46.
Duffy, D.C. 1987. Three thousand kilometres of Chilean penguins. Explorers Journal 65(3): 106-109.
Duffy, D.C. and Veldhuis, H.A. 1987. Penguins and purse-seiners: competition or coexistence? (poster abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. C-39.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. The effects of alien plants and fire on avian community structure in mountain fynbos (abstract). Ninth Annual Research Meeting of the Fynbos Biome Project, George 23-25 June 1987., p. 7.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. Review: Birds in Scotland (Thom). Bokmakierie 39: 28.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. Review: Naturdenkmal Lummenfels Helgoland (Vlok). Bokmakierie 39: 90.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. Chaffinch (868) in COGH. Promerops 177: 8-9.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. Recent ringing. Promerops 177: 11.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. Rock Martin (529) feeding by artificial light. Promerops 177: 13.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. Cape White-eyes (786) drinking tree sap. Promerops 177: 13.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. The Namaqua Dove (356) on the Cape Peninsula. Promerops 178: 11.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. Cape Weaver (813) movements in the southern Peninsula. Promerops 178: 13.
Fraser, M.W. 1987. Spotted Prinia (686) catching legless lizard. Promerops 180: 17.(Reprinted in 1988 Bokmakierie 40: 17.)
Fraser, M. 1987. Review: Bander's aid (Rogers et al.). Safring News 16: 93-96.
Fraser, M.W. and McMahon, E. 1987. Interaction between Ringnecked Parakeet and Hartlaub's Gulls. Bokmakierie 39: 59. (Reprinted from Promerops 177.)
Fraser, M.W. and McMahon, E. 1987. Interaction between Roseringed Parakeet (366) and Hartlaub's Gulls (316). Promerops 177: 12-13.
Fraser, M.W. and McMahon, E. 1987. Recent ringing. Promerops 180: 14-16.
Fraser, M.W. and McMahon, E. 1987. Unusual European Swallow (518) at Olifantsbos, COGH Nature Reserve. Promerops 180: 16.
Gilbert, C. 1987. News from the islands - Marion Island. Weather Bureau Newsletter 463: 8.
Harrison, J.A. 1987. The S A B A P - no room for complacency! Bokmakierie 39: 118-120.
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Harrison, J.A. 1987. Trouble-shooting. SABAP News April 1987: 5-6.
Harrison, J.A. 1987. Editorial. SABAP News August 1987. pp. 1-2.
Harrison, J.A. 1987. Trouble-shooting. SABAP News August 1987. pp. 5-6.
Harrison, J. 1987. Editorial: The good and the bad news. SABAP News 3: 1-3.
Harrison, J. 1987. Trouble-shooting. SABAP News 3: 3-5.
Harrison, J. 1987. Square by square through semi-deserts and forests. SABAP News 3: 5-8.
Harrison, J.A. and Brooke, R.K. 1987. Notes on the field identification of swifts in southern Africa. SABAP News 3: 9-11.
Hockey, P.A.R. 1987. Change as assessed by bird atlas project (poster abstract). National Conference on Long-term Data Series Relating to Southern Africa's Renewable Natural Resources programme, Pretoria 12-14 October 1987., pp. 34-35.
Hockey, P. 1987. Saldanha Bay - a history of exploitation. African Wildlife 41: 79, 81-82.
Hockey, P. 1987. Saldanha's seabirds - vulnerable but valuable. African Wildlife 41: 83, 85-86.
Hockey, P.A.R. 1987. Talking birds - the demise of the English language (everything you wanted to know about birding jargon - but were too embarrassed to ask). Bokmakierie 39: 30-32.
Hockey, P.A.R. 1987. Pied Wheatears, Mountain Chats, duff gen and stringing: an apology. Bokmakierie 39: 59.
Hockey, P. 1987. Atlassing in the southwestern Cape: the first five years. SABAP News August 1987. pp. 7-8.
Hockey, P.A.R. and Bosman, A.L. 1987. Effects of human exploitation on rocky intertidal communities (abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. B-55.
Hockey, P.A.R. and Branch, G.M. 1987. Dispersal of patellid limpets: the implications for exploitation (abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p.B-48.
Jackson, S. 1987. Research on the digestive physiology of seabirds at Marion Island (V49). SASCAR Newsletter 27: 7-8.
Jackson, S. 1987. Review: Women on the ice - a history of women in the far south (Chipman). SASCAR Newsletter 28: 14.
Jackson, S. and Laugksch, R.C. 1987. Seabird digestive physiology (poster abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. C-23.
Jeffery, D.J., Holmes, P.M. and Rebelo, A.G. 1987. Effects of dry heat on seed germination in selected indigenous and alien legume species in South Africa (poster abstract). Ninth Annual Research Meeting of the Fynbos Biome Project, George 23-25 June 1987., programme, pp. 16-17.
Knight, R.S. 1987. Reproductive biology of Chrysanthemoides monilifera in South Africa and Australia (poster abstract). Ninth Annual Research Meeting of the Fynbos Biome Project, George 23-25 June 1987., programme, p. 17.
Koen, J.H. and Crowe, T.M. 1987. Animal-habitat relationships in the Knysna Forest (abstract). Abstracts of papers - Birds of Evergreen Forest Symposium, Wilderness 8-10 September 1987., pp. 1-2.
Komen, J. 1987. Editorial. Lanioturdus 22: 66.
Komen, J. 1987. Batis meets Batis in Namibia. Lanioturdus 22: 79-81.
Komen, J. and Komen, E. 1987. Ekongoro - a veritable birding paradise. Lanioturdus 22: 84-85.
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Macdonald. I.A.W. 1987. Birding Hawaii: a brief glimpse into paradise lost. Bokmakierie 39: 78-80.
Macdonald, I.A.W. 1987. Report to S.A.I.E. on participation in the western Cape committee of the environmental planning professions interdisciplinary committee (EPPIC). Bulletin of the South African Institute of Ecologists 6(1): 26-29.
Macdonald, I.A.W. 1987. Invasive alien plants in private nature reserves. Effective Farming 2: 344-345.
Macdonald, I.A.W. 1987. Long-term Data Series Conference - some early thoughts. Terrestrial Ecosystems Newsletter 46: 4-5.
Macdonald, I.A.W. 1987. Banana Poka in the Knysna Forest. Veld & Flora 73: 133-134.
Macdonald, I.A.W., Macdonald, S.A., Nott, T. and Cunliffe, R.N. 1987. Plant collections made during field surveys of invasive alien plants on southern Africa: 1983-1985. Cape Town: FitzPatrick Institute: 36 pp.
Macdonald, I.A.W., Wissel, C., Knight, R.S. and Holmes, P.1987. Optimizing the control of alien woody plants in the fynbos (poster abstract). Ninth Annual Research Meeting of the Fynbos Biome Project, George 23-25 June 1987., programme, p. 18.
Milton, S. and Dean, R. 1987. Padreserwes dalk ons veld se uitkoms. Landbouweekblad 25 September pp. 20-21.
Milton, S. and Dean, R. 1987. Cactus in the Karoo: a thorny problem. Veld & Flora 73: 128-131.
Navarro, R.A., Velasquez, C.R. and Schlatter, R.P. 1987. Feeding of the Surfbird, Aphriza virgata, in Chile (abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. B-61.
Oatley, T.B. 1987. Change in wintering quarters of Cape Gannets, Morus capensis (poster abstract). National Conference on Long-term Data Series Relating to Southern Africa's Renewable Natural Resources programme, Pretoria 12-14 October 1987., programme, p. 11.
Oatley, T. 1987. Feathered ambassadors. Conserva 2(6): 6-8. Oatley, T. 1987. Bird identification - look out for the robins. SABAP News April 1987: 3-4.
Oatley, T. 1987. Editorial: Proposed ringers' workshop. Safring News 16: 1-2.
Oatley, T.B. 1987. Editorial: Ringing of White Storks. Safring News 16: 49-50.
Oatley, T.B. and Tinley, K.L. 1987. The forest avifauna of Gorongosa Mountain, Mozambique (abstract). Abstracts of papers - Birds of Evergreen Forest Symposium, Wilderness 8-10 September 1987., p. 11.
Rebelo, A.G. 1987. The dynamics of arthropod visitation to proteas (abstract). Programme of the Proceedings of the Sixth Entomological Congress, Stellenbosch 6-9 July 1987., p. 65.
Ross, G.J.B., Colclough, J.H. and Maritz, W. 1987. Population trends of Cape Gannets on Bird Island, Algoa Bay (poster abstract). National Conference on Long-term Data Series Relating to Southern Africa's Renewable Natural Resources Programme, Pretoria 12-14 October 1987., programme, p. 19.
Ryan, P.G. 1987. The effects of ingested plastic particles on seabirds (abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. A-29.
Ryan, P.G. 1987. Purple chickens and other tropical delights. Bokmakierie 39: 94-95.
Ryan, P. 1987. Peregrine Falcons (171) on the Cape Peninsula. Promerops 180: 14.
Ryan, P.G. 1987. Aberrant Whitebreasted Cormorant (55) plumage. Promerops 181: 9-10.
Ryan, P.G. 1987. Striped Flufftail (221) and Common Quail (200) on Table Mountain. Promerops 181: 10-11.
Ryan, P.G. 1987. Redwinged Starlings (769) gleaning insects from a motor vehicle. Promerops 181: 14.
Ryan, P.G., Cooper, J. and Miller, D.G.M. 1987. The use of seabirds as indicators of krill stocks (abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. A-20.
Siegfried, W.R. 1987. Foreword. In: The owls of southern Africa (Kemp), p. 9. Cape Town: Struik Winchester.
Siegfried, W.R. 1987. Marine science in South Africa: 1981-1985 (abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. D-4.
Siegfried, W.R. 1987. The ecological economics of controlling [sic] jackals in the Karoo (poster abstract). 3rd Annual Research Meeting of the Karoo Biome Project, Middelburg, C.P., 15-18 September 1987., programme, p. 18.
Siegfried, R. 1987. Exploring Africa's ecosystems. Monday Paper 6(17): 3.
Siegfried, W.R. and Brooke, R.K. 1987. Alternative life-history styles of South African birds (abstract). Abstracts for the Conference on Alternative Life History Styles of Fishes and Other Organisms, Grahamstown 22-26 June 1987., p. 85.
Underhill, G.D., Prys-Jones, R.P., Norman, S.C. and Lawn, M. 1987. The biannual primary moult of adult Willow Warblers Phylloscopus trochilus in Europe and Africa: an application of a new technique (abstract). Abstracts of papers - Birds of Evergreen Forest Symposium, Wilderness 8-10 September 1987., p. 13.
Vernon, C.J., Macdonald, I.A.W. and Dean, W.R.J. 1987. The birds in an isolated lowland tropical forest in eastern Zimbabwe (abstract). Abstracts of papers - Birds of Evergreen Forest Symposium, Wilderness 8-10 September 1987., pp. 12-13.
Verwoerd, D.J. and Du Plessis, M.A. 1987. Voelwaarnemings langs die Kunene (deel 1: Kaokoland). Bokmakierie 39: 15-18.
Walter, C.B., Cooper, J. and Laugksch, R.K. [= R.C.] 1987. Diet and population trends in Jackass Penguins and Swift Terns in the Saldanha Bay region: 1953-1986 (poster abstract). National Conference on Long-term Data Series Relating to Southern Africa's Renewable Natural Resources programme, Pretoria 12-14 October 1987., programme, p. 16.
Walter, C.B., Duffy, D.C., Cooper, J. and Suter, W. 1987. Swift Terns and the pelagic fishery - a comparison (poster abstract). Sixth National Oceanographic Symposium, Stellenbosch 6-10 July 1987., symposium handbook and abstracts of papers and posters, p. C-37.