Publication lists

Elliott, C.C.H. 1971. Bird ringing in southern Africa. In: Newman, K.B. (Ed.), Birdlife in southern Africa, pp. 217-226. Johannesburg: Purnell.

Elliott, C. 1971. Swallows in the south. Animals 13: 746-747.

Elliott, C.C.H. 1971. Bird land. Bokmakierie 23: 21-22.

Elliott, C.C.H. 1971. Life at another institute. Bokmakierie 23: 28-29.

Elliott, C.C.H. 1971. Nest destruction by weaver birds. Natal Bird Club News Sheet 193: 1-2.

Elliott, C.C.H. 1971. Review: Nidification du pelican blanc (Pelecanus onocrotalus) dans le centre Africain (Dragesco Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun 5: 103-111). Ostrich 42: 304.

Frost, P.G.H. 1971. Birds of our coasts and offshore waters. In: Newman, K.B. (Ed.), Birdlife in southern Africa, pp. 160-174. Johannesburg: Purnell.

Frost, P.G.H. 1971. African Wildfowl Enquiry. Bee-eater 22(4) Annexure.

Frost, P.G.H. 1971. African Wildfowl Enquiry. Northern Transvaal Ornithological Society Newsletter 10: 7-8.

Rowan, M.K. 1971. Anting in birds. Bokmakierie 23: 62.

Rowan, M.K. 1971. English names of birds. Bokmakierie 23: 71-72.

Rowan, M.K. 1971. Adventures of a Red-winged Starling. Bokmakierie 23: 74-76.

Rowan, M.K. 1971. Review: Breeding experiences with Bluenaped and Speckled Mousebirds (Schifter Avic. Mag. 75: 54-62). Ostrich 42: 85.

Rowan, M.K. 1971. Review: The status of Ethiopian waders in Zambia (Tree Puku 5: 181-205). Ostrich 42: 85.

Rowan, M.K. 1971. Review: Mortality among Swallows Hirundo rustica. (Vincent Lammergeyer 10: 79-98). Ostrich 42: 85.

Rowan, M.K. 1971. Review: Comments on an intersexual bulbul (Storey & Harrison Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 89: 160-162). Ostrich 42: 85.

Rowan, M.K. 1971. Review: Nesting of the Shoebill Balaeniceps rex Gould in the Bangweulu Swamps (Critchley & Grimsdell Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 90: 119). Ostrich 42: 85.

Rowan, M.K. 1971. Review: The European Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe (L.) in southern Africa (Borrett & Jackson Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 90: 124-129). Ostrich 42: 86.

Rowan, M.K. 1971. Review: Some Rhodesian and Mozambique records of the Bronze-naped Pigeon Columba delegorguei Delegorgue (Irwin & Benson Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 90: 131-132). Ostrich 42: 86.

Rowan, M.K. 1971. Review: Buccal colours in some sunbirds (Brooke Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 90: 134-135). Ostrich 42: 86.

Rowan, M.K. 1971. Review: Further records of Caprimulgus europaeus plumipes Przhevalsky in south-eastern Africa (Jackson Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 90: 135). Ostrich 42: 86.

Rowan, M.K. 1971. Review: The ecology and behavior of the Lewis Woodpecker (Asyndesmus lewis) (Bock Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 92: 1-100). Ostrich 42: 86.

Rowan, M.K. 1971. Review: The Pygmy Falcon Polihierax semitorquatus (Maclean Koedoe 13: 1-21). Ostrich 42: 159.

Rowan, M.K. 1971. Review: Aspects of adaptive radiation in southern African accipiters (Black & Ross Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) 8(6): 57-65). Ostrich 42: 304.

Siegfried, W.R. 1971. Our ducks and geese. In: Newman, K.B. (Ed.), Birdlife in southern Africa, pp. 83-92. Johannesburg: Purnell.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1971. Garden bird feeding. African Wildlife 25: 38.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1971. Birds following ploughs. Bokmakierie 23: 68-69.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1971. English names of birds. Bokmakierie 23: 72.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1971. Bird distribution in the Transvaal. Bokmakierie 23: 84.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1971. Birds and man. Cape Bird Club Newsletter 98: 2.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1971. Garden bird feeding. Honeyguide 65: 43.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1971. Enquiry into garden bird feeding. Northern Transvaal Ornithological Society Newsletter 2(1): 8.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1971. Review: The Royal Tern Sterna maxima Boddaert in south-eastern Africa (Clancey Durban Mus. Novit.8 (20): 375-377). Ostrich 42: 84.

Winterbottom, J.M. 1971. Chairman's report. Ostrich 42: 308-309.