Dissertation and project lists

Doctoral theses

Burger, A. 1980. Behavioural ecology of Lesser Sheathbills Chionis minor at Marion Island. PhD Thesis, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Roy Siegfried.

Williams, T. 1980. Breeding biology of Eudyptes penguins with particular reference to egg-size dimorphism. PhD Thesis, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Roy Siegfried.

Masters theses

Banks, D. 1980. Use of habitat by waterbirds within a fluctuating environment. MSc Thesis, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Roy Siegfried.

Zoology honours projects and essays*

Rebelo, A.G. 1980. Patterns of distribution, diversity and body mass variation in guilds of afrotropical birds. BSc Honours Project, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: Tim Crowe.

Robertson, H.G. 1980. Comparative energetics of precocial and altricial breeding patterns in birds. BSc Honours Project, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: PFIAO.

Wilson, N.S.H. 1980. Contributions to the functional morphology of the Antarctic Petrel, Thalassoica antarctica. Zoology III Project, University of Cape Town. Supervisor: PFIAO.

*Supervised by FitzPatrick Institute staff and researchers