Publication lists

Anon. 1980. Improving Ostrich incubation. Scientific Progress 13(2): 5.

Anon. [= Siegfried, W.R.] 1980. Ornithology. South African Antarctic Research Activities 22: 11, 17-18.

Avery, G. and Siegfried, W.R. 1980. 150 000-year tradition: food gatherers along South Africa's seashore. Oceans 13(4): 32-37.

Berruti, A. 1980. Ornithological research on S A Agulhas cruise 10 to Gough Island. SANCOR Newsletter 25: 1.

Berruti, A. 1980. Ornithology on SA Agulhas: cruise 13. SANCOR Newsletter 29: 1-2.

Brooke, R.K. 1980. An assessment of rare and endangered South African breeding birds (abstract). Programme and abstracts Fifth Pan-African Ornithological Congress, p. 32.

Brooke, R. 1980. Foraging swifts. Bee-eater 31: 26-27.

Brooke, R.K. 1980. The juvenal plumage of the Southern Puffback. Honeyguide 101: 22,23,25.

Brooke, R.K. 1980. The Palm Swifts of the Sebakwe River. Honeyguide 102: 35.

Brooke, R.K. 1980. Further increase of the Little Swift around Salisbury. Honeyguide 102: 35.

Brooke, R.K. 1980. Comments on the 1979 Guide to the birds of the S.W. Cape. Promerops 142: 1-2.

Brooke, R.K. 1980. In: Reports and observations. Promerops 142: 3-5.

Brooke, R.K. 1980. Little Swift (385). Promerops 145: 9.

Brooke, R.K. 1980. A Blue Tit and a Chaffinch reach Cape Town. Promerops 146: 4.

Brooke, R. 1980. Banqueters at a termite alate emergence. Promerops 146: 4-5.

Brooke, R.K. 1980. An assessment of rare and endangered South African breeding birds. Vulture News 4: 20.

Cooper, J. Changes in resource division among seabirds in the Benguela upwelling system, 1953 - 1978 (abstract). Programme and abstracts Fifth Pan-African Ornithological Congress, pp. 15-16.

Cooper, J. 1980. Colour-ringed terns. Albatross 260: 7.

Cooper, J. 1980. Editorial: real birds eat fish. Cormorant 8: 2.

Cooper, J. 1980. Resolution. Cormorant 8: 32.

Cooper, J. 1980. Editorial. Cormorant 8: 41.

Cooper, J. 1980. Resolution on conservation of the Jackass Penguin. Diaz Diary 78: 12-13.

Cooper, J. 1980. Request for information: colour ringed Swift Terns. Outeniqua Naturalists' Club Newsletter 55: 1.

Cooper, J. 1980. Colour ringed Swift Terns. Promerops 145: 1.

Cooper, J. 1980. Ornithological survey of the northern Cape coastline. SANCOR Newsletter 27: 6.

Cooper, J. 1980. Request for information: colour ringed Swift Terns. Safring News 9: 55.

Crowe, A.A. and Crowe, T.M. 1980. Breeding patterns shown by the White-fronted Sandplover in southern Africa (abstract). Programme and abstracts Fifth Pan-African Ornithological Congress, p. 42.

Crowe, T.M., Brooke, R.K. and Siegfried, W.R. 1980. Evolution and adaptive radiation in southern African House Sparrows Passer domesticus (abstract). Programme and abstracts Fifth Pan-African Ornithological Congress, pp. 8-9.

Crowe, T.M. and Crowe, A.A. 1980. Numerical analysis of African bird species distribution: derivation of ornithogeographical zones and Pleistocene refugia (abstract). Programme and abstracts Fifth Pan-African Ornithological Congress, pp. 16-17.

Crowe, T.M. and Liversidge, R. 1980. Gambling against death. African Wildlife 34(4): 32-33.

Griffiths, A.M. 1980. Ornithological research on S A Agulhas voyage 11 to SANAE. SANCOR Newsletter 27: 6-7.

Hockey, P.A.R. 1980. Determinants of diurnal activity rhythms in the South African Black Oystercatcher, Haematopus moquini (abstract). Programme and abstracts Fifth Pan-African Ornithological Congress, p. 38.

Hockey, P.A.R. 1980. Ringed Black Oystercatchers. Albatross 259: 7.

Hockey, P.A.R. 1980. Request for information on Black Oystercatchers. Bee-eater 31: 5.

Hockey, P.A.R. 1980. Black Oystercatchers. Diaz Diary 80: 11.

Hockey, P.A.R. 1980. Request for information on Black Oystercatchers. Outeniqua Naturalists' Club Newsletter 54: 1.

Mackenzie, D. 1980. Little Swift (385). Promerops 144: 9.

Mackenzie, D. 1980. Swifts breeding on Table Mountain. Promerops 144: 9.

Mebes, H.D. 1980. Forschungsprojekt Koexistenzoekologie von Agapornis roseicollis (Rosenpapagei). S.W.A. Scientific Society Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe Newsletter 16(9): 1-2.

Morant, P.D. 1980. Editorial: milestones. Safring News 9: 1.

Morant, P.D. 1980. Hot line for recoveries. Safring News 9: 2.

Morant, P.D. 1980. News from Safring. Safring News 9: 25-35.

Morant, P. 1980. Sea bird ringing in South Africa and the Southern Ocean. Institute of Oceanography Yearbook 1979: 11-13.

Siegfried, W.R. 1980. Optimal group size for Cape Turtle Doves at desert water holes (abstract). Programme and abstracts Fifth Pan-African Ornithological Congress, p. 39.

Siegfried, W.R. 1980. The Benguela ecosystem: abundant life off southwest Africa. Oceans 13(4): 20-26.

Sinclair, J.C. 1980. LBJs in the fynbos. Bokmakierie 32: 13-16.

Sinclair, J.C. 1980. Rednecked Stint (253X). Promerops 144: 6.

Sinclair, J.C. and Hockey, P.A.R. 1980. Wilson's Phalarope in South Africa. Bokmakierie 32: 114-115.

Williams, A.J. and Cooper, J. 1980. Aspects of the breeding biology of the Jackass Penguin Spheniscus demersus (abstract). Programme and abstracts Fifth Pan-African Ornithological Congress, p. 44.