Welcome to 3GC4
We are pleased to welcome you to the 3GC4 Workshop in Port Alfred.
Presenters/lecturers and participants: Please upload a PDF of your talk on the following Dropbox Link:
This link can be used to upload relevant information.
Workshop resources that have been uploaded on our public Dropbox folder can be accessed here:
You can download our most recent version of the programme.
Brad's Intro Slides: frank-3gc4-info.pdf.
MeerKAT Experts in Training
The 3GC4 - HI Fidelity workshop will focus on the development of technical and scientific skills directly relevant to the large imaging surveys that will be conducted with the SKA pathfinder telescopes, i.e., MeerKAT, ASKAP and APERTIF.
In order to take advantage of the wealth of data that these large surveys will produce, we need to have a cohort of South African astronomers who are well versed in radio interferometry and the specific skills required to transform raw radio visibilities into scientific products. The HI Fidelity workshop will involve a combination of lectures, tutorials and work-sessions during which participants are introduced to the basics of radio interferometric calibration, imaging/deconvolution, and advanced topics in HI-line analysis, such as moment-analysis (e.g., intensity maps, velocity fields), kinematic modeling and source finding.
It will conducted over the two-week period: 24 October - 4 November 2016. The workshop will be held in Port Alfred in the Eastern Cape of South Africa.
The first week is dedicated to a radio school. We will focus on teaching postgraduate students and early-career researchers the skills and tools necessary to develop a competence in radio astronomy, with a particular emphasis on HI science. We will also provide a parallel branch of lectures and exercises geared towards high-dynamic range challenges in continuum calibration and imaging.
The second week extends the concepts and basic skills learned during the first week, by focusing on advanced and contemporary topics in calibration and imaging. This includes talks and tutorials related to pipeline development, advanced software tools and challenges related to the delivery of scientific products.