2010 was the 50th Anniversary year of the Fitztitute. The core raison d’être of the Fitztitute continues to be a centre of excellent research and scholarship.
Today, the Fitztitute is the only institution of its kind in the southern hemisphere. It is arguably the most active of its kind in the world, in terms of its programmes of both research and education. It has produced more than 250 MSc and PhD students from 40 countries, 23 being in Africa. In recognition of its past achievements and future potential, in 2004 the Fitztitute was awarded the prestigious status of being one of only six National Centres of Excellence in Science and Technology – an award made by the South African Department of Science and Technology and the National Research Foundation.
Students are an integral part of any research activity and contribute directly to the country’s intellectual capital and problem-solving capacity. We invite all alumni to make sure that their paths since graduating at the Fitztitute are entered into our database and to ensure that this information is kept up to date. Please encourage others to do the same.
Please bookmark this page for future reference and submit any queries or suggestions to fitz@uct.ac.za.
For more information about what is required see Submitting Information.