You are invited to the 2015 meeting of the SKA Pathfinders Radio Continuum Surveys (SPARCS), which will be held at Kruger National Park from 1-3 July.
This is the fifth meeting of the SPARCS community. This year will see important milestones on the pathway to SKA continuum survey science. Commissioning of the first several antennas of MeerKAT and ASKAP will be well advanced, as well as planning for early science. The various continuum science chapters arising from Sicily meeting will be published, articulating our ideas for continuum survey science with SKA1. Planning for SKA Key Science programs will begin. Meanwhile result from deep continuum surveys with the LOFAR, JVLA and GMRT are revealing the faint radio universe in combination with multi-wavelength data sets, and plans are underway for the next generation surveys. There is much to share and discuss.
We encourage graduate students and post docs to participate, as SPARCS planning and projects path find the scientific and technical directions toward SKA continuum survey science. The Protea Kruger Gate is a world-class hotel situated at the entrance to the world famous Kruger Park National Park. Please book your accommodation as soon as possible to ensure availability. Go to the Accommodation & Venue tab to see how to book. The winter months are quite popular for game viewing. Please register early. The total number of participants will be restrict to ~50
Dates: Registration: 1 April 2015
Accommodation: 1 April 2015
Abstract: 1 May 2015
Meeting begins: 1 July 2015