You are invited to the 2016 meeting of the Pathfinders HI Science Coordination Committee (PHISCC), which will be held in Cape Town, South Africa, from 1-3 February 2016.
In February 2016, commissioning of the first several antennas of MeerKAT, ASKAP and APERTIF will be well advanced. Meanwhile results from the deep HI survey, CHILES, on the JVLA are coming out.
The main meeting will be held February 1-3. However, meetings dedicated to particular surveys, could be held February 4-7, if people express some interest for them.
For PHISCC 2016 we aim to bring together the people designing specific tools for the upcoming large HI surveys with the astronomers that are going to use them. It is crucial that the two groups are well represented. The discussion will be as much on the tools already developed as on the ones that still need to be developed.
Conference Photo
Important dates:
Registration: 1 December 2015
Abstract submission: 1 December 2015
Accommodation: 1 January 2015
Meeting begins: 1 February 2015
Splinter meetings (contact phiscc2016 AT to arrange)
Registration fee:
R 1 000 (to cover teas, lunches and the conference dinner)
Payment options:
You can pay this in cash directly upon registration on the first day of the conference OR you can make an electronic payment before you arrive.
If you would prefer to make an early electronic payment, the banking details can be found here.
Please use the following as a reference:
PHISCC2016, Roslyn.Daniels AT
to allow us to trace the payment. Please also email your proof of payment to:
Roslyn Daniels: Roslyn.Daniels AT
Local Organising Committee:
Claude Carignan
Sarah Blyth
Roslyn Daniels